Philadelphia Public Art

Size: Small

Pieces that are life-size or smaller and/or are smaller than an average person.

Blessed John Neumann C. SS. R.
* Statue of John Nepomucene Neumann
* small standing people, symbols
* inscription:
Front of the statue:
Blessed John Neumann C. SS. R.
Fourth Bishop of Philadephia
Side of the statue:
In memory of Joanne Swiggard [or Swiccard]
Plaque on the base:
"Give Me Holiness"
John N. Neumann
Born March 28, 1811
Ordained Priest June 25, 1836
Became a Redemptorist January 16, 1842
Consecrated Bishop, March 25, 1852
Died January 5, 1860
Declared Heroic in Virtue December 11, 1921
Declared Blessed October 13, 1963
Canonized June 19, 1977
* Outside the National Shrine of Saint John Neumann. South side of Girard, East of 5th.
* 39.97000,-75.144700 [map] [nearby]
* On the Northern Liberties tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s John Nepomucene Neumann page

Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler
* Bas-relief bust of Smedley D. Butler
* small head and upper torso
* inscription:
United States Marine Corps
Director of
Public Safety
January 7, 1924
December 23, 1925
He enforced the law impartially
He defended it courageously
He proved incorruptible
* Interior. North Pavilion of City Hall. South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.952950,-75.163500 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s Smedley Butler page's City Hall page's City Hall page

Bull Negative and Bull Positive
Filippo Bermani
* small bulls
* Smaller pieces on the grounds are not consistently documented and are sometimes moved. This piece has been moved since the pictures were taken.
* Grounds of Woodmere Art Museum. Corner of Germantown Avenue and Bells Mill Road.
* 40.083150,-75.219980 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* See also: page for Bull Positive with an explanation of Filippo Bermani's Philip and Muriel Berman page

* small chimeras, flame
* Over the entrance. 1921 Chestnut (North side of Chestnut between 19th and 20th).
* 39.951990,-75.172694 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists

J. Seward Johnson, Jr.
* small people standing
* Was East and North of 39th and Filbert. Clearly visible in a Street View picture from 2019. Not there when checked on December 9, 2023.
* 39.958150,-75.198750 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Medical, Missing
* See also:'s page for this piece's Penn Presbyterian Medical Center page

Corp. James J. Cochran VFW Post 251 Memorial
* Named for James J. Cochran
* small VFW emblem, eagles, arrows and shield, olive branch
* The VFW Post, which has since closed, was named for Cochran in 1919. Whether this was intended as a memorial to Cochran in particular or a tribute to all the members of the Post is unclear.
* inscription:
Corp. James J. Cochran
Post No. 251
Veterans of Foreign Wars
of the United States
* North side of the triangle at 37th, Powelton, and Lancaster.
* 39.959610,-75.195335 [map] [nearby]
* On the Powelton tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s John J. Cochran page

Elfreth's Alley Sign
* small houses, sign
* South side of Elfreth's Alley. East side of 2nd, North of Arch.
* 39.952825,-75.143020 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:

Fireman's Hall Sign
* small sign, fire engine, horse, sitting people, helmets
* South wall. Fireman's Hall Museum. Just East of 2nd and Quarry.
* 39.953230,-75.142850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters, Unidentified Artists
* See also:

* small crouching person, bat-like creature
* Entrance. North side of South between Front and 2nd.
* 39.941075,-75.144475 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles, Unidentified Artists

Golden Fleece Logo
* small sheep, ribbon, Brooks Brothers Logo
* There used to be a Brooks Brothers at this location
* inscription: Established 1818
* East Entrance. West side of 15th between Chestnut and Sansom.
* 39.950775,-75.165700 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also: entry for the building's Brooks Brothers page

Independence Hall History
* small outlines of buildings, text (historical marker)
* outlines and histories of Independence Hall, Old City Hall, and Congress Hall. There are two of these: one nearer 5th and one nearer 6th. This is the one closer to 5th.
* Carved into the sidewalk. Across the street from Independence Hall. North side of Chestnut between 5th and 6th.
* 39.949160,-75.149765 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Independence Hall page

Last Resting Place of Benjamin Franklin
* Memorial to and relief bust of (with quotes from) Benjamin Franklin, Honore Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot and George Washington
* small head
* inscription:
The last resting place of Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790
"Venerated for benevolence, admired for talent, esteemed for patriotism, beloved for philanthropy"
"The sage whom two worlds claimed as their own."
"He tore from the skies the lightning and from tyrants the sceptre"

* Fencepost. South side of Arch, just East of 5th.
* 39.952450,-75.148250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Benjamin Franklin page's Mirabeau page's Turgot page's George Washington page

Major General John Fulton Reynolds Memorial
* memorial to and relief bust of John Fulton Reynolds
* small head
* The park was dedicated in 1923. The flagpole was installed in 1929 with references to a war memorial to be installed later. The park was upgraded by the city in 2021. There are pictures on line from 2019 that show the memorial closer to 24th Street.
* inscription:
Maj Gen John Fulton Reynolds
Killed at Gettysburg July 1 1863
Commanding the left wing of the
Army of the Potomac
* Warriner Park. Northeast corner, 24th and Passyunk.
* 39.922610,-75.186710 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s John F. Reynolds page

* statue of Mary
* small standing person
* inscription:
Erected to the memory of our 1943A Classmates who gave their lives in World War II
Raymond E. Adams, Donald A. Bath, John J. Corcoran, Robert M. Cox, John A. Dreger, Richard Farrell, James J. French, Laurence H. Gellbach, Walter F. Higgins, John J. Loughery, Francis J. Mac Murtrie, Robert De L. McKee
Donated by friends and relatives
* Between the stairs. Barbelin Hall, Saint Joseph's University. City Line, West of 54th.
* 39.995350,-75.237950 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page

* statue of Mary
* small standing person, head covering, crucifix, rose
* Visible through a gate at the other end of an alley
* Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church. North side of Spruce, West of 6th.
* 39.945650,-75.152025 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page

* statue of Mary
* small standing person, head covered, rosary
* North side of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. East side of 13th between Chestnut and Market.
* 39.951300,-75.161275 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page

* statue of Mary
* small standing person, headgear, snake
* Was on the South side of Montrose, West of 7th. Probably missing since some time in 2019.
* 39.937500,-75.155430 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page

* Statue of Mary
* small standing person, head covered, Christian symbols, plants
* visible from the sidewalk
* Kate's Place. North side of Sansom, East of 20th.
* 39.951380,-75.173380 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page's Kates Place page

* statue of Mary
* small standing person, head covered, rocks
* Visible through the gate
* Cemetery, Old St. Mary's. East side of 5th, South of Locust.
* 39.945800,-75.149665 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page's St. Mary's page

* statue of Mary
* small standing person, head covered, rock
* In front of the parish house, Our Lady of Hope Catholic Parish. West side of Broad, North of Duncannon.
* 40.032445,-75.146460 [map] [nearby]
* On the Logan/Ogontz tour
* Exhibits: New, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page

Mary and Jesus
* Statue of Jesus and Mary
* small people, standing, reclining, headgear
* Was in front of Our Mother of Sorrows on the West side of N. 48th, South of Lancaster. The church closed in 2017. The piece was removed some time between then and January 27, 2025 when it was checked on streetview.
* 39.971110,-75.217450 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also: article about the closing of the church's Jesus page's Mary, mother of Jesus page

Nicetown Park Tiles
* small words, abstract images, plants, butterflies, earth and sun
* Many of the tiles are damaged or missing
* Wall. Nicetown Park. East side of Germantown, North of St. Pauls.
* 40.019400,-75.155760 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Nicetown Park page

Old St. Mary's Bench
* small standing people, sitting and kneeling people, sports equipment, tools, water, plants, horse, horn, fish, umbrella, hats
* Medallions are set into the curved brick back of the bench.
* Just South of Old St. Mary's. West side of 4th, South of Locust.
* 39.945375,-75.148475 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* Exhibits: Athletic, Unidentified Artists, Black Lives
* See also:'s St. Mary's page

Pennsylvania Railroad Memorial Plaques
* Memorials to William Wallace Atterbury, George Gibbs and John Edgar Thomson
* small heads, trains
* inscription:
William Wallace Atterbury
Tenth President of The Pennsylvania Railroad
Director General of Transportation of American Expeditionary Forces - World War I.
Friend of Labor - Pioneer in collective bargaining
Servant of the American people in war and peace
With courage and foresight he introduced electrification in to the railroad's system
1861 - 1940
George Gibbs
Consulting Engineer
Whose vision and tenacity of purpose led to the development of the
Pennsylvania Railroad's articulated electric locomotive class GG1
placed in operation 1934
and contributed so much to the advancement of the art of electric railroad transportation
1808 - 1874
J. Edgar Thomson
Father of the Pennsylvania Railroad
First Chief Engineer - Third President
He planned the railroad's present system
He left his fortune in trust for the education and maintenance of female orphans of railway employees whose fathers may have been killed in the discharge of their duties
* North Waiting Room. 30th Street Station. Northeast corner, 30th and Market.
* 39.956205,-75.181755 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of Technology tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, Mass Transit
* See also:'s William Wallace Atterbury page's John Edgar Thomson page's 30th Street Station page

Pony Express Rider
* small seated person, hat, horse, plants, mesas
* Over the door. North side of Chestnut,West of 9th.
* 39.949975,-75.156110 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, Labor

Saint Fiacre
Henry Mitchell
* statue of Saint Fiacre
* small crouching person
* This piece is located in what was the garden of the Philadelphia History Museum.
* North side of Ranstead between 6th and 7th.
* 39.949950,-75.151650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Philadelphia History Museum page's Henry Mitchell bio's Saint Fiacre page

Saint Francis of Assisi
* statue of Saint Francis of Assisi
* small standing person, birds
* visible through the fence
* South side of Saint Clement's Church. North side of Apple Tree, West of 20th.
* 39.956250,-75.173125 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Francis of Assisi page

Saint Francis of Assisi
* Statue of Saint Francis of Assisi
* small standing person, bird
* In front of Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic Church. Northeast corner, 10th and Vine.
* 39.957310,-75.155325 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chinatown tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Francis of Assisi page

Saint Hedwig
* Statue of Saint Hedwig
* small standing person wearing a crown, carrying a church
* Was on the Northeast corner of 24th and Brown, outside the former St. Hedwig's Church, closed c. 2004. Reappeared at the Southeast corner of 24th and Green c. 2010. Removed from that location some time in late 2013 or early 2014. The first two pictures are from 24th and Green. The last picture is from 24th and Brown.
* 39.965710,-75.177200 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Moved, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Hedwig of Silesia page

Saint Hubert
* statue of Saint Hubert
* small (very) deer, kneeling person
* Next to St. Hubert Catholic High School For Girls. Northwest side of Torresdale Ave., Northeast of Cottman.
* 40.030840,-75.034300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s St. Hubert page

St. Joseph and Jesus
* statue of Jesus and Joseph
* small people, one standing, one carried, plants, globe
* Was visible through the fence on the South side of Girard between 16th and 17th. Missing since at least August 2019, as the hospital has been converted to other uses.
* St. Joe's Hospital Courtyard.
* 39.971800,-75.163300 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Jesus page's Saint Joseph page

Stele of S'akya-muni
* small standing person
* Concrete reproduction. Formerly in the East courtyard of the Penn Museum. Moved to the inner courtyard where it is visible from inside, but not outside, the museum.
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:

stikman (20th and Parkway)
* small abstract standing person
* Crosswalk. South side of 20th and the Parkway.
* 39.958715,-75.172123 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s stikman page

stikman (25th and Pennsylvania NW)
* small abstract lines, standing person
* West of the crosswalk. West side of 25th, in the Northwestbound lanes of Pennsylvania..
* 39.966850,-75.178900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s stikman page

stikman (25th and Pennsylvania SE)
* small abstract standing person
* Crosswalk. East side of 25th, in the Southeastbound lanes of Pennsylvania..
* 39.966475,-75.178900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s stikman page

stikman (Kelly Drive and Fairmount)
* small abstract standing person
* Crosswalk. South corner, Kelly Drive and Fairmount.
* 39.967210,-75.180510 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:'s stikman page

stikman (Pennsylvania and Fairmount)
* small abstract standing person
* These are usually stuck onto the asphalt. It may have been moved to the control box when the street was repaved.
* Traffic light control box, Northeast corner, Pennsylvania and Fairmount.
* 39.967340,-75.179260 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s stikman page

stikman (Race and Logan Circle)
* small abstract standing person, peace sign
* Crosswalk. Race and Logan Circle.
* 39.957465,-75.171365 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Peace and Love
* See also:'s stikman page

stikmen (22nd and Parkway)
* small abstract standing people, peace sign
* Crosswalk. North side of 22nd and the Parkway.
* 39.961665,-75.17500 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Peace and Love
* See also:'s stikman page

stikmen (25th and Kelly Drive)
* small abstract standing people
* Crosswalk. West corner, 25th and Kelly Drive.
* 39.966450,-75.179535 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:'s stikman page

* small abstract form
* North end of Rivers Edge Park. West side of Front, South of Callowhill.
* 39.956200,-75.140350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s entry for Rivers Edge Park

Unidentified Heads
* small heads
* I am unable to find any record of the construction or early occupancy of the house, which might provide a date, architect, artist, or explanation of this work.
* Low on the wall. South side of Locust, West of 20th.
* 39.949400,-75.174625 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles, Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+1970 picture of the building with the heads clearly visible at

Upper Burial Ground Memorials
* Relief bust of George Washington
* small head, logos of the DAR and US Daughters of 1812
* inscription:
1 (worn away):
The Upper Burial Ground
Sometimes called Ax's Burial Ground was
[Granted] to the Burrough of Germantown in [1724]
by Paul [Wullf]
[Here are] buried many of the early settlers and their descendants
[Here are the] graves of Major Irwin, Captain Turner
[Lieutenant] Lucas and six other American soldiers
killed in the Battle of Germantown
The wall was built in 1777
The Site and Relic Society of Germantown 1902
3 (long list of names omitted):
To Honor
the Revolutionary Soldiers Buried Here
Placed by Germantown Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution
In Memory of Soldiers of the War of 1812
Who lie in Upper Germantown Burying Ground
William Crout, John Paulson
George Knorr, Frederick Sheetz
Jacob K. Knorr, Edward Snyder
Lewis Lehman, Michael Snyder
John Nell, George Streeper
Jeremiah Trout
Placed by Stephen Decatur Chapter
U.S. Daughters of 1812
* Wall. Northeast side of Germantown Avenue, Northwest of Washington Lane.
* 40.043775,-75.181225 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s Upper Burial Ground page's George Washington page

William Penn's Prayer for Philadelphia 1684
* relief bust of, and quote from, William Penn
* small head
* inscription:
"And thou, Philadelphia, the virgin settlement
of this province - named before thou were born -
what love, what care, what service and what
travail there have been to bring thee forth
and to preserve thee from such as would abuse
and defile thee.
Oh that thou mayest be kept from the evil
that would overwhelm thee; that faithful
to the God of thy mercies, in the life of
righteousness, thou mayest be preserved to
the end.
My soul prays to God for thee that thou
mayest stand in the day of trial, that thy
children may be blest and thy people saved
by his power."
Erected by the Colonial Dames of America
Chapter II Philadelphia
Elise Willing Balch Memorial Fund
* Wall. South side of the East pavilion near the courtyard, City Hall. Market at Juniper.
* 39.952325,-75.163175 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s William Penn page's City Hall page's City Hall page

1500 - 1600 (approximate)
* small standing people, plants, musical instruments, goblet
* West end of the Azalea Garden. Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.968950,-75.184300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Azalea Garden page

* small standing people wearing hats
* In storage. Was at Penn's Landing at Dock Street.
* Exhibits: Missing, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s International Sculpture Garden page, which includes this piece

Lion and Knight
1800 (approximate)
* small lion, standing person, headgear, armor, shield, and sword hilt
* In a gated alley to the right of the Historical Society of Frankford. Northeast side of Orthdox, Southeast of Penn St..
* 40.015710,-75.086650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:

Greek Revival Fence
John Haviland (Architect), 1822
* Faces of Dionysus
* small faces, abstract ironwork
* Gate and fence. Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral. West side of 8th between Spruce and Locust.
* 39.946300,-75.154725 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also: article which mentions the building's John Haviland page's Dionysus page

William Rush, 1828 (approximate, restored and installed 2018)
* Statue of Mercury
* small standing person, winged helmet
* Unfortunately there's no good way to see this piece from the front.
* Pavilion roof. Anne d'Harnocourt Drive between the Spring Garden Bridge and the back steps of the Museum.
* 39.966085,-75.182900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+Wally Gobetz's picture of this piece at's William Rush page's Mercury page

Graff Memorial
Hugh Cannon, 1848 (restored 2006)
* In memory of Frederick Graff
* small gazebo, bust
* The bust in the second picture was added after the first picture was taken.
* inscription: To the memory of Frederick Graff, who designed and executed the Fairmount Water Works. Erected by the City Councils of Philadelphia, June 1, 1848
* In the garden of the Water Works. Along the Schuylkill Banks, near the Spring Garden Bridge.
* 39.965625,-75.183250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also: 1933 picture of this piece picture of this piece with artist information's Hugh Cannon page's Frederick Graff page

Mary and Jesus with Angels
John Notman (Architect), 1849
* statue of Jesus and Mary
* small people, one standing, one held, two flying angels
* Wall. Saint Mark's Church. North side of Locust between 16th and 17th.
* 39.948735,-75.168200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s John Notman page's Jesus page's Mary, mother of Jesus page

Saint Mark's Gargoyles
John Notman (Architect), 1849
* small heads with headgear
* Walls. Saint Mark's Church. North side of Locust between 16th and 17th.
* 39.948825,-75.168350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s John Notman page

1870 (approximate date of casting)
* Statue of Apollo
* small standing person, headgear, plant
* reportedly a bronze reproduction of a Pompeian sculpture on loan from the Penn Museum
* Visible through the gate on the South side of the Hill Physick Keith House. North side of Delancey, East of 4th.
* 39.944100,-75.148300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Apollo page entry for the Hill Physick Keith House

Stotesbury Mansion Entrance
Wilson Eyre (Architect), 1870
* small lions, ram's head, abstract ironwork
* Entrance. Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute. North side of Walnut, East of 20th.
* 39.950580,-75.173500 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s history of their building's Wilson Eyre page

Northminster Presbyterian Lions
Thomas Webb Richards (Architect), 1875
* small lion heads
* Entrance. Metropolitan Baptist Church. Southwest corner, 35th and Baring.
* 39.961075,-75.192945 [map] [nearby]
* On the Powelton tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also: page for the building's page for building's Thomas Webb Richards page

Trinity Memorial Gargoyles
James Peacock Sims, 1875
* small heads, headgear
* Walls. Trinity at 22nd. Southwest corner, 22nd and Spruce.
* 39.948550,-75.177975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building's James Peacock Sims page

Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain
Isaac H. Hobbs and Son (Architects), Herman Kirn, Thomas McElwee, 1876
* Five statues, six carved portraits and quotes of and from John Barry, Charles Carroll, John Carroll, Lewis Cass, Henry Clay, Comte de Grasse, Stephen A. Douglas, Sam Houston, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Marquis de Lafayette, Theobald Mathew, George Meade, Moses, Joseph Orono, Casimir Pulaski, William H. Seward and Robert Walsh
* big and small standing people, heads, tablet, rocks lion heads
* Kirn carved the statues and McElwee carved the relief portraits. There is a blank portrait oval labeled Moylan on the West side.
* inscription:
John Barry
First Commodore of the United States Navy
Born in 1745 in Wexford Co. Ireland
Died September 13, 1803 at Philadelphia
During the Revolutionary War he distinguished himself greatly. He filled the various commands entrusted to him with skill and gallantry. When unable to fight on the ocean he obtained command of a company of volunteers and fought against the enemy on land. Among his exploits was the capture upon May 28, 1781 of two English vessels, the Atalanta and Trespasa, after a hotly contested action with his own ship the Alliance. In January 1776 he commanded the brig Lexington, the first regular cruiser that got to sea under the authority of the Continental Congress and the vessel that first carried the American flag upon the ocean.
Charles Carroll
of Carrollton
Signer of the Declaration Independence
Born September 20, 1737 at Annapolis, Maryland
Died November 14, 1832 at Baltimore, Maryland
To obtain religious as well as civil liberty I entered zealously into the revolution. God grant that this religious liberty may be preserved in these states to the end of time.
-Charles Carroll
Your soldiers will be masters of the spot only on which they encamp. They will find naught but enemies before and around them. If we are beaten on the plains, we will retreat to our mountains. and defy them.
We have made up our minds to abide the issue of the approaching struggle and though much blood may be spilt we have no doubt of our ultimate success.

-Charles Carroll
Rev. John Carroll
A commissioner of the Continental Congress
Born Jan. 8, 1735 at Upper Marlboro, Md.
Died Dec. 3 1815 at Baltimore, Md
The Archbishop's patriotism was as decided as his piety. He loved Republicanism. He had joined with heart and judgement in the Revolution and retained without abatement of confidence or favor the cardinal sympathies upon which he then acted.
-Address of Robert Walsh
May these United States flourish in pure and undefiled religion, in morality, peace, union, and liberty, and the enjoyment of their excellent Constitution, so long as respect, honor and veneration shall gather around the name of Washington. That is whilst there shall be any surviving record of human events.
-John Carroll
Father Mathew
The Apostle of Temperance
Born Oct. 10, 1790 in Tipperary Co. Ireland
Died Dec. 8, 1856 in Cork Co. Ireland
How Congress Honored Him
Upon December 19th 1849
Rev. Theobald Matthew was by a special resolution invited to a privileged seat upon the floor of the House of Representatives.
Upon December 20th 1849
The Senate Accorded to him a similar privilege - an honor which previous to that time had been conferred on Lafayette only.
That resolution is an homage to humanity, to philanthropy, to virtue
-Henry Clay
This illustrious benefactor of the human race and our own country
-Wm. H. Seward
He comes among us on a mission of benevolence - it is a noble mission and well he is fulfilling it.
-Lewis Cass
He comes here upon a great mission which commands the admiration and sympathy of all men.
-Stephen A. Douglas
There is love, purity and fidelity inscribed upon the banner that he bears.
-Sam Houston
* Avenue of the Republic and States Street.
* 39.982400,-75.219650 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+Pictures of this piece from the Philadelphia Archdiocese Historical Research Center's page for this piece's Isaac H. Hobbs and Son page's John Barry page's Charles Carroll page's John Carroll page's Lewis Cass page's Henry Clay page's Comte de Grasse page's Stephen A. Douglas page's Sam Houston page's Tadeusz Kosciuszko page's Marquis de Lafayette page's Father Mathew page's George Meade (merchant) page's Moses page's Joseph Orono page's Casimir Pulaski page's William H. Seward page's Robert Walsh page

St. Andrew's Episcopal Gargoyles
Wilson Brothers and Company (Architects), 1883
* small dragons
* South and East walls. Church of St. Andrew and St. Monica. West side of 36th, South of Baring.
* 39.960600,-75.194050 [map] [nearby]
* On the Powelton tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building's Wilson Brothers and Company page

The Wrestlers
Ferdinand Barbedienne, 1885 (French cast of 100-1 BC Roman copy of 400-301 BC Greek original)
* small people not standing
* Originally located outside Memorial hall. The last picture is from that location.
* Parking lot entrance North of the Northeast corner of Horticulture Hall in the Horticulture Center. Horticulture Drive, East of Belmont.
* 39.984250,-75.209950 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* Exhibits: Athletic, Moved
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's Ferdinand Barbedienne page's Horticulture Center page

St. Anthony Club Cherubs
Wilson Eyre (Architect), 1888
* small partial, horizontal cherubs
* Wall. West side of 22nd, North of Chestnut.
* 39.952900,-75.177050 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also: entry for the building's Wilson Eyre page

Bedell Residence Entrance
Wilson Eyre (Architect), 1889 - 1890
* small sitting people, furniture
* Entrance. Southeast Corner, 22nd and Chestnut.
* 39.952310,-75.176975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also: entry for the building's Wilson Eyre page

Church of the Savior Entrance
Charles Marquedent Burns (Architect), 1889
* Relief featuring Jesus
* small kneeling, sitting, horizontal, standing people, headgear
* According to the Architecture page on the Cathedral site the facade survived the 1902 fire, so I am listing the date for this piece as 1889.
* Entrance. Episcopal Cathedral. East side of 38th, North of Chestnut.
* 39.955717,-75.198085 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s entry for the building's Charles Marquedent Burns page's Jesus page

Moore Residence
Wilson Eyre (Architect), 1890
* small standing children, dolphins, fruit stands
* Front stairs and wall. Northeast corner of Locust and Juniper.
* 39.948100,-75.163290 [map] [nearby]
* On the Gayborhood tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Wilson Eyre page

Drexel University Main Building Entrance
New York Architectural Terra-Cotta Company, Wilson Brothers and Company (Architects), 1891
* Busts of Aesculapius, Johann Sebastian Bach, Christopher Columbus, Michael Faraday, Galileo, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Alexander von Humboldt, Thomas Jefferson, Michelangelo, Moses, Isaac Newton, Raphael, William Shakespeare and William of Sens
* small heads, standing angel
* These busts in niches go all the way around the inside of the arch, including two that are looking straight down. Moses and Aesculapius are on either side of the angel on the front.
* Entrance. Main Building, Drexel University. North side of Chestnut, just East of the 32nd Street walkway.
* 39.953850,-75.187000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+philadelphia's page for the building's New York Architectural Terra-Cotta Company page's Wilson Brothers and Company page's Aesculapius page's Johann Sebastian Bach page's Christopher Columbus page's Michael Faraday page's Galileo Galilei page's Goethe page's Alexander von Humboldt page's Thomas Jefferson page's Michelangelo page's Moses page's Isaac Newton page's Raphael page's William Shakespeare page's William of Sens page

Outstretched Cherub
Frank Miles Day (Architect), 1892
* small standing person, plants
* Above the entrance. North side of Locust, West of 12th.
* 39.947850,-75.161275 [map] [nearby]
* On the Gayborhood tour
* See also: entry for the building's Frank Miles Day page

Drexel Mansion Windows
Peabody and Stearns (Architects), 1893 (original date of building)
* small fruit, cornucopias, plants, birds
* Both sides of the entrance. Curtis Institute. South side of Locust, East of 18th.
* 39.948900,-75.170635 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s Peabody and Sterns page
+architectural history of Curtis at

John Torrey Windrim (Architect), 1893 (approximate year of building)
* small heads, plants
* Both sides of the front door. North side of Spruce, East of 18th.
* 39.947760,-75.170490 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building's John Torrey Windrim page

Penn Quad Gargoyles
Cope and Stewardson (Architects), 1894 - 1911
* small crouching and horizontal people, heads, headgear, squirrel, seahorse, donkeys, frogs, dragon, balls, shields, books, food, staff, musical instruments
* Walls. Penn Quad. South side of Spruce from 36th to 38th.
* 39.950875,-75.197400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:'s Cope and Stewardson page entry for the Quad

Aldine Hotel Entrance
Addison Hutton (Architect), 1895
* small standing person, hat, luggage, plants, shield
* Entrance. 1920 Chestnut (South side of Chestnut, East of 20th).
* 39.951890,-75.172820 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s page for the building post about the building's Addison Hutton page

Witherspoon Building
Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Company, Joseph M. Huston (Architect), 1895 - 1897
* References to and representations of Albert Barnes, Charles Hodge, Jesus, Saint John, Saint Luke, Saint Mark, Saint Matthew and John Witherspoon
* small lion, birds, ox, plants, books, winged person, groups of people, standing people, reclining people, heads and eyes, fire, scales, headgear, anchor, cup, furniture, various religious symbols
* Some art was moved to the Presbyterian Historical Society: Witherspoon Building Figures
* Entire Building. West side of Juniper between Sansom and Walnut, and along the North side of Walnut West of Juniper.
* 39.949250,-75.163200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Gayborhood tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building's Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Company page's Joseph M. Huston page Albert Barnes page Charles Hodge page's Jesus page's John the Evangelist page's Luke the Evangelist page's Mark the Evangelist page's Matthew the Apostle page's John Witherspoon page

Stephen Girard Building Caryatid Columns
James H. Windrim (Architect), 1896
* building named for Stephen Girard
* small standing people
* West wall, 2nd floor. Canopy Hotel. East side of 12th between Ludlow and Clover.
* 39.951025,-75.160000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* Exhibits: New
* See also:'s page for the building's James H. Windrim page's Stephen Girard page's Canopy Philadelphia page

Women Around Window
Wilson Eyre (Architect), 1896 (approximate year of building)
* small standing people
* Wall. South side of Locust between 20th and 21st.
* 39.949450,-75.175075 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s Wilson Eyre page

Lion's Head Fountain
Alexander Stirling Calder, 1899 (2004 copy)
* small lion's head fountain
* Visible through the gate when the gate is closed. Previously listed as 1929 but the University Museum web site lists that section as completed in 1899 and the Penn News claims to have an archival photo dating from 1913-1916.
* Upper (West) courtyard. Penn Museum. South side of South, just East of 33rd..
* 39.949700,-75.191600 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Alexander Stirling Calder page's Alexander Stirling Calder page

University Museum Watering Trough
Alexander Stirling Calder, 1899 (year of building from the Museum's web site)
* small lion's head
* Attribution to Alexander Stirling Calder is based on similarity to other pieces on the building.
* Stairs to the upper courtyard. Penn Museum. South side of South, East of 33rd.
* 39.949915,-75.191360 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s Alexander Stirling Calder page's Alexander Stirling Calder page

Wanamaker House
Joseph M. Huston (Architect), 1900 (approximate)
* small lions, plants, faces, shield
* Entrance. United Lodge of Theosophists. North side of Walnut, East of 20th.
* 39.950550,-75.173225 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also: page for the building's Joseph M. Huston page

Chambers-Wylie Gargoyles
Rankin and Kellog (Architects), 1901
* small faces, dragons
* Whole building. Broad Street Love. East side of Broad between Spruce and Pine.
* 39.946150,-75.164750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s entry for the building's Rankin and Kellog page

Hamilton Court Logos
Milligan and Webber (Architects), 1901
* small sign, logo, shield, flowers and tree, helmet and crown
* There are 4 identical copies, 2 on each of the buildings. The coordinates are for the eastmost. The 2021 stylized version of the logo does not include a tree at the top.
* Front walls. Hamilton Court. South side of Chestnut, West of 38th.
* 39.955165,-75.199200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Milligan and Webber page

Mother Bethel Plaque
* Bas-relief bust of Richard Allen
* small head
* inscription:
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Founded on this site 1787 by Richard Allen (a former slave)
This ground purchased by Richard Allen for a church is the oldest parcel of real estate owned continuously by negroes in the United States. This congregation is the world's oldest African Methodist Episcopal Church congreation. The first church (1787) was an abandoned blacksmith shop, hauled to this place by the teams of Richard Allen who was elected a Bishop in 1810.
"We all went out of the church (Old St. George's Methodist Church) in a body" and "they were no more plagued with us in their church."
-Richard Allen
May our God continue to bless Mother Bethel and all her children now scattered throughout the world bringing faith and hope to millions of weary souls.
Ring the bells of freedom throughout the world
"Rise, shine, give God the glory for the year of jubilee."
October 1901 [could be 1961]
* Near the entrance. Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. East side of 6th, North of Lombard.
* 39.943375,-75.151935 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, Black Lives
* See also:'s Richard Allen page's Mother Bethel AME Church page

Warwick Apartments
Price and McLanahan Architects, 1901
* small chained bear, ragged staff (symbols of Warwickshire)
* Over the entrance. South side of Sansom, West of 19th.
* 39.951150,-75.172760 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: New
* See also: page for the building West Midlands page page for Price and McLanahan Architects

Belgravia Lion Heads
* small lion heads
* Wall. North side of Chestnut between 18th and 19th.
* 39.951800,-75.170860 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s entry for the building

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Frank Rushmore Watson (Architect), 1902
* Statues of Saint John, Saint Luke, Saint Mark and Saint Matthew
* small standing people, books and scrolls
* The four evangelists are displayed here top to bottom (left to right facing the church) in canonical (reverse alphabetical) order. As the original building burned down in 1899, I am assuming the art dates from the 1902 building.
* Entrance pillars. St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. East side of 13th between Chestnut and Market.
* 39.951275,-75.161510 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also: entry for the building Frank Rushmore Watson page's John the Evangelist page's Luke the Evangelist page's Mark the Evangelist page's Matthew the Apostle page

John Wister
Raffaello Romanelli, 1903
* Statue of John Wister
* small standing person wearing a hat
* Vernon Park. Germantown above Chelten.
* 40.035850,-75.176325 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* See also:'s Raffaello Romanelli page's John Wister page's Vernon Park page

Philadelphia Maneto
1905 (approximate, installed 2014)
* small standing women, scroll, cornucopia, shield, disembodied hand and arm, scales and plow, ship
* Was at the Fante-Leone Public Pool at Montrose and Darien, which was closed in 2004.
* East end of Cianfrani Park. Northeast of the Northeast corner of 8th and Fitzwater.
* 39.940650,-75.155100 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* Exhibits: Moved, Unidentified Artists
* See also: article about the Fonte-Leone Public Pool article about the city seal which mentions this version

St. Clement's Parish House Anchor
Horace Wells Sellers (Architect), 1906
* symbol of and reference to the martyrdom of Clement of Rome
* small anchor (symbol of St. Clement)
* There are some very small eroded figures under the anchor that look like they might have been symbols of the Gospel writers.
* Front wall. Parish House. Saint Clement's Church. South side of Cherry, West of 20th.
* 39.956550,-75.173230 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for the Parish House's Horace Wells Sellers page's Clement of Rome page

St. Martin's College for Indigent Boys Medallion
Louis Carter Baker, Jr. (Architect), 1906
* Representation of Jesus and Mary
* small people standing, partial people, winged cherubs, headgear, plants
* Over the college entrance. Fleisher Art Memorial. North side of Catherine between 7th and 8th.
* 39.939090,-75.155225 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+Historic Resource Nomination pdf at's Louis Carter Baker, Jr. page's Jesus page's Mary, mother of Jesus page

Towne Building Face
Cope and Stewardson (Architects), 1906
* small face
* Entrance. West side of 33rd between Smith Walk and Walnut.
* 39.951550,-75.190450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building's Cope and Stewardson page

St. Rita of Cascia Medallion
* Relief portrait of Saint Rita of Cascia
* small head covered
* A 1923 picture of the building appears to show the gate and medallion. I am assuming this piece is original to the building until proven otherwise.
* Top of the alley gate. National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia. West side of Broad, South of Ellsworth.
* 39.936225,-75.167400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Saint Rita of Cascia page
+1923 picture of the building at

USMC Quartermaster Depot Lamps
Rankin and Kellog (Architects), 1908 (extension of building, original build 1904)
* small eagles, flames
* early pictures appear to show white globes at the top, which are no longer there
* In front of the Marine Club. West side of Broad, just South of Washington.
* 39.937500,-75.167050 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Rankin and Kellog page

Cresheim Valley Pergola
1909 (restored 2005)
* small turtle, fish, two coats of arms, mill with waterwheel, water, trees
* The reliefs pictured here can be seen on the floor of the pergola in the first picture in front of the benches
* inscription:
marble plaque (badly faded):
This valley was named Krisheim by the Germans of the Rhine who bought the land from William Penn in 1687 and called it after their native village
Germantown Road follows the old Indian trail
The battle of Germantown began a little South of this green October 4, 1777
metal plaque:
February 23, 2005
This pergola and water trough have been refurbished by
The Chestnut Hill Rotary Club to honor 100 years of service by Rotary Clubs
in this country and in the world.
This renewed monument marks an entrance to Fairmount Park as it did when it was originally dedicated in 1909.
This pergola, the bridge and the Cresheim Trail serve as a symbol of the partnership between the communites of Chestnut Hill and Mount Airy
* Pergola. Southwest corner Germantown and Cresheim Valley.
* 40.066450,-75.196500 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also: article about this piece

Dutch Settlements Plaque
* Mentions King Charles II, Willem Kieft, Cornelis Jacobsen Mey, Peter Minuit, William Penn, Peter Stuyvesent, Adrian Jorisszen Tienpont, Wouter van Twiller and Willem Verhulst
* small symbols, beaver, flowers, crowns
* inscription:
In commemoration of the Dutch settlements on the Delaware 1623-1664
The territory occupied by the West India Company and known as New Netherland extended from the Capes of the Delaware to the Connecticut River and embraced within its boundaries the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Directors General of the West India Company Adriaen Jorissen Tienpont, Cornelis Jacobsen Mey, Willem Verhulst, Peter Minuit, Wouter Van Twiller, Willem Kieft, Peter Stuyvesent
Chronolgy New Netherland Captured by the English 1664. Recaptured by the Dutch 1673. Ceded to the English 1674. Charter granted by King Charles II to William Penn for the territory since known as Pennsylvania March 4, 1681
The Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1909
* Wall. South side of City Hall. North side of S. Penn Square at Broad.
* 39.951740,-75.163650 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s King Charles II page's Willem Kieft page's Cornelis Jacobsen Mey page's Peter Minuit page's William Penn page's Peter Stuyvesent page's Adrian Jorisszen Tienpont page's Wouter van Twiller page's Willem Verhulst page's City Hall page's City Hall page

Swedish Settlements Plaque
* Lists Anders Svensson Bonde, Johan Campanius, Peter Larsson Cock, Anders Larson Dalbo, Mans Nilsson Kling, Joran Kyn, Peter Lindstrom, Peter Minuit, Johan Printz, Peter Gunnarsson Rambo, Peter Hollander Ridder, Johan Risingh, Sven Skute and Olof Persson Stille
* small symbols, lions, crowns, tree
* Many of the names and spellings on this plaque do not match other sources
* inscription:
In commemoration of The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware 1638-1655
New Sweden embraced within its boundaries the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and included lands on the West side of the Delaware from Cape Henlopen to Trenton Falls and on the East side from Cape May to Mantua Creek
Swedish Governors Peter Minuit, Peter Hollender, Johan Printz, Johan Risingh
Swedish Sovereignty passed by capture to the Dutch, 1655
Among the prominent Swedish settlers were Mans Kling, Sven Schute, Johan Campanius, Joran Kyn, Olof Stille, Peter Cock, Anders Dalbo, Peter Lindhstrom, Anders Bonde, Peter Rambo
Erected by The Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1909
* Wall. South side of City Hall. North side of S. Penn Square at Broad.
* 39.951735,-75.163725 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Anders Svensson Bonde page's Johan Campanius page's Peter Larsson Cock page's Anders Larson Dalbo page's Mans Nilsson Kling page
+Joran Kyn article on's Upland, Pennsylvania page mentions Peter Lindstrom's Peter Minuit page's Johan Printz page's Peter Gunnarsson Rambo page's Peter Hollander Ridder page's Johan Risingh page's Sven Skute page's Olof Persson Stille page's City Hall page's City Hall page

Duck Girl
Paul Manship, 1911
* small standing person, duck, fountain, fish heads
* In the pool at the center of Rittenhouse Square. Southwest from 18th and Walnut.
* 39.949375,-75.171800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Paul Manship page's Rittenhouse Square page

Manufacturers Club
* small partial winged people, fruit
* South wall. Northwest corner, Broad and Walnut.
* 39.949500,-75.164525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also: entry for the building

Gate and Gargoyles
Samuel Yellin, 1912
* small dragon head, abstract gate
* there are identical gargoyles on either side of the gate
* Gate (and gargoyles). South side of Latimer, West of 16th.
* 39.948150,-75.168350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:
+philadelphiabuildings.orgs's Samuel Yellin page

Rittenhouse Square Fountain
Paul Philippe Cret (Architect), 1913
* small head, turtles, insects, snail, otter?, fountain
* Center of Rittenhouse Square. Southwest from 18th and Walnut.
* 39.949290,-75.171740 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, Mosaic
* See also:'s Paul Philippe Cret page's Rittenhouse Square page

Albert Laessle, 1914
* small goat
* Southwest corner of Rittenhouse Square. 19th street side near Locust.
* 39.949200,-75.172400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Favorites
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's Albert Laessle page's Rittenhouse Square page

Horned Face
Bissel and Sinkler (Architects), 1914
* small head
* The architecture firm was temporarily named Bissell, Sinkler and Tilden at the time this was built.
* Entrance. North side of Locust Walk just East of 36th.
* 39.952025,-75.194660 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s Bissel and Sinkler page

Penn Dental Gargoyles
Cope and Stewardson (Architects), 1915 (completion of building, designed 1910)
* small crouching people (some with headgear), monkey, birds, bull, book, symbols, eyeglasses
* Spruce and 40th St. walls. Penn Dental School. Northwest corner, 40th and Spruce.
* 39.951865,-75.203150 [map] [nearby]
* On the University City South Medical Complex tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:'s entry for the building's Cope and Stewardson page's University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine page

Beneficial Savings Fund Society Building
Horace Trumbauer (Architect), 1916
* reliefs of Mercury and Venus
* small kneeling people, headgear, mirror, flaming torch, plants, birds
* East wall and North entrance. Thomas R. Kline Institute for Trial Advocacy. Southwest corner, 12th and Chestnut.
* 39.950350,-75.160250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* See also: page for the building's Horace Trumbauer page's Mercury page's Venus page's Kline Institute page

Union Baptist Church Gargoyles
Charles Webber Bolton (Architect), 1916 (cornerstone has 1832 for historical reasons)
* Symbols of Jesus, Saint John, Saint Mark and Saint Matthew
* small kneeling and partial angels, torches, winged bulls, winged lions, crosses, crowns, birds, musical instruments, books
* Walls. Historic Union Baptist Church of South Philadelphia. South side of Fitzwater, West of 19th.
* 39.942775,-75.174475 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building article explaining the confusion and history of the church buildings's Charles Webber Bolton page's Jesus page's John the Evangelist page's Mark the Evangelist page's Matthew the Apostle page page for The Historic Union Baptist Church of South Philadelphia

J. William White
Paul Philippe Cret (Architect), R. Tait McKenzie, 1922
* Bas-relief bust of J. William White
* small head, hat, eyeglasses
* inscription:
Surgeon Teacher Author Athlete
Leader in beautifying Rittenhouse Square
* Between the Southeast entrance and the center of Rittenhouse Square. West of 18th, North of Locust.
* 39.949240,-75.171690 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Medical
* See also:'s page for this piece's Paul Philippe Cret page's R. Tait McKenzie page's J. William White page's Rittenhouse Square page

The Robert Morris Entrance
Walter Ballinger/Ballinger Company (Architects), Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Company, 1922 (approximate)
* Hotel named for Robert Morris
* small heads, plants
* The Robert Morris Hotel was reportedly built on top of the 1915 Wesley Building c. 1922. The entrance to the Hotel, as shown, says "The Robt Morris". The small heads are as yet unidentified.
* Entrance. North side of Arch Street, just West of 17th.
* 39.955125,-75.168200 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* See also:'s page for the building article about the history of the building, including the addition of the hotel's Ballinger Company page's Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Company page's Robert Morris page

Western Union Logo
William Welles Bosworth (Architect), 1922
* small bas-relief map of the world, lightning bolts, Western Union logo
* Wall. North side of Locust, West of 11th.
* 39.947650,-75.159550 [map] [nearby]
* On the Gayborhood tour
* See also:'s entry for the building's Western Union page's William Welles Bosworth page

Mt. Olivet Tabernacle Baptist Church Entrance
* Symbol of Jesus
* small kneeling angels, cross, plants
* The building was originally built by the Mt. Olivet congregation, and was sold some time between March 2023 and July 2024. The cross in this piece was painted black when checked in Street View on October 4, 2024.
* inscription: Where Neighborhood Becomes the Brotherhood
* Above the door. West Philadelphia Assembly for Christ. East side of 42nd at Wallace.
* 39.963750,-75.207000 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, Black Lives
* See also: article that includes the church building's Jesus page

Wills Sainte Claire Logo
1923 (approximate. Could be anywhere 1921-1927)
* small goose, trees
* There are multiple copies of this relief logo in various states of repair. Wills Sainte Claire, which produced cars from 1921-1927 did have a dealership in Philadelphia, and I have found 1 possible reference to Claire automobiles being sold at this address in 1923.
* Walls. South side of Spring Garden (and North side of Hamilton), West of 32nd.
* 39.963075,-75.189200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Powelton tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Wills Sainte Claire page's Wills Sainte Claire page, which includes the logo Inquirer want ad from March 15, 1923 for cars at the Claire company possibly at this address

Conwell Hall Gargoyles
William Harold Lee (Architect), 1924 (building date)
* small seated people wearing hats
* Both sides of the door. East side of Broad, North of Montgomery.
* 39.980350,-75.157285 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Campus tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:
+Gerry Wilkinson's history page on with Conwell Hall information's Temple University postcards page's William Harold Lee page

Packard Building Sign
Samuel Yellin, 1924 (year on sign)
* small standing, kneeling people, tools, scroll, staff, oar, plants, lamps, eagle, lion's head, seashell, urns, griffins, sign
* Best observed from the West side of 15th. Yellin is not listed anywhere as the artist for the sign, but he is listed as the metal worker for the building
* West Entrance. Packard Building. East side of 15th, South of Chestnut.
* 39.950650,-75.165650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* See also:
+philadelphiabuildings.orgs's Samuel Yellin page's Packard Building page

Philadelphia General Hospital Plaque
1924 (approximate)
* small lion's head
* The hospital used to be located where the medical complex that surrounds this plaque now stands. The date of the plaque is unclear. According to wikipedia, PGH was renamed in 1919, but W. Freeland Kendrick was mayor from 1924-1928.
* inscription:
to the preservation and restoration of the health of the people of Philadelphia.
to the increase of knowledge concerning the cause and cure of disease.
and to the education of those who would serve humanity.
* Wall. Near the Northwest corner of Claire M. Fagin Hall. 418 Curie Blvd..
* 39.949050,-75.196700 [map] [nearby]
* On the University City South Medical Complex tour
* Exhibits: Medical, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Philadelphia General Hospital (aka Blockley Almshouse) page Claire M. Fagin Hall page

Ram Heads and Griffins
Walter Ballinger/Ballinger Company (Architects), 1924
* small rams, griffins
* Entrance. East side of 19th, South of Spruce.
* 39.947700,-75.172760 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also: entry for the building's Ballinger Company page

Tribute Trees Tablet
Paul Philippe Cret (Architect), 1924
* small text, plant forms
* inscription:
1914 1918
Tribute Trees
The trees along this Parkway have been planted as a tribute of honor and gratitude to the men who served their country in the Great War.
* On the ground. Southeast entrance of the circle. Logan Square. 19th and the Parkway.
* 39.957640,-75.170185 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:'s page for this piece's Paul Philippe Cret page's Logan Circle page

City Seal
John Molitor (Architect), 1925
* small seal of the city, standing people, ship, plow, scroll, food
* Was on the Southwest corner, Juniper and Race. Removed from the building 2008 prior to demolition for Convention Center expansion. Coordinates were entered after the demolition and are approximate.
* Wall.
* 39.956055,-75.161750 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also:'s page for the building's 1928 picture of the front of the building's John Molitor page

Firefighter Gargoyles
John Molitor (Architect), 1925
* small crouching people wearing hats and helmets, firefighting equipment
* Was on the Southwest corner, Juniper and Race. Removed from the building 2008 prior to demolition for Convention Center expansion. Coordinates were entered after the demolition and are approximate.
* Entrance.
* 39.956050,-75.161750 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters, Missing, Gargoyles
* See also:
+Max Buten's page for this piece
+Gargoyle Hunter page for this piece's page for the building's 1928 picture of the front of the building's John Molitor page

Fisher-Bennett Gargoyles
Stewardson and Page (Architects), 1925
* small sitting people, books, eyeglasses
* Entrance. South side of Walnut between 33rd and 34th.
* 39.952585,-75.191295 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building's Stewardson and Page page

Independence Building Reliefs
* Relief medallions of Athena and Hermes
* small sitting, kneeling, standing people, angel, helmets, Independence Hall tower, machines and tools, papers, scrolls, and books, ship, cornucopias, symbols and allegories
* Best viewed from the North side of Walnut
* Entrance, North and West walls. South side of Walnut, East of 5th.
* 39.947415,-75.149200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also: entry for the building's Athena page's Hermes page

Penn Athletic Club
Milton Bennett Medary (Architect), 1925
* small lion heads, standing people, athletic equipment
* West Wall. Northeast corner, 18th and Locust.
* 39.949300,-75.170750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Athletic
* See also: entry for the building's Milton Bennett Medary page

Fidelity Mutual Building
Lee Lawrie, 1926 - 1927
* Building renamed in honor of Ruth and Raymond G. Perelman
* big and small people standing sitting, furniture, weapons, kite, ships, tools and machines, dogs, horses, alligators, elephants, owls, squirrels, buildings, trains, plants, symbols and words
* Originally an insurance building. Donated to the Art Museum by the Perelmans. The pictures here are only a representative sampling of the art.
* inscription:
Pennsylvania side:
In the honor and perpetuity of the family is founded the state. In the nobler life of the household is the nobler life of mankind.
26th side:
He labors best who loves best : the finest work of a man's life is to open the doors of opportunity to those who depend on him.
* The whole building. Perelman Building. Northwest corner of Fairmount and Pennsylvania.
* 39.967490,-75.179490 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Labor
* See also:'s page for the building
+Max Buten's picture of one of the reliefs
+Another Max Buten picture of one of the reliefs's Lee Lawrie page's Raymond G. Perlman page

St. Andrew's Society Tablet
* Insignia representation of the first, in memory of the rest: Saint Andrew, Philip Livingston, Thomas McKean, George Ross, James Wilson and John Witherspoon
* small insignia, crown, plants, eagle, arrows, lion, standing St. Andrew with cross
* inscription:
To the Memory of five of its members
who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776
The St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia
organized in 1747
dedicated this tablet 1926
Nemo me impune lacessit
* Courtyard wall. West side of the South Pavilion. City Hall. North side of S. Penn Square at Broad.
* 39.952120,-75.163700 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Andrew the Apostle page's Philip Livingston page's Thomas McKean page's George Ross page's James Wilson page's John Witherspoon page's City Hall page's City Hall page

Athena and Cherubs
* relief bust of Athena
* small cherubs, head, helmet
* Way over the entrance. East side of 15th, South of Locust.
* 39.948200,-75.166160 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Athena page

Barbelin Hall Gargoyles
Francis Ferdinand Durang (Architect), 1927
* including heads of Felix-Joseph Barbelin, James A. Ryder and Burchard Villiger
* small partial people, hats, cat, bat, books, saxaphone
* the builder is John McShain, but there's no record of him being the gargoyle carver
* All over the building. Saint Joseph's University. City Line, West of 54th.
* 39.995250,-75.237950 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:
+Gargoyle Hunter page for this piece's page for the building's Francis Ferdinand Durang, Sr. page's Felix-Joseph Barbalin page's James A. Ryder page's Burchard Villiger page

Bonwit Teller Building
Bella Abdallah, 1927 (approximate)
* small urns, cats, birds, standing people, seated cherubs, pens and books, mirrors, face, Egyptian headpiece, flame
* Artist attribution is from
* Entrance. Southwest corner, 17th and Chestnut.
* 39.951430,-75.169000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also: entry for the building

Engine 14 Gargoyles
John Molitor (Architect), 1927
* small heads
* Front wall. Engine Company 14. South corner, Foulkrod and Darrah.
* 40.017000,-75.081340 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters, Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building's John Molitor page's Engine 14 page

Art Museum Cherub
Julian Abele (Architect), 1928
* small upright winged person
* Over the back door. Art Museum. Anne d'Harnocourt Drive (25th and Kelly Drive to the Spring Garden Bridge).
* 39.966075,-75.181700 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Julian Abele page video of a recorded lecture from the Art Museum about the role of Julian Abele in designing the building

Carnell Hall Gargoyles
William Harold Lee (Architect), 1928
* small heads
* Both sides of the door. East side of Broad, North of Montgomery.
* 39.980425,-75.157075 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Campus tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:
+Gerry Wilkinson's Carnell Hall page on's Temple University postcards page's William Harold Lee page

E.W. Clark Building Medallions
Clarence Zantzinger (Architect), 1928
* small winged horse, birds, bull, corn
* Walls. Northeast corner, 16th and Locust.
* 39.948650,-75.167675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s entry for the building's Clarence Zantzinger page

First National Bank Building
O.W. Ketcham Terra Cotta Works, Ritter and Shay (Architects), 1928
* big and small birds, seated people, dog head, lion head, snakes, zodiac signs
* Zodiac signs and dog's head are behind the 15th street entrance awning.
* Whole Building. Southwest corner, 15th and Walnut.
* 39.949500,-75.166040 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: New, Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building's O.W. Ketcham Terra Cotta Works page's Ritter and Shay page

Main Street Fire Station Lion Heads
John Molitor (Architect), 1928
* small anthropomorphic lion heads
* Front wall. Engine Company 12. North side of Main, East of Green.
* 40.026720,-75.226475 [map] [nearby]
* On the Manayunk tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters, Gargoyles
* See also:'s entry for the building's John Molitor page's Engine 12 page

Navy Ships
Louis Eugene Jallade (Architect), O.W. Ketcham Terra Cotta Works, 1928
* small ships, anchor, eagle
* The building was originally the Navy Central YMCA Annex. Around the entrance are subtle reliefs of Navy ships including the Hornet, the Constitution, the Enterprise, the Bon Homme Richard, the Kearsarge, and the Olympia.
* Entrance. East side of 15th, North of Arch.
* 39.955150,-75.164675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Franklin Town tour
* See also:'s entry for the building's Louis Eugene Jallade page's O.W. Ketcham Terra Cotta Works page

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
1928 - 1929
* gargoyles and statue of Saint Paul
* small standing person, Bible, sword, crosses, plants, dragons and chimeras, snake, bird, fish
* inscription: Spiritus Gladius
* Whole building.. St. Paul's Episcopal Church. South side of Chestnut Hill Ave., East of Germantown Ave..
* 40.079100,-75.208850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles, Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+gargoyle hunter's page for the building's entry for the building's Paul the Apostle page

Warwick Hotel
Samuel Brian Baylinson (Architect), 1928
* small crest, helmet, urn with standing people, goat heads, lion heads, human heads, winged people, birds
* Walls. West side of 17th, North of Locust and North side of Locust, West of 17th.
* 39.948940,-75.169800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s entry for the building's Samuel Brian Baylinson page

Boyd, Abel and Gugert (Architects), 1929 (facade alterations)
* small birds
* Front of building. South side of Locust, East of 21st.
* 39.949540,-75.175728 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Boyd, Abel and Gugert page

Liberty Title Building Dragons
Savery and Scheetz (Architects), 1929
* small dragons
* Entrance. South side of the Aloft Hotel. North side of Arch, East of Broad.
* 39.954465,-75.162790 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* See also:'s entry for the building's Savery and Scheetz page

N.W. Ayer Building
Ralph Bowden Bencker (Architect), J. Wallace Kelly, Raphael Sabatini, 1929
* big and small standing people, seated people, partial people, groups of people, furniture, sun, swords, books, publishing equipment, implications of building interiors, zodiac signs, ram, crab, centaur
* There are two large figures on each of the four corners of the building that are best seen from a block away.
* Doors and upper walls. 210 West Washington Square (West side of 7th, South of Walnut).
* 39.947250,-75.153400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Ralph Bowden Bencker page's J. Wallace Kelly Page's Raphael Sabatini page

Rodin Museum Fountain
Paul Philippe Cret (Architect), 1929
* small head, fountain
* In front of the Rodin Museum. North side of the Parkway between 21st and 22nd.
* 39.961750,-75.174150 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:
+Daniel Berek's picture of this piece at
+strayolive's picture of this piece at's Paul Philippe Cret page's Rodin Museum page

Silas Weir Mitchell
Paul Philippe Cret (Architect), R. Tait McKenzie, 1929
* Bas-relief bust of Silas Weir Mitchell
* small head
* inscription:
On this spot stood
the house of
S. Weir Mitchell
Physician - Physiologist
Poet - Man of Letters
He taught us the use of rest for the nervous
He created "Hugh Wynne"
He pictured for us "The Red City" in which
he lived and labored from 1829 until 1914
Erected by the Franklin Inn of which he was the first president
* Wall. South side of Walnut, East of 16th.
* 39.949650,-75.167150 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Medical
* See also:'s page for the building's page for the building
+1927 picture of the location at presumably including the house in question's Paul Philippe Cret page's R. Tait McKenzie page's Silas Weir Mitchell page

Interfaith House Gargoyles
1930 (building date)
* small crouching people wearing hats, dragon
* Third picture Copyright 2018 Marianne Porter
* In niches high on the front wall. South side of Chelten Ave., West of Germantown Ave..
* 40.035350,-75.175100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s entry for the building

Philadelphia School of Occupational Therapy Reliefs
Bissel and Sinkler (Architects), Georgina Pope Yeatman (Architect), 1930
* small people sitting and kneeling, tools
* There are 4 identical reliefs, two on each side of the main entrance. The one closest to the corner is pictured.
* Wall. Northeast corner, 19th and Lombard.
* 39.945735,-75.173175 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* Exhibits: Medical, Labor
* See also:'s Philadelphia School of Occupational Therapy page's Bissel and Sinkler page's Georgina Pope Yeatman page

Penn Mutual Building Doors
Robert Warren Noble (Architect), 1931
* small groups of people standing, sitting, machines and tools, furniture, baskets and jugs, books and scrolls, dogs, flowers, weapons, helmet, head in profile
* Entrance. Penn Mutual Building. South side of Walnut between 5th and 6th.
* 39.947525,-75.150250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* Exhibits: Labor
* See also:'s Robert Warren Noble page's Penn Mutual page

Strawbridge and Clothier Building West Entrance
Edward Paul Simon (Architect), Grant Miles Simon (Architect), 1931
* bas relief of William Penn
* small logo, standing people, headgear, peace pipe, paper, plants, winged cherubs, birds
* the building has been divided up and used by many different businesses since the department store closed in 2006
* Above the entrance. North side of Market, East of 9th.
* 39.951400,-75.154575 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Strawbridge's page
+picture of the building still under construction in 1930 at's Edward Paul Simon page's Grant Miles Simon page's William Penn page

Irvine Auditorium Gargoyles
Horace Trumbauer (Architect), 1932
* small dragon heads
* Wall. South side of Irvine Auditorium. Northwest corner, 34th and Spruce.
* 39.950700,-75.193225 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:'s Horace Trumbauer page's Irvine Auditorium page

Market Street Bridge Carvings
Charles H. Stevens (Design Engineer), 1932
* small lion heads, human heads, stylized bridges
* The lion heads are on the corners of the bridge. The faces are best observed from South and North of the bridge on Schuylkill Avenue/29th or from Schuylkill Banks below the bridge.
* Bridge columns and arches. Market Street Bridge. Market Street, East of 29th to West of 24th.
* 39.954625,-75.180350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of Technology tour
* See also:'s Market Street Bridge page

Schuylkill Permanent Bridge
* small bridge
* inscription:
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge
Opened to traffic January 1, 1805
Altered and remodeled 1850
Destroyed by fire, November 20, 1875
Replaced the same year by
a temporary wooden bridge
Iron cantilever bridge built and completed
April 20, 1888. Replaced by this structure
* Bridge column. Middle of the South side of the Market Street Bridge. Market, East of 29th.
* 39.954350,-75.180430 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of Technology tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Market Street Bridge page

Central Terrace Medallions
Paul Philippe Cret (Architect), Carl Paul Jennewein, 1933
* small urn, sitting person, plants, snakes, weapons, mirror, clouds, flames, sun, lion, standing person, headgear, books, owl, hand, ship, flag
* The January 1934 Annual report of the Association for Public Art, mentions that Paul Cret completed construction of the Central/Middle Terrace, presumably in 1933. The attribution for Jennewein was provided by the Association for Public Art in a 2/6/2025 email.
* inscription: Justitia, Prudentia, Amor Patriea, Abundantia, Potestas
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial. Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row.
* 39.973600,-75.190800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* See also:
+APA 1934 Annual report at's Paul Philippe Cret page's Carl Paul Jennewein page's Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial page

Ivy Day Stones
1936 - 1948
* small ivy leaves, idea
* There are Ivy Day stones all over the Penn campus, but these are particularly sculptural.
* West wall. Irvine Auditorium. Northwest of 34th and Spruce.
* 39.950965,-75.193260 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Ivy Day page
+Ivy Day Stones brochure at's Irvine Auditorium page

The Ideal Boy Scout
R. Tait McKenzie, 1937
* small standing person, hat
* Was on the Southeast corner of 22nd and Winter. Removed early 2014 following the eviction of the Boy Scouts by the City of Philadelphia.
* 39.958990,-75.175250 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also: 1938 picture of this piece's R. Tait McKenzie page

Pan with Sundial
Beatrice Fenton, 1938
* In memory of organist William Stansfield
* small kneeling person (pan), pipes, plants, sundial
* inscription:
Such harmony is in immortal souls. In loving memory of William Stansfield, FRCO FACO MUS R-PA. Tribute from his loving wife.
* East of the main entrance of the Penn Library. Woodland Walk, West of 34th.
* 39.952385,-75.193500 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for this piece's Beatrice Fenton page

Thomas Sovereign Gates
Evelyn Beatrice Longman Batchelder, 1941
* Bust of Thomas Sovereign Gates
* small head
* inscription:
University of Pennsylvania
Alumnus Class of 1893
Trustee 1921-1948
President 1930-1944
Chairman 1944-1948
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
President 1914-1918
* Niche in the wall. Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. South side of Spruce, West of 34th..
* 39.950500,-75.194350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Evelyn Beatrice Longman page's Thomas Sovereign Gates page's Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania page

World War I Tablet
Nicola D'Ascenzo Studios, 1943 (? not legible)
* small eagle, branches, symbols
* inscription:
This tablet is erected by grateful citizens in honor of the men who offered the supreme sacrifice and of the women who forever glorified womanhood and made victory possible in the Great World War for The Freedom of Mankind
Not for a transient victory or some
stubborn belief that they alone were right
not for a selfish purpose did they fight
but for the generations still to come
Aug 4, 1914 - Apr 6, 1917 - Nov 11, 1918
* Wall. East side of the South tower entrance, City Hall. South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.952600,-75.163450 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also: Nicola D'Ascenzo page's City Hall page's City Hall page

Evelyn Taylor Price Sundial
Beatrice Fenton, 1947
* Tribute to Evelyn Taylor Price
* small children standing, plants, sundial
* inscription: A tribute to Evelyn Taylor Price, President, Rittenhouse Square Flower Market Association, 1916-1939, Rittenhouse Square Improvement Association, 1934-1946. Erected by her friends.
* Rittenhouse Square. Near the Southwest corner of 18th and Walnut.
* 39.949735,-75.171420 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also: 1949 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Beatrice Fenton page's Evelyn Taylor Price page's Rittenhouse Square page

Aero Memorial
Paul Manship, 1948 (installed 1950)
* Quotes from and in honor of Julian Biddle, Richard Foulke Day, Norton Downs, Jr., John Drinkwater, Carl Christian Glanz, William Besse Kuen, Stephen Phillips, William Shakespeare, Stephen Spender and Henry Howard Houston Woodward
* small reclining person, birds, celestial globe
* The surrounding inscribed walls and benches are also part of the memorial.
* inscription:
pillar: Aero Memorial, World War I, 1917-1918
To the aviators of Pennsylvania killed in action
Thou hast caught splendour from the sailless sea, and mystery from many stars outwatched. - Stephen Phillips
Master and Maker, God of right the soldier dead are at thy gate who kept the spears of honour bright and freedom's house inviolate. -John Drinkwater
Born of the sun they traveled a short while toward the sun, and left the vivid air signed with their honor. - Stephen Spender
Death makes no conquest of the conqueror for now he lives in fame though not in life. -William Shakespeare
* Aviator Park. East side of 20th St. between Race and the Parkway.
* 39.958090,-75.172060 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, War
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece
+One of Max Buten's pictures of this piece
+Another of Max Buten's pictures of this piece's page for this piece's Paul Manship page Julian Biddle page's Richard Foulk Day page's Norton Downs, Jr. page's John Drinkwater page Carl Christian Glanz page's William Besse Kuen page's Stephen Phillips page's William Shakespeare page's Stephen Spender page
+ page for Violet Oakley's 1921 painting Henry Howard Houston Woodward

Schuylkill Navy War Memorial
* small Schuylkill Navy logo, seahorses, oars, hand, triton
* inscription:
This Grandstand is dedicated to the memory of oarsmen who made the supreme sacrifice.
World War I, World War II.
Erected by the Schuylkill Navy, July 4, 1950
* Wall. Schuylkill Grandstand. River side of Kelly Drive.
* 39.985540,-75.202425 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:

The Presbyterian Ministers Fund for Life Insurance
1951 (possible date of building extension)
* small standing people, hats, baskets
* inscription: He that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully
* Above the entrance. North side of Walnut, West of 18th.
* 39.950310,-75.171110 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also: entry for the building

Le Coureur
Germaine Richier, 1954 (designed)
* small running person
* Was located in front of the Drexel Law School on the South side of Market between 33rd and 34th. It was originally installed as a gift from Earle Mack some time between the founding of the school in 2006 and the renaming of the school for Mack in 2008, and was probably removed around 2014 when the law school was renamed again.
* 39.955525,-75.190200 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Athletic, Missing
* See also:
+press release about the naming of the school on which mentions this piece's Germaine Richier page

Gravestone of Monsignor Francis J. Ross
* Memorial to Monsignor Francis J. Ross
* small cross, communion chalice, plants
* Was on the South side of Chestnut, East of 38th. Removed November, 2020 or earlier. Presumably reinterred elsewhere.
* inscription:
Tu es sacerdos in aeternum
Right Reverand Monsignor Francis J. Ross, D.D.
Born June 28, 1885
Ordained Nov. 1, 1911
Died Aug. 6, 1955
Requiscat in pace
* Gravestone. East side of St. Agatha - St. James Church.
* 39.954915,-75.197800 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Unidentified Artists
* See also: Msgr. F.J. Ross obituary

Guglielmo Marconi Tablet
* Plaque honoring Guglielmo Marconi
* small bas relief map of the world, radio waves
* This picture has been retouched to remove scrawled and splashed paint.
* inscription:
Telegraph and Unidirectional Radio
Deeply religious humanitarian genius, glory of the world in
Italy and glory of Italy in the world. His inventions saved
millions of lives and will continue to do so as long as this world
exists. First wireless message 1896. First transatlantic marconigram
S.O.S. 1901. Born near Bologna, Italy, 1874, Died - Rome, Italy 1937
Tablet dedicated at Philadelphia, 1955, Mayor Joseph S. Clark, Jr.
* Marconi Plaza. West side of Broad, South of Oregon.
* 39.916150,-75.171700 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Broad tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Guglielmo Marconi page's Marconi Plaza page

Roll of Honor
* small head, upper body and arm, hat, police call box, names
* inscription:
Police Department
City of Philadelphia
In grateful memory of those who gave their lives in performance of their duty
* Courtyard (Southeast corner). City Hall. Market, West of Juniper.
* 39.952250,-75.163325 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters, Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+Adventure George's picture of this piece at's City Hall page's City Hall page

Johnnie Ring
Boris Blai, 1958 (installed 1964)
* Statue of and tribute to Johnnie Ring
* small standing person wearing a hat, Bible, sword
* Also listed as "Johnny Ring" including on maps distributed by the University.
* inscription:
"Johnnie Ring was the youth whose example in life and heroism in death provided inspiration that led to the founding of Temple University. In the war between the states he was personal orderly to Captain Russell H. Conwell of the 46th Massachusetts Infantry. The moving forces of his life at that time were his religious faith and his devotion to Captain Conwell. When a surprise Confederate attack routed Union troops, it was Johnnie Ring who raced across a flaming bridge and through enemy gunfire to retrieve from his commander's tent the ceremonial sword presented to the Captain by the city of Springfield. He brought back the sword, but he died that night of his burns as Conwell knelt by his cot in prayer. The incident turned Conwell to the ministry as a life work and later to the founding of Temple University. He vowed to live a life for Johnnie Ring as well as for himself. Eight hours of work a day for Johnnie, eight hours of work for his own. Except for Johnnie Ring, Conwell would never have told America the story of the acres of diamonds, nor would he have built the University that enabled multitudes of young men and women to realize the promise of education." -Russell Conwell Cooney
A lad who didn't die
* West side of Beasley' Walk, North of Polett Walk.
* 39.982575,-75.156525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Campus tour
* Exhibits: Religious, War
* See also:'s Boris Blai page

Girl with Basin
Edward Fenno Hoffman III, 1960 (date on base)
* small standing person, basin
* accessible when the gate is open, visible through the fence when it isn't
* Benjamin Rush Medicinal Plant Garden, South side of the Mutter Museum. East side of 22nd, North of Chestnut.
* 39.953000,-75.176400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:
+picture of this piece from
+Edward Fenno Hoffman III Papers at's Edward Fenno Hoffman III page

Seymour Lipton, 1963
* small abstract form
* Disappeared some time before November 29, 2019. Reappeared some time before June, 2021.
* East side of 16th, North of Market. .
* 39.953225,-75.166075 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Seymour Lipton page's Seymour Lipton page

Gerd Utescher, 1964
* small group of people standing, some partial, hatchet, hats
* Front wall. Engine Company 33. West side of Richmond, North of Kirkbride.
* 40.001275,-75.065950 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s Gerd Utescher page Engine 33 page

Guardians of Fire
Gerd Utescher, 1964
* small group of people standing, fire
* In front of Engine Company 1. East side of Broad, South of Bainbridge.
* 39.942290,-75.165525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s Gerd Utescher page Engine 1 page

Horses Drawing Fire Engine
John Godfrey, 1964
* small horses, fire engine
* Entrance. Engine Company 43. South side of Market between 21st and 22nd.
* 39.953700,-75.175525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s Engine 43 and 44 page

Benjamin Franklin and His Kite
Agnes Yarnall, 1965 (installed 1994)
* Statue of Benjamin Franklin
* small standing person, kite
* Also listed as "Benjamin Franklin with Kite"
* inscription: June 12th, 1752 was the day on which Benjamin Franklin extracted lightning from the sky with his kite and key.
* Coxe Park. South Side of Cherry, just East of 22nd.
* 39.956800,-75.175550 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Agnes Yarnall page's Benjamin Franklin page

Spring Garden Street - West River Drive Bridges
1965 (year of current bridge)
* small bridges and other buildings, trees, water
* inscription:
- The Collossus -
Wooden covered bridge - span 540 feet
Longest arch bridge in the world
Opened to traffic - April 28, 1813
Destroyed by fire - September 1, 1838
Replaced by wire bridge in 1842
- Wire Bridge -
Wire cable suspension bridge - span 357 feet
First cable suspension bridge for vehicles in America
Opened to traffic - January 2, 1842
Replaced by Spring Garden Bridge in 1875
- Spring Garden Bridge -
Double deck truss bridge - span 355 feet
Spring Garden Street - upper deck
Callowhill Street - lower deck
Opened to traffic - July 10, 1875
Replaced by the present structures
* Bridge wall. Center City end, Art Museum side of the Spring Garden Bridge.
* 39.964550,-75.182500 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists

Family of Bears
Sherl Joseph Winter, 1966
* small bears
* The black and white picture of the webmaster climbing on this piece is copyright Joan Anderson, 1972
* Delancey (Three Bears) Park. Delancey between 3rd and 4th.
* 39.944150,-75.148000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* See also: obituary for Sherl Joseph Winter

Three Bears
George Papashvily, 1966
* small bears
* Visible through the fence
* Courtyard. Behind the Fox Chase Library. North side of Rhawn St. East of Jeannes.
* 40.076700,-75.081750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* See also:'s George Papashvily page's Fox Chase Library page

Paul Philippe Cret (Architect), Florentine Craftsmen, Inc., 1966 (replacements of 1913 originals)
* small urns, people, standing, sitting, swords and spears
* There are two urns at each of the two North and South entrances. The map location is for the urns closest to the Northwest corner.
* North entrances of Rittenhouse Square. West of the Southwest corner of 18th and Walnut.
* 39.950105,-75.171285 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:
+APA Minutes from 1967 at's Paul Philippe Cret page's Rittenhouse Square page

Fireman Carrying A Hatchet
Dexter Jones, 1967
* small standing person, helmet, hatchet, stairs
* Front wall. Engine Company 25. Boudinot Street and Hart Lane.
* 39.993635,-75.122870 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also: resource page for this piece's Dexter Jones page's Dexter Jones Award's Engine 25 page

St. Joseph the Worker
Maurice Lowe, 1967
* Statue of Joseph
* small standing person, carpenter's tools
* In front of Barbelin Hall. Saint Joseph's University. City Line, West of 54th.
* 39.995600,-75.238125 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious, Labor
* See also:'s Saint Joseph page

The John Hanson Monument
Carl Lindborg, 1967
* bust and medalions honoring John A. B. Dahlgren, John Ericsson, John Hanson, John Morton, John Nystrom, Johan Printz and Johan Risingh
* small book, ship, submarine, cannon, head, standing person
* Dahlgren is listed elsewhere as 1809-1870. This piece was inside the walls near the graveyard of Old Swedes (Columbus Blvd. & Christian St., 916 S. Swanson St). just outside the back door of the house closest to the church. Was missing when checked on August 17 2014. Per an email from the Historic Gloria Dei Preservation Corporation received on June 27, 2022, the statue was given to descendants of John Hanson.
* inscription:
John Hanson, 1715-1783, First President of US Under Articles of Confederation, 1781-82
John Nystrom, 1829-1885, engineer, inventor, ship builder, author
John Ericsson, 1803-1889, inventor, engineer, scientist
John Dahlgren, 1809-1890, U.S. Admiral - inventions influenced world navies
Johan Risingh, 1617-1672, last governor of New Sweden, author, economist
Johan Printz, 1592-1663, Governor of New Sweden
John Morton, 1724-1777, Signer of Declaration of Independence
Erected October 7, 1967 by Swedish Colonial Society and the Vasa Order of America in Sweden
* 39.934500,-75.143800 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also: article about Carl Lindborg's John A. Dahlgren page's John Ericsson page's John Hanson page's John Morton page's John Nystrom page's Johan Printz page's Johan Risingh page's Gloria Dei Church (Old Swedes) page

Dexter Jones, 1968
* small bear
* East side of 11th, just North of Cecil B. Moore.
* 39.978100,-75.152400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Campus tour
* See also:'s resource page for this piece's Dexter Jones page's Dexter Jones Award

Dancing Children
Henry Mitchell, 1968
* small people dancing, sitting, hats, bench, baby carriage, knitting needles, dog
* Above the entrance. Cobbs Creek Recreation Center. West side of 63rd at Locust.
* 39.957965,-75.248125 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Henry Mitchell bio

John J. Carlin Tablet
1968 (approximate)
* Relief bust of John J. Carlin
* small head, eyeglasses
* inscription:
This tablet was erected by
oarsmen of the rowing world
in honor of
John J. Carlin
1896 - 1968
Circa 1914-1968
He was a man dedicated to the amateur sport of rowing and devoted 54 years to its development and leadership encompassing
All phases:- schoolboy, club, college, national, international, and olympic.
Treasurer - Schoolboy R.A. of A.
President - Fairmount R.A.
Coach - University of Pennsylvania
Commodore - Schuylkill Navy
Chairman - Gold Cup Committee
President - N.A.A.O.
Chairman - U.S. Olympic and Pan-Am Rowing Committee
Continental Representative of F.I.S.A.
Oarsmen of the past, present, and future have and will benefit from his vigor and zeal.
* Wall. Schuylkill Grandstand. River side of Kelly Drive.
* 39.985900,-75.201985 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+picture of this piece at

Welsh Society Plaque
* One line biographies of Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, Gouverneur Morris, Robert Morris and William Penn
* small dragon logo
* inscription:
The Welsh Society
Organized March 1, 1729
Gogoniant i Dduw
Glory to God
Commemorating the Welsh contributions to the founding of the City of Philadelphia the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States of America
William Penn, 1644-1718, proclaimer of freedom of religion and planner of New Wales, later named Pennsylvania
Robert Morris, 1734-1806, foremost financier of the American Revolution and signer of the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826, third President of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence
Gouverneur Morris, 1752-1816, author of the final draft of the Constitution of the United States
John Marshall, 1755-1835, Chief Justice of the United States and Father of American Constitutional Law
Erected on St. David's Day, March 1, 1968
* East wall. City Hall. Market at Juniper.
* 39.952250,-75.162750 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Thomas Jefferson page's John Marshall page's Gouverneur Morris page's Robert Morris page's William Penn page's City Hall page's City Hall page

Children Playing
Sarala Ruth Pinto, 1969
* small abstract standing people, balls
* Palmer Playground. Northeast side of Comly between Decatur and Thornton.
* 40.095190,-74.989775 [map] [nearby]

Mustang at Play
Margaret Wasserman Levy, 1969
* small horse
* North side of Stamper, West of 2nd (off Head House Square, just South of Pine).
* 39.942900,-75.146200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* See also: page with an interview and two obituaries for Margaret Wasserman Levy

Charles Parks, 1969
* small horse, dolphin, bird, ship, water, airplane
* The whole area is fenced in, and the two separate columns are barely visible through the fence behind a sign and parked cars.
* West side of the traffic circle at the end of Norwitch Drive, North of 67th.
* 39.915675,-75.223425 [map] [nearby]
* On the Southwest Philly tour
* See also:
+Percent for Art's pdf picture of this piece at
+'s Charles Parks page

St. Mary's School Doors
* Partial representations of John Adams, John Carroll, Katherine Drexel, Michael Francis Egan, Robert Harding and George Washington
* small partial people, hats, staff, ship, weapons, crosses
* Visible through the gate. Designed to echo the stained glass doors. The reference to Katherine Drexel is from the school's website.
* North entrance. Saint Mary Interparochial School. South side of Locust, East of 5th.
* 39.946080,-75.149510 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s John Adams page's John Carroll page's Katherine Drexel page's Michael Francis Egan page article about Robert Harding's George Washington page

St. Rita of Cascia Statue
1970 (approximate, new mold 2010)
* Statue of Saint Rita of Cascia
* small standing person, habit, crosses
* Just South of the National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia. West side of Broad, South of Ellsworth.
* 39.936100,-75.167400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Saint Rita of Cascia page
+1923 picture of the building at

The Family
Charles Parks, 1970
* small people standing, sitting and kneeling
* Marshall Walkway (1 block South of Poplar between 6th and 7th).
* 39.966250,-75.148100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Northern Liberties tour
* Exhibits: Black Lives
* See also:
+'s Charles Parks page

Three Boys at Play
Harold Kimmelman, 1970
* small people standing
* Wall. South side of the building Starr Garden. West side of 6th between Lombard and South.
* 39.942750,-75.152525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* See also:

Ron T. Pierce, 1971
* small standing angel, horn
* Visible through the fence
* Side yard, Historic Union Baptist Church of South Philadelphia. Southwest corner, 19th and Fitzwater.
* 39.942700,-75.174050 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also: page for The Historic Union Baptist Church of South Philadelphia

Chinese Cultural and Community Center Dragons
Yang Cho-cheng (Architect), 1971
* small dragons, plants, water
* lists C.C. Yang as the supervising architect. A document lists Yang Cho-cheng (also Yang Chou-cheng) as C.C. Yang.
* Wall. East side of 10th, South of Cherry.
* 39.954235,-75.156075 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chinatown tour
* See also: entry for the building document listing Yang Cho-cheng's Yang Cho-cheng page

People Pyramid
Evelyn Keyser, 1971
* small seated stacked people
* Roberto Clemente Recreation Center. Southeast corner of 19th and Wallace.
* 39.966075,-75.168750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fairmount tour
* See also: Evelyn Keyser obituary

Fire Engine
Harold Kimmelman, 1972
* small horses, fire-fighting equipment, sitting person, standing person
* Front wall. Engine Company 36. North side of Frankford between Decatur and Harel.
* 40.040575,-75.030900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s Engine 36 page

John Nepomucene Neumann (Cathedral)
* Statue of John Nepomucene Neumann
* small standing person, cross
* inscription:
Born in Bohemia 1811.
Redemptionist Missionary.
Father of the parochial schools in the United States.
Died in Philadelphia 1860.
Fourth Bishop of Philadelphia.
Man of God.
* Outside the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. East side 18th Street, North of the Parkway.
* 39.957840,-75.168900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s John Nepomucene Neumann page page for the building's page for the building

Henry Mitchell, 1974
* small cats
* On what was probably once a fountain that is now mostly used for sitting and flowerpots and is almost always surrounded by people.
* Courtyard. Betsy Ross House. North side of Arch East of 3rd.
* 39.952300,-75.144675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* See also:
+Betsy Ross House post about this piece at
+Belinda Fewings' picture of this piece at
+lisaamulvey's picture of this piece on's Henry Mitchell bio's Besty Ross House page

Charles E. Schaeffer, D.D., S.T.D.
* Plaque with bas relief bust of Charles E. Schaeffer
* small head and shoulders
* inscription:
Charles E. Schaeffer, D.D., S.T.D.
In grateful appreciation of his loyal and distinguished service to the Old First Evangelical and Reformed Church and for his Christian service in the church-at-large, distinguishing himself as General Secretary of the Board for Home Missions from 1908-1941.
He served in various capacities over the years at home and abroad in the Reformed Church and was a staunch supporter of the present United Church of Christ. Therefore this garden is dedicated in his honor on October 26, 1975.
* East inside front garden wall. Old First Reformed. South side of Race, East of 4th.
* 39.954000,-75.145815 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:

Colonial Scene
Harold Kimmelman, 1975
* small fire-fighting equipment, standing people, headgear
* Front wall. Engine Company 47. North side of Grays Ferry between Stanley and 31st.
* 39.939325,-75.194375 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s Engine 47 page

James Kiryakakis, Harvey Yellin, 1975 (approximate)
* small eagle, arrows, olive branch
* Gate. South side of the First Bank of the United States. West side of 3rd between Chestnut and Walnut.
* 39.947900,-75.146350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* See also: page with a picture and brief paragraph about this piece obituary for James Kiryadakis's Harvey Z. Yellin page's First Bank of the United States page

Philadelphia Municipal Water System Plaque
* small building and fence, depiction of a fountain, trees, person standing, people sitting, hats, horse, cart
* inscription:
National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark
Philadelphia Municipal Water System
Here at Centre Square stood
Philadelphia's First Water Works
The first public water system in America
to use steam for large scale pumping
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1975
* West side, tower South entrance. City Hall. South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.952550,-75.163600 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s City Hall page's City Hall page

Signers Walk
Franklin Mint, 1975 (installed current location 1999)
* Plaques with relief busts of John Adams, Samuel Adams, Carter Braxton, Charles Carroll, George Clymer, William Floyd, Elbridge Gerry, Button Gwinnett, Benjamin Harrison V, Joseph Hewes, William Hooper, Thomas Jefferson, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Philip Livingston, Thomas Lynch Jr., Thomas McKean, Arthur Middleton, Lewis Morris, Robert Morris, Thomas Nelson, Jr., William Paca, Robert Treat Paine, Caesar Rodney, George Ross, Edward Rutledge, Roger Sherman, James Smith, George Taylor, William Williams, John Witherspoon and George Wythe
* small heads, parts of buildings
* Donated by the Franklin Mint in 1975. Moved to the current location in 1999. People listed are those visible June 20, 2022. Many of the plaques are missing or damaged. One was covered by a planter. Preference given here to likenesses of those least represented in the database as of 7/4/2022.
* inscription:
These plaques commemorate the 56 members of the Continental Congress who risked their lives, reputation, and fortunes by signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and 1777.
* Sidewalk. South side of Chestnut between 6th and 7th.
* 39.949260,-75.151575 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Exhibits: Missing, Moved
* See also: article about this piece's Franklin Mint page's John Adams page's Samuel Adams page's Carter Braxton page's Charles Carroll page's George Clymer page's William Floyd page's Elbridge Gerry page's Button Gwinnett page's Benjamin Harrison V page's Joseph Hewes page's William Hooper page's Thomas Jefferson page's Francis Lightfoot Lee page's Philip Livingston page's Thomas Lynch Jr. page's Thomas McKean page's Arthur Middleton page's Lewis Morris page's Robert Morris page's Thomas Nelson, Jr. page's William Paca page's Robert Treat Paine page's Caesar Rodney page's George Ross page's Edward Rutledge page's Roger Sherman page's James Smith page's George Taylor page's William Williams page's John Witherspoon page's George Wythe page

Thomas Jefferson
Lloyd Lillie, 1975 (1987 cast)
* statue of Thomas Jefferson
* small standing person
* South side of Locust between 10th and 11th.
* 39.947380,-75.158400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* See also:
+picture of a copy of this piece at's page for a copy of this piece at William and Mary's Lloyd Lillie obituary
+Hingham Journal article about Lloyd Lillie at's Thomas Jefferson page

Evelyn Keyser, 1976
* small people in groups, sitting
* In front of the District Health Center, Southwest side of Cottman, Northwest of Bustleton.
* 40.048100,-75.060990 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* See also: Evelyn Keyser obituary

Firemen in Action
Harold Kimmelman, 1976
* small standing and running people wearing helmets, fire-fighting equipment
* South wall. Engine Company 11. Northwest corner, 6th and South.
* 39.942075,-75.152400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s Engine 11 page

Jesus, The Bread of Life
Walter Erlebacher, 1976 (installed 1978)
* Statue of Jesus
* small standing person, food
* Also listed as "Jesus Breaking Bread". Originally installed nearer the corner on the large patch of grass. Moved some time between October 2016 and June 2017. The last picture is from the original location.
* inscription: 4th International Eucharistic Congress
* Against the West wall of the house on the South side of the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. North side of Race West of 18th.
* 39.957110,-75.168575 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Moved
* See also:'s page for this piece's Walter Erlebacher page's Jesus page page for the building's page for the building

Gil Whitman, 1976
* small people, one standing, one kneeling, hockey equipment
* Was behind the Spectrum at Broad and Pattision. The Spectrum was demolished early 2011. Reinstalled 2012 in the current location. The last picture is from the original location
* On the path from the parking lot behind Xfinity Live. Southwest of the Southwest corner of 11th and Pattison.
* 39.903800,-75.169900 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Broad tour
* Exhibits: Athletic, Moved
* See also:
+Wally Gobetz's picture of this piece at the original location on's Gil Whitman obituary

Charioteer of Delphi
Nikos Kerlis, Theodora Papayannis, 1977 (cast from the 5th Century BC original)
* small standing person
* original artist unknown
* inscription:
From the cradle of democracy in the ancient world to the cradle of democracy in the new world. From the people of Greece to the people of America.
* East side of the Art Museum. 25th and the Parkway.
* 39.965400,-75.179275 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: Athletic
* See also:'s page for this piece

First Step
Ken Clark, 1977
* small people standing
* Picariello Playground. Southeast side of Calera Rd., Northeast of Red Lion, past the ball fields.
* 40.080750,-74.989675 [map] [nearby]

Horse Team and Pumper Making A Run
Harold Kimmelman, 1978
* small seated person, partial person, hat and helmet, fire-fighting equipment, horses
* Front wall. Engine Company 2. West side of 2nd, North of York.
* 39.987575,-75.135825 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s Engine 2 page

Ned Wolf Memorial
Peter Rockwell, 1978
* In memory of Ned Wolf
* small people standing, dog
* Also listed as "Children at Play"
* Lincoln Drive and Wissahickon.
* 40.030025,-75.187250 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Peter Rockwell page article about Peter Rockwell's Philadelphia pieces's History and Mission page including founding by Ned Wolf

Walker Hancock, 1979 (installed 2015)
* small horizontal flying person, globe, clouds
* Originally at the Civic Center. In storage from 1999-2014.
* River side of Schuylkill Banks at Cherry.
* 39.957300,-75.178650 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:'s page for this piece's Walker Hancock page

For God and Country
* small standing person, rifle, hat
* inscription:
For God and Country. We dedicate this memorial to the gallant men and women of our armed forces who served this great nation in time of peril to keep this a free nation. One Nation Under God.
* In front of the Veterans Administration Hospital. 38th and Woodland.
* 39.949050,-75.200050 [map] [nearby]
* On the University City South Medical Complex tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:

National Shrine of Saint John Neumann Entrance Plaques
1979 (best guess based on 1979 commemoration)
* bas-relief busts of Pope John Paul II and John Nepomucene Neumann
* small heads
* inscription:
St. John N. Neumann
C. SS. R.
Fourth Bisop of Philadelphia
Remberance of
the visit of
Pope John Paul II
to the National Shrine
of St. John Neumann
October 4, 1979
* Either side of the entrance. National Shrine of Saint John Neumann. Southest corner 5th and Girard.
* 39.97000,-75.144850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Northern Liberties tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Pope John Paul II page's John Nepomucene Neumann page

Henry Mitchell, 1979
* In memory of William W. Bodine, Jr.
* small otters, rocks, fountain
* Moved from the West end of the building to the East end, probably in 2007. The first picture is from the original location, the rest are from after the move, and with a much lower water level in the pool.
* inscription: With Gratitude to William W. Bodine Jr. Leader, builder and friend of Thomas Jefferson University.
* South side of Walnut between 10th and 11th behind the building which faces Walnut..
* 39.947965,-75.157975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, Moved
* See also:'s Henry Mitchell bio's William W. Bodine, Jr. obituary

Quiet Vigil
Bernard Brenner, James Fuhrman, 1979
* small abstract standing person
* Outside the Andorra Library. Andorra Shopping Center, Ridge and Cathedral.
* See also:
+Bernard Brenner exhibit at's Andorra Library page

The Young Gymnast
Harold Kimmelman, 1979
* small person standing on hands
* Title provided by the artist
* On the sidewalk outside Houseman Recreation Center. Southeast side of Summerdale, Southwest of Godfrey.
* 40.030350,-75.093325 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* Exhibits: Athletic
* See also:
+Association for Public Art's post about this piece at

Michael Nicholas Lekakis, 1980
* small abstract form
* Southeast corner, 9th and Locust.
* 39.947040,-75.155950 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* See also:'s Michael Nicholas Lekakis page

Robert David Lasus, 1980
* tribute to Hephaestus
* small abstract form
* inscription: Patron God of the Arts
* Pelbano Recreation Center. Southwest side of Solly Ave. at Horrocks St., down the path between the ballfield and the building.
* 40.061990,-75.050750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Hephaestus page

Bryan Hunt, 1980 - 1981
* small abstract form
* In front of Perry World House. West side of 38th, North side of the Locust Walk Bridge.
* 39.952640,-75.199250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Perry World House page

Pope John Paul II
* Commemorative plaque with bust of Pope John Paul II
* small head
* Was on the West side of the circle. Removed during the 2005 renovation and replaced on the East side.
* inscription:
This plaque commemerates the site where his holiness
Pope John Paul II celebrated mass and proclaimed his message of peace and love to the people of Philadelphia and the nation October 9, 1979
Presented by the Philadelphia Chapter, Knights of Columbus October 9, 1980
* Northeast entrance of the circle. Logan Square. 19th and the Parkway.
* 39.958100,-75.170100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Moved, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Pope John Paul II page's Logan Circle page

University of Pennsylvania Class of 1930 Plaque
* Bas relief bust of Benjamin Franklin
* small head, seal of the University of Pennsylvania
* inscription: Benjamin Franklin
The class of 1930 at its 50th Reunion honors Benjamin Franklin founder of the University of Pennsylvania which began at this site in 1749 and which in 1779 became the first University in this nation. We recognize the growth of our beloved institution from small beginning to world renown. May our fellow men note our affection for the University and our respect for its architect.
* Wall. West side of 4th, just South of Arch.
* 39.952250,-75.146900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Benjamin Franklin page

Woman Looking Through a Window
George Segal, 1980 (installed 1981)
* small standing person, window
* Building entrance overhang. North side of Chestnut between 6th and 7th.
* 39.949400,-75.151575 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's George Segal page

McVeigh Children's Relief
Anthony Visco, 1981
* small groups of children standing, sitting, sticks, balls, and swings
* Access is through the gate on D. The picture of the West side of the piece (the side with the swings, which is in much worse physical condition than the East side) has been heavily retouched to remove scribbled names.
* On the grounds of the McVeigh Recreation Center. South side of Ontario West of D.
* 40.000610,-75.121435 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* See also:'s Anthony Visco page

Rock Chair
Scott Burton, 1981
* small chair
* In the Anne d'Harnoncourt Sculpture Garden. Anne d'Harnocourt Drive (25th and Kelly Drive to the Spring Garden Bridge).
* 39.967175,-75.181450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:
+William Cooke Studio's picture of a different Rock Chair by the same artist at
+Hanne Therkildsen's picture of a different Rock Chair by the same artist at's Scott Burton page's Anne d'Harnoncourt Sculpture Garden page

Boy and Dog
Jim Victor, 1982
* small seated person, dog
* Southeast of 82nd and Lyons.
* 39.897900,-75.246100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Southwest Philly tour
* See also:

Ken Clark, 1982
* small people standing
* In a small park on the Southwest corner of Addison and Perth (West and North of 7th and Lombard).
* 39.943725,-75.154635 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour

Fitler Square Ram
Gerd Hesness, 1982
* small ram
* East end of Fitler Square. 23rd and Pine.
* 39.947550,-75.179500 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* See also:
+Jeremy Fountain's picture of this piece at's Fitler Square page

The Family
Harold Kimmelman, 1982
* small standing people
* Plaza/courtyard/walkway. Pennsport Plaza. East side of Moyamensing between Moore and McClellan.
* 39.925425,-75.150725 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* See also:
+Pennsport Plaza's page at

George R. Anthonisen, 1983
* small vertical, horizontal people, helmets, other sports equipment
* Wall. Anita M. Carboni Ball Field. Northwest of the West corner, 63rd and Eastwick.
* 39.919940,-75.223150 [map] [nearby]
* On the Southwest Philly tour
* Exhibits: Athletic
* See also:

Eastwick Farmpark
Rosalie Sherman, 1983
* small sheep, cows, dogs, seated person wearing a hat, bench
* The farmer and his bench were missing on April 20, 2013
* 84th and Crane.
* 39.89407,-75.246725 [map] [nearby]
* On the Southwest Philly tour
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also:

Grizzly Bear
Eric Berg, 1983
* small bear
* West end of Fitler Square. 23rd and Pine.
* 39.947600,-75.180050 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Fitler Square page

Allow Me
J. Seward Johnson, Jr., 1984 (approximate)
* small standing person, umbrella
* Originally at the Northeast corner of 17th and Locust. Moved to the South side of Chestnut between Broad and 15th in front of the Prince Theater. Missing as of 12/19/2016. The first picture is from the original location.
* 39.950880,-75.164800 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Moved
* See also:'s page for this piece

Balancing Act
Elsa Tarantal, 1984
* small standing child
* Was on the Southeast corner, 40th and Market. The houses were torn down in 2024, but as of 7/20/2024 the plaza and empty base were still standing. Also listed elsewhere as "Balance", and "Balancing". There is weathering and censorship with stickers in the 2015 pictures not evident in the original (last) picture.
* Plaza.
* 39.956750,-75.201650 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing

Lindemann Fountain
Delia Bentivoglio, Robert Lundgren, 1984
* In memory of Joseph S. Lindemann
* small fountain plants
* In the small park on the Northwest corner of 37th and Locust Walk.
* 39.952460,-75.197200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s page for this piece
+ 1977 Landscape Development Plan for the University of Pennsylvania, hosted at, cites Delia Bentivoglio, Campus Landscape Architect's Robert Lundgren episode's Joseph S. Lindemann obituary

Three Figures
Joseph C. Bailey, 1984
* small standing people, nurse's hat
* Courtyard. Tucker House. Northwest corner, 10th and Wallace.
* 39.964250,-75.154150 [map] [nearby]
* On the Northern Liberties tour
* Exhibits: Black Lives
* See also:
+a video about 3D modeling this piece at's Joseph C. Bailey page

Arabesque and Layout
Cathy Hopkins, 1985
* small vertical people
* Behind an awning
* Wall. West side of 5th, South of Locust.
* 39.945675,-75.149975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* Exhibits: Athletic
* See also:'s Cathy Hopkins obituary

Drexel Book
Harold Kimmelman, 1985
* In memory of Doris Zimmerman
* small book
* Also listed as Book and Volume 1.
* inscription:
From the plaque at the garden entrance:
Garden Sculpture in memory of Doris A. Zimmerman, 1929-1981
* Walled garden. Drexel University. Northwest of 33rd and Market. Enter on the South side near 33rd. Also visible through the fence on the West side.
* 39.956805,-75.189875 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of Technology tour
* See also: article about Doris Zimmerman

Fire Rescue Scene of Infant
Rebecca Rose, 1986
* small people standing, carried, helmets, fire-fighting equipment, parts of building
* Front wall. Engine Company 53. South side of Snyder just West of 4th.
* 39.922225,-75.153775 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s Engine 53 page

Homage to Georgia O'Keeffe
Thom Cooney Crawford, 1986
* Homage to Georgia O'Keeffe
* small abstract standing person
* Northeast corner 38th and Spruce, through the arch.
* 39.951625,-75.198450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:
+artist's picture of this piece's page for this piece's Georgia O'Keeffe page

Two-Part Chair
Scott Burton, 1986 (fabricated 2002)
* small chair
* In the Anne d'Harnoncourt Sculpture Garden. Anne d'Harnocourt Drive (25th and Kelly Drive to the Spring Garden Bridge).
* 39.967190,-75.181410 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:
+a commentary about Two Part Chair by David J. Getsy at's Scott Burton page's Anne d'Harnoncourt Sculpture Garden page

Ben Franklin
George Lundeen, 1987
* Statue of Benjamin Franklin
* small seated person, bench, eyeglasses, cane, newspaper, pigeon
* Title is from the artist's web page
* East side of 37th Street, just South of Locust Walk.
* 39.952150,-75.196975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's page for this piece's George Lundeen page's Benjamin Franklin page

Dr. Hideyo Noguchi
* Partial statue of Hideyo Noguchi
* small head, torso, and arm, beaker
* Was on the South side of Market, West of 36th. Was not there 7/24/2005.
* inscription:
Dr. Hideyo Noguchi, 1876-1928. Born in Fukushima, Japan. Studied at the University of Pennsylvania (1900-1904) and dedicated his life to medical research. He died of yellow fever in Africa.
Donated by District 265 Kyoto-Joyo Rotary Club.
* Exhibits: Medical, Missing, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Hideyo Noguchi page

Bellevue Lions
1989 (approximate)
* small lions holding shields
* Gateposts. Bellevue. West side of Broad between Walnut and Locust.
* 39.948750,-75.164605 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Bellevue-Stratford Hotel page

Family of Turtles
Eric Berg, 1989
* small tortoises
* Per these are tortoises, not turtles, despite the title.
* West end of Fitler Square. 23rd and Pine.
* 39.947550,-75.180050 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Fitler Square page

Station no. 6 - Celebration of Water
Ellen Fletcher, 1989
* small seated person wearing a hat, tackle box, fish
* The fisherman was lost in 1999 in the flooding caused by hurricane Floyd and recovered or replaced in late 2005 or early 2006. Lost again in September 2021 to the flooding from Hurricane Ida. Reappeared some time before May 2023.
* Schuylkill Banks between the Waterworks and the Spring Garden Bridge at the foot of the spiral staircase.
* 39.964950,-75.183300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour

Tribute to Nursing
Cathy Hopkins, 1989
* small people, one standing, one sitting
* inscription:
In honor of
Our Nurses
Past, Present and Future
Genorously donated by
Presbyterian's Nursing Alumni
Ladies Aid Society
May 6, 1989
* North side of the traffic circle of the Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. East and North of 39th and Filbert.
* 39.958740,-75.199000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Powelton tour
* Exhibits: Medical, Labor
* See also:'s Cathy Hopkins obituary's Penn Presbyterian Medical Center page

Stephen Girard
Alfred Seebode, 1990 (dedicated 1992)
* Statue of Stephen Girard
* small standing person
* Center of Stephen Girard Park. 21st and Shunk.
* 39.920540,-75.18315 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
+picture of this piece at's Stephen Girard page's Stephen Girard Park page

Paul J. Gutman Library Gargoyles
Syma, 1992
* small heads, buildings as hats
* Library walls. North side of School House Lane, East of Henry Ave..
* 40.022375,-75.191350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson East Falls Campus tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the library

United States Mint Historical Plaque
* small buildings, standing people, sitting people, cart, horses, plants, flags, clouds
* inscription:
On this site stood The First United States Mint
First Public Building Authorized by the United States Government
This plaque dedicated for the bicentennial of the U.S. Mint 1792-1992
First Mint 1792-1833 7th Street between Market and Arch
Second Mint 1833-1901 Juniper and Chestnut Sts.
Third Mint 1901-1969 16th and Spring Garden Sts.
Fourth Mint 1969 - 5th and Arch Sts.
* Wall. East side of 7th between Market and Arch.
* 39.952240,-75.151550 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists

Rocky Footprints
1993 (approximate)
* In honor of Rocky Balboa
* small symbolic footprints
* Top of the steps. Art Museum. 25th and the Parkway.
* 39.965115,-75.180320 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Rocky Balboa page

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church Crucifixion
1993 (installed? year St. Elizabeth was closed)
* statue of Jesus
* small group of people standing and crucified, kneeling, with headgear
* Was in the parking lot on the Northwest corner of 17th and Race. As of 5/19/2021 the pieces are near the wall on Vine behind a fence and parked cars (see last picture). The crucified Christ appears to be horizontal on the sidewalk. I have no information about the relationship between the statues and St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, or who the three women are.
* inscription: St. Elizabeth Catholic Church founded 1872
* 39.956950,-75.167700 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Jesus page

The Sign Boy
Tom Miles, 1994
* small standing boy, sign, hat, dog
* Was on the East side of Juniper, South of Market. Removed some time during the first half of 2021 or late 2020 during renovation of the Wanamaker entrance.
* 39.951485,-75.162725 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also:

Entrance Pillars
Darling Rosario, 1995
* small abstract mosaic
* Three posts from two of the eight entrances are pictured.
* Entrance posts. Norris Square. Susquehanna and Howard.
* 39.983225,-75.133850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* Exhibits: Mosaic

Philadelphia Books of Just Hours
Phillips Simkin, 1995
* small books, podium
* Also listed as "Philada Book of Just Hours" and "Philada Books of Just Hours". Philada is an old abbreviation of Philadelphia. The on-site plaque spells Philada with a final superscript a.
* Inside the corner column. Southwest corner of the Justice Center. Juniper and Filbert.
* 39.953350,-75.162150 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Phillips Simkin obituary's Justice Juanita Kidd Stout Center for Criminal Justice page

Pennsylvania National Guard Monument
* Monument to a group organized by Benjamin Franklin
* small lion, sword and shield, keystone
* inscription:
The rampant lion. Crest of the PA National Guard.
1747 1997
Near this site the Associators, a group of citizen-soldiers organized by Benjamin Franklin and predecessor to the modern Pennsylvania National Guard, established the first Pennsylvania military installation to defend the colony and the port of Philadelphia.
The Pennsylvania National Guard dedicates this monument to those patriots on our two hundredth anniversary.
* Penn's Landing between Dock and South.
* 39.941850,-75.141325 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Benjamin Franklin page

Roberto Clemente
Phil Sumpter, 1997
* Statue of Roberto Clemente
* small standing person, helmet, baseball bat, map of Puerto Rico
* inscription:
"Quiero que me recuerden como uno que dio todo lo que tenia para dar."
"I want to be remembered as someone who gave all that he had to give."
Roberto Clemente Walker
* Courtyard. Roberto Clemente Middle School. South side of Erie between Front and 2nd.
* 40.006575,-75.130000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* Exhibits: Athletic, Black Lives
* See also: article about Phil Sumpter article about Phil Sumpter's Roberto Clemente page

The City of Philadelphia
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997
* Monument to the work of Thomas Holme and William Penn
* small map of Philadelphia
* inscription:
A portraiture of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania in America by Thomas Holme Surveyor General. Sold by Andrew Sowle in Shoreditch London.
Planned 1682
Dedicated 1997
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1852
National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark
The City of Philadelphia
Surveyor General Thomas Holme, Governor William Penn and others planned the open public squares and rational street layout that we enjoy today. These original features have inspired city engineers for 300 years.
* Southeast corner of Aviator Park, West side of Logan Square. North side of Race, East of 20th.
* 39.957550,-75.171450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s Thomas Holme page's William Penn page's Logan Circle page

Dr. Beukenkamp
T.J. Dixon, James Nelson, 1998
* statue of Cornelius F.J. Beukenkamp Jr.
* small sitting person, bench
* visible through the fence
* Broad and Vine, Northwest corner.
* 39.958225,-75.162600 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* See also: T.J. Dixon and James Nelson page
+NY State Department of Health 1994 License Surrender Record for Cornelius Beukenkamp

Philadelphia Firsts
George Greenamyer, 1998
* Portrayals of and references to John Bartram, William Camac, Mary Cassatt, Rebecca Cole, Thomas Eakins, John Fitch, Benjamin Franklin, Francis Hopkinson and Betsy Ross
* small standing people, building, tiger, boat, fish, fire, medical and fire-fighting equipment, flag, plant
* inscription:
First American Zoo
The first animal and Dr. William Camac, founder
First American museum and art school
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Thomas Eakins and Mary Cassat
First American volunteer fire company
The union, founded by Benjamin Franklin
First American botanical garden
Bartram's Gardens
John Bartram with Franklinia alatamaha
First American steamboat
John Fitch, inventor
First African-American to graduate from the Women's Medical College
Dr. Rebecca Cole
First American Flag
Betsy Ross, seamstress
Francis Hopkinson, alleged designer
* On top of a pole outside 1515 Arch (aka One Parkway).
* 39.954900,-75.166100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s John Bartram page article about the zoo that mentions William Camac's Mary Cassatt page's Rebecca Cole page's Thomas Eakins page's John Fitch page's Benjamin Franklin page's Francis Hopkinson page's Betsy Ross page

Zenos Frudakis, 2000
* small people standing, parts of people, tools, cat
* Wall. South side of Vine, West of 16th.
* 39.957975,-75.166000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Franklin Town tour
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece

Tom Foglietta
Zenos Frudakis, 2000
* Bas-relief bust of Thomas Foglietta
* small head and upper torso
* inscription:
City Councilman
Citizen of Philadelphia
Ambassador to Italy
Champion of Historic Preservation
* Northeast of the center of Washington Square. Southwest of 6th and Walnut.
* 39.947250,-75.152000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's Thomas M. Foglietta page's Washington Square page's Cultural Landscape Report for Washington Square (449 page pdf)

Addams Family Silhouette
Lindsay Falck, 2001
* Reference to the work of Charles Addams
* small people standing, sign
* Originally installed in the courtyard behind the gates.
* Wall. Charles Addams Fine Arts Hall. West side of 36th between Walnut and Locust Walk.
* 39.953000,-75.194950 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:
+a page about this piece at
+a tribute to Lindsay Falck at
+Charles Addams bio from
+Charles Addams bio from Almanac article about the Charles Addams Fine Arts Hall

Figuresphere II
Eric Berg, 2002
* In loving memory of Claudia Diane Goodman
* small abstract curled people
* The memorial plaque was added after the first pictures were taken in 2004
* Schuylkill River Park. North of Delancey between 25th and 26th.
* 39.948500,-75.182000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Claudia Diane Goodman page
+'s Schuylkill River Park page

Irish Memorial
Glenna Goodacre, 2002 (opened late 2003)
* small group of people standing, lying and sitting, grave stones, crosses, shovel, part of a ship, luggage, cane, hats
* The Association for Public Art lists it as "The Irish Memorial An Gorta Mor (The Great Hunger)". Was on the Southeast corner, Front and Chestnut. Moved late 2023 through early 2024. Pictures are from the original location.
* inscription: (excerpt)
The hunger ended
but it never went away
It was there in silent memories,
from one generation
to the next,
The time to take away
the silence has come,
to commemorate,
to mourn what was lost
to celebrate what survives -
without apology or fear.
We have it in our power
not only to remember
what took place but to relive it...
To find in the hungry and lost,
not a different race...
but the faces of our ancestors...
An image of ourselves.
-Peter Quinn
* Southwest corner of Foglietta Plaza. Northeast corner of Spruce and 38th Parallel Place.
* 39.944500,-75.143825 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, Moved
* See also:'s page for this piece's Glenna Goodacre page's Glenna Goodacre page

Negro Leagues Memorial
Phil Sumpter, 2005
* Dedicated to Bill Cash, Mahlon Duckett, Stanley Glenn, Harold Gould and Wilmer Harris
* small standing person, hat, baseball bat
* inscription:
front: Dedicated to Bill Cash, Mahlon Duckett, Stanley Glenn, Harold Gould, Wilmer Harris, April 15, 2005
back: A special thanks to the Phillies organization for all of their wonderful support for this monument
* Southwest corner Belmont and Parkside.
* 39.977675,-75.213700 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* Exhibits: Athletic, Black Lives
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece article about Phil Sumpter article about Phil Sumpter's Bill Cash page's Mahlon Duckett page's Stanley Glenn page's Harold Gould page's Wilmer Harris page

City Hall Plaque
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2006
* small City Hall Tower
* inscription:
National Historical Civil Engineering Landmark
Started 1871
Completed 1901
Since its completion 30 years after construction begain in 1871, City Hall has dominated the Center City Philadelphia skyline. At Penn Square,the building is still the world's tallest masonry load bearing structure, made of 88 million bricks and thousands of tons of stone. City Hall is the nation's most elaborate seat of municipal government. It is the finest example of the French Second Empire style, widely used in Late 19th Century public buildings.
* Wall. North side of the East pavilion near the courtyard City Hall. Market at Juniper.
* 39.952335,-75.163170 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:'s City Hall page's City Hall page

Ernesta Drinker Ballard Memorial
* In honor of Ernesta Drinker Ballard
* small urn/planter
* inscription:
In honor of
Ernesta Drinker Ballard
Ernesta was the moving force behind the restoration of the Fairmount Water Works and these gardens. Fairmount Park Commissioner from 1981 to 2002 and a founding member of the Fairmount Park Conservancy, she was a civic leader, a feminist, a beloved friend.
"The world is a better place if everyone is included" - EDB 2001
Erected September 10, 2006
* In the gardens of the Water Works. Schuylkill Banks near the Spring Garden Bridge..
* 39.965740,-75.183035 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s page for this piece's Ernesta Drinker Ballard page

Cheryl Levin, Robert Phillips, 2006
* big and small insects, building (Girard College), elephant, food (including a mug of beer), giraffe, gorilla, partial standing person, musical instrument, plants, ship, sun and moon, tiger, tools, train and trolley, water
* The insects are by Phillips, the mosaics are by Levin and Mural Corps youth.
* inscription:
a sculptural and mosaic
public art project
dedicated to the community
and its cycles of change
* Railroad crossing bridge. Girard between 31st and Poplar Drive.
* 39.975050,-75.187225 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fairmount tour
* Exhibits: Mosaic, Mass Transit
* See also:'s page for this piece's Bob Phillips Gallery

Science Leadership Academy Mosaics
2006 (school founded)
* small abstract kneeling people
* SLA has moved to Broad and Green and has been replaced by Greene Towne Montessori.
* North wall. Greene Towne Montessori School. South side of Arch, East of 22nd.
* 39.955950,-75.175875 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, Mosaic
* See also:

Alexander Milne Calder Plaque
* bas-relief bust of Alexander Milne Calder
* small head and upper torso, hat
* inscription:
Alexander Milne Calder
Sculptor - 1846-1923
Alexander Milne Calder emigrated from Scotland in 1868 and spent twenty years creating over 250 sculptures that adorn City Hall. His bronze William Penn, installed atop the tower in 1894, is thought to be the largest sculpture on top of a building at 37 feet tall and 27 tons. Calder's son and grandson were also sculptors: Alexander Stirling Calder's is located in Logan Circle and Alexander "Sandy" Calder's monumental Ghost mobile hangs in the Grand Stair of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Below William Penn are eight colossal bronzes of Native Americans, Swedish settlers and eagles. Allegorical sculptures on the building represent history, peoples of the world and nature, and collectively symbolize the spirit upon which the United States was founded.
Generations of Philadelphians have identified City Hall tower as the symbol of their city. The tower is visible for miles and remains the physical and civic heart of Philadelphia.
Creation of this plaque was funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts.
* On the wall.. East side of the North entrance of City Hall. South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.953050,-75.163500 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Alexander Milne Calder page's City Hall page's City Hall page

The Final Farewell
Lorann Jacobs, 2007
* small person kneeling, weapons, helmet
* West end of Foglietta Plaza. East side of 38th Parallel Place between Dock and Spruce.
* 39.945040,-75.143575 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:

Finding Mantua
Lars Hokanson, Felix St. Fort, 2008
* small cars, buildings, trees, standing people
* West wall. Charles L. Durham Library. Southeast corner, 34th and Haverford.
* 39.963900,-75.191525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Powelton tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Lars Hokanson page's Felix St. Fort page's Charles L. Durham Library page

One Meridian Plaza Fire Memorial
* Memorial to James A. Chappell, David P. Holcombe and Phyllis McAllister
* small firefighter helmets
* inscription:
To sacrifice one's own safety
in the service of others
requires a courage that is rare.
Those among us who do
are true heroes.
* South side of S. Penn Square, West of Broad.
* 39.951565,-75.164500 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters, Unidentified Artists, Black Lives
* See also:'s One Meridian Plaza page's James A. Chappell page's David P. Holcombe page's Phyllis McAllister page

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial
Rebecca Rose, 2009
* Bust of Martin Luther King, Jr.
* small head
* inscription:
January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968
Freedom Now Rally
On August 3, 1965, Martin Luther King addressed a crowd of 10,000 at this intersection. His "Freedom Now" tour to Philadelphia, Chicago, Cleveland, and Boston was in gratitude for support given to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. King brought his message into nothern Black neighborhoods, supporting local civil rights efforts and raising funds. His goal was to empower the formation of a coalition to address their common concerns.
* 40th, Haverford, and Lancaster.
* 39.962975,-75.202260 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious, Black Lives
* See also:
+discover_phl's picture of this piece at's Martin Luther King, Jr. page

2010 (installed)
* small shells
* Either side of the East entrance. Academy of Natural Sciences. West side of 19th between Cherry and the Parkway.
* 39.956600,-75.170950 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:

Commodore Uriah Phillips Levy
Gregory Pototsky, 2011
* Statue of, in memory of: Uriah Phillips Levy and James A. Zimble
* small standing person, sword, paper, Star of David and U.S. Navy logo
* inscription:
April 22, 1792 - March 22, 1862
Nissan 30, 5552 - Adar II 20, 5622
"I am an American, a sailor, and a Jew."
Born in Philadelphia in 1792, Uriah Phillips Levy was a fifth generation American. According to family stories, he left for sea at ten years old, returning to celebrate his bar mitzvah here at Congregation Mikveh Israel in 1805. He served with distinction in the U.S. Navy in the War of 1812, and became the first Jewish U.S. Navy Commodore, a rank equivalent to Admiral today.
During his fifty-year naval career, Levy was court martialed six times and killed a man in a duel - all incidents related to rampant anti-Semitism. He was dismissed twice from the U.S. Navy, but was reinstated by Presidents James Monroe and John Tyler. He went on to command the Mediterranean Fleet and was appointed by President Abraham Lincoln to the Navy Court Martial Board during the Civil War. Levy played a key role in helping to repeal the flogging of sailors, making the U.S. Navy the first military organization in the world to abolish physical punishment.
Levy greatly admired President Thomas Jefferson and the Bill of Rights he crafted, which safeguarded religious liberties for all Americans. In 1832, he commissioned a statue of Jefferson, which sits in the U.S. Capitol today. In 1834, Levy purchased Monticello, Jefferson's home near Charlottesville, Virginia, which he repaired, restored, and preserved for future generations.
The World War II destroyer escort USS Levy (DE-162) was named in his honor, as were the Uriah P. Levy Jewish Chapel at the Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia, and the Commodore Uriah P. Levy Center and Jewish Chapel at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Levy is buried at the Beth Olom Cemetery in Queens, New York.
Given with love of God and Country
in memory of Vice Admiral James A. Zimble, MC USN Ret. (1933-2011)
Beloved 30th Surgeon General of the U.S. Navy
Dedicated December 16, 2011, Kislev 20, 5772
Rabbi Aaron Landes, Rear Admiral CHC USN Ret.
Captain Gary "Yuri" Tabach, USN Ret.
Joshua H. Landes
* West side of Mikveh Israel. East side of 5th, North of Market.
* 39.951325,-75.148400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Exhibits: Religious, War
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's Uriah P. Levy page's James A, Zimble page

Sankofa Kore
Christopher Smith, 2011 (installed 2015)
* small standing person
* Grounds of Woodmere Art Museum. Corner of Germantown Avenue and Bells Mill Road.
* 40.082965,-75.219855 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Black Lives
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece

Michael Speller, 2012
* small abstract armless person
* On the campus of Drexel University. Northwest corner, 33rd and Market.
* 39.955950,-75.189600 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of Technology tour
* Exhibits: Athletic
* See also:
+artist's picture of this piece

Reading Terminal Market Signs
2012 (approximate)
* small signs: flowers, food, flatware on a plate, fish, cow, chicken
* West and North walls. Reading Terminal Market. South side of Arch East of 12th and East side of 12th between Arch and Filbert.
* 39.953600,-75.159450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+Reading Terminal Market

William Daniel Travis, 2012
* small people standing
* Was underneath Market between 12th and 13th. Not there when checked 12/12/2024.
* Both platforms. 13th Street L Station.
* 39.951950,-75.160700 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Mass Transit
* See also:'s 13th Street Station page

Under the Clothespin
Emilie Ledieu, Miriam Singer, 2012
* small buildings, buses, car and truck, street lights, trees, bicycle, El
* Under (and references) Clothespin
* Concourse level wall. Centre Square. South side of Market at 15th.
* 39.952250,-75.16570 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Mosaic, Mass Transit
* See also:'s page for this piece's Emilie Ledieu page's Centre Square page

Haas Biergarten Rabbits
Groundswell Design Group, 2013 (probable)
* small rabbits
* Groundswell Design is listed as the designer of the restaurant and presumably the beer garden, so they are credited here with the rabbits.
* Shack roof. North side of Fringe Arts. South side of Race, West of Columbus Blvd..
* 39.953510,-75.140400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* See also:

Walk Together Forever, 2013
* Statue of Bobby Clarke and Bernie Parent
* small standing people, hockey equipment, Stanley Cup
* Located in an outdoor seating area. It may be difficult to see up close.
* inscription:
Since their inception in 1967, the Flyers have always done everything possible to put a winning team on the ice. That work ethic was rewarded on May 19, 1974 when the Flyers defeated the Boston Bruins in six games to become the first expansion team to win the Stanley Cup. The Flyers then repeated the feat on May 27, 1975 with a six game series win over the Buffalo Sabres.
On both occasions, Flyers greats Bobby Clarke and Bernie Parent accepted the Stanley Cup for the Flyers and began the on-ice celebration. Those moments are immortalized with this statue, which honors all of those who made the Broad Street Bullies a legendary part of Philadelphia Flyers history and forever cemented their spot in hockey lore.
* In front of Xfinity Live. Southwest corner, 11th and Pattison.
* 39.904600,-75.169100 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Broad tour
* Exhibits: Athletic
* See also:'s page for this piece's Bobby Clarke page's Bernie Parent page

Along the Atlantic Flyway
* small bird sign
* Washington Avenue Pier. East of Columbus and Washington.
* 39.932325,-75.140425 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Washington Avenue Pier page

Bicycle Rack
Warren C. Holzman, 2014
* small arch with intersecting curved lines
* Bike rack. Northeast corner City Hall. Southwest corner, Juniper and JFK.
* 39.952965,-75.162865 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:'s City Hall page's City Hall page

Bike Cloud
Ralph Tullie, 2014
* small abstract cloud
* Bike rack. East side of Logan Square. West side of Sister Cities Park, Northwest of 18th and Race.
* 39.957705,-75.169710 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:
+Ralph Tullie's profile on's Logan Circle page

Bike Cloud
Ralph Tullie, 2014
* small abstract cloud
* Bike rack. In front of the Kimmel Center. West side of Broad, South of Spruce.
* 39.946630,-75.164980 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* See also:
+Ralph Tullie's profile on's Kimmel Center page

Bike Cloud
Ralph Tullie, 2014
* small abstract cloud
* Bike rack. North of the Northwest corner, 16th, Arch, and the Parkway.
* 39.955375,-75.166425 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:
+Ralph Tullie's profile on

Bike Terminal
Nathaniel Ross, 2014
* small abstract representation of the Reading Terminal train shed
* Bike rack. In front of the Reading Terminal Headhouse. Convention Center. North side of Market, East of 12th.
* 39.951910,-75.159190 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* See also:

Fred Shero
Chad Fisher, 2014
* Statue of Fred Shero
* small standing person, eyeglasses
* In front of Xfinity Live. Southwest corner, 11th and Pattison.
* 39.904535,-75.168850 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Broad tour
* Exhibits: Athletic
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's Fred Shero page

From River to Sea and Back
* small fish sign
* inscription: Alewife, Striped Bass, American Eel, American Sturgeon, American Shad
* Washington Avenue Pier. East of Columbus and Washington.
* 39.932250,-75.140500 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Washington Avenue Pier page

Partly Sunny
Carin Mincemoyer, 2014
* small cloud, sun
* Bike rack. Schuylkill Banks at Locust. East side of the circle.
* 39.950310,-75.181810 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece

River of Life
Masayuki Nagase, 2014
* big and small water, rocks, furniture, birds, fish, insects, plants, turtle
* inscription:
plaque: Hand carved granite benches, sculptural boulders, and engraved tile pavers and medallions depicting images of local flora, fauna, and water patterns. An original artwork commissioned by The City of Philadelphia Percent for Art Program and The Philadelphia Water Department
rock: Venice Island is the legacy of 19th century urbanization. In 1819 a three mile sliver of schist was sliced away from Manayunk by a narrow canal that supplied the textile mills on the Island. Today, this site location led the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) to install a subsurface Combined Sewer Overflow Tank. This tank holds nearly 1 million gallons of a mixture of sewage and storm water during rain events, preventing untreated wastewater from flowing into the Schuylkill River.
To enable the use of the island for this essential river protection project, PWD committed to a full scale reconstruction of the Venice Island's recreation facilities. PWD worked with its sister city agencies and the neighborhood in the master planning process. This site uses the best in sustainable storm water management, ecological design and restoration to provide a much needed public place in the heart of Manayunk that addresses multiple needs - recreation, environmental protection, commerce and open space.
The revitalized space reflects the Island's industrial heritage, local building techniques and the vibrant natural history along the Schuylkill River, all the while meeting the rigorous challenges of creating a safe city park in the floodway. This park resides at the intersection of nature and city, striving to bring both closer.
* Multi-level plaza. Venice Island. Across the canal off Main and Cotton.
* 40.023810,-75.222675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Manayunk tour
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece
+a page about this piece at

Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk Signs
* small bird, plants, turtle, rocks, signs
* Both ends of the Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk. East side of the Schuylkill River between South and Locust.
* 39.948100,-75.184675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Boardwalk page

Richard Allen
Fern Cunningham-Terry, 2016
* statue of, with tribute to Richard Allen, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, Cynthia Hurd, Susie Jackson, Ethel Lance, DePayne Middleton-Doctor, Clementa C. Pinckney, Tywanza Sanders, Daniel Simmons and Myra Thompson
* small standing person, pulpit, Bible
* inscription:
Richard Allen
Founder and First Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church
Apostle of freedom proclaiming a liberating and reconciling Gospel.
tribute plaques
In Tribute to the Emanuel Nine
On Wednesday, June 17, 2015, the pastor and eight faithful members were tragically slain in a mass shooting at
Emanuel African American Methodist Episcopal Church
Charleston, South Carolina
They had come together with great joy for a weekly Bible Study. But a stranger who had been warmly welcomed into the group snuffed out the lives of these beloved fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, colleagues and friends. May the untimely deaths of these three men and six women be an eternal reminder of the power of love and forgiveness, and that God's grace is sufficient, no matter what.
The Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, 41
State Senator and Senior Pastor
The Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, 45
Mrs. Cynthia Hurd, 54
Ms. Susie Jackson, 87
Ms. Ethel Lance, 70
The Rev. DePayne Middleton-Doctor, 49
Mr. Tywanza Sanders, 26
The Rev. Daniel Simmons, 74
Mrs. Myra Thompson, 59
For to me, to live in Christ and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21, NIV
* Southwest corner of the parking lot. Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Northeast corner 6th and Lombard.
* 39.943115,-75.151985 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Black Lives
* See also: article about this piece's Fern Cunningham page's Richard Allen page's Sharonda Coleman-Singleton page's Cynthia Graham Hurd page's Susie Jackson page's Susan J. Jackson page's Ethel Lance page's DePayne Middleton-Doctor page's Clementa C. Pinckney page's Rev. Daniel Lee Simmons Sr. page Myra Thompson obituary's Mother Bethel AME Church page

A Quest for Parity: The Octavius V. Catto Memorial
Branly Cadet, 2017
* Memorial to and statue of Octavius Catto
* big and small standing person, ideas, cube and mirrored orb, steles representing a streetcar and a representational streetcar, buildings, plants, horse, clouds, groups of people, some sitting, hats, guns, baseball equipment
* inscription:
South side of steles, North side of cube:
There must come a change which will force upon this nation that course which providence seems wisely to be directing for the mutual benefit of all peoples.
West side of steles, West side of cube:
Educator Leader Major Athlete Activist
South side of cube: October 10, 1871
East side of cube:
Amendment to the United States Constitution
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
North side of steles:
1839 Born February 22 in Charleston, South Carolina
1854 Becomes a student at the Philadelphia Institute for Colored Youth
1858 Graduates from the Institute for Colored Youth
1859 Chosen as a member and recording secretary of the Banneker Institute, an all black literary society led by Jacob White, Jr. Hired as an English and mathematics teacher at his alma mater. Campaign to desegregate the horse-drawn streetcars in Philadelphia begins.
1863 becomes a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard. Helps lead a civil war recruitment committee with Frederick Douglas, members of the Union League, and others, which raises eleven regiments of black troops who trained at Camp William Penn in Cheltenham.
1864 Named corresponding secretary of the Pennsylvania Equal Rights League, an affiliate of the National Equal Rights League. Appointed Vice President of the State Convention of Colored People held in Harrisburg. Led civil disobedience protests and lobbied white legislators in Harrisburg to desegregate streetcars.
1865 Co-authored the state Equal Rights League call for voting rights, streetcar desegregation, and the hiring of black teachers for black students in public schools.
1867 Governor signs statewide "Bill of Rights" law desegregating streetcars. Led the Pythians Base Ball Club of Philadelphia to an undefeated season.
1869 Named principal of male students at the Institute for Colored Youth Pythians play the Olympic Ball Club in Philadelphia in the first match between black and white teams. A leader of the unsuccessful effort to integrate the private City Wide Congress of Literary Societies. Helps lead successful Pennsylvania campaign to pass the 15th Amendment which led to thousands of black men registering to vote.
1870 The Union League presents Octavius Catto, Frederick Douglas, and Robert Purvis with a banner celebrating Pennsylvania's adoption of the 15th Amendment at a ceremony on Broad Street. Writes curriculum for new schools for freed former slaves in the District of Columbia. Becomes a member of the original Franklin Institute breaking the color line at the prestigious national forum for advancing American science and technology.
1871 Named an Inspector General with the rank of Major in the Pennsylvania National Guard. Shot to death on October 10, on South Street in the midst of election day riots. He was 32, and one of many black men shot or attacked that day by opponents of the 15th Amendment. As one of Philadelphia's most influential leaders, more than 5,000 mourners attended his funeral and procession down Broad Street.
* South side of City Hall. North side of S. Penn Square at Broad.
* 39.951775,-75.164100 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Athletic, War, Black Lives, Mass Transit
* See also:'s page for this piece's Octavius Catto page's City Hall page's City Hall page

Declaration of Independence
Tiequn Geng, Guangxi Qihe Bronze Studio, Dr. Komuro Hiromi, Dr. QiongZhao (Ellen) Schicktanz, John Trumbull, 2017 (installed)
* Full figure reliefs of John Adams, Samuel Adams, Josiah Bartlett, Charles Carroll, Samuel Chase, Abraham Clark, George Clinton, George Clymer, John Dickinson, William Ellery, William Floyd, Benjamin Franklin, Elbridge Gerry, John Hancock, Benjamin Harrison V, Joseph Hewes, Thomas Heyward Jr., William Hooper, Stephen Hopkins, Francis Hopkinson, Samuel Huntington, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, Francis Lewis, Philip Livingston, Robert R. Livingston, Thomas Lynch Jr., Thomas McKean, Arthur Middleton, Lewis Morris, Robert Morris, William Paca, Robert Treat Paine, George Read, Benjamin Rush, Edward Rutledge, Roger Sherman, Richard Stockton, Charles Thomson, George Walton, William Whipple, William Williams, Thomas Willing, James Wilson, John Witherspoon, Oliver Wolcott and George Wythe
* small people, some standing, some sitting, furniture, paper and pens, interior of Independence Hall
* inscription: (partial)
This bronze sculpture replicates John Trumbull's famous painting Declaration of Independence that is displayed in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol. It depicts the presentation of the Declaration of Independence to the Continental Congress in Independence Hall on June 28, 1776, by the drafting committee, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston (shown seated to the left of the table).
Forty-two of the 56 signers of the Declaration are portrayed; Trumbull originally intended to include the 56 signers, but was unable to obtain likenesses for all of them. He also portrayed five people who did not sign the Declaraion, but who were present on June 28th. Because the Declaration was debated and signed over a period of six to eight weeks, the men shown here were never in Independence Hall at the same time.
The sculpture is a donation from Dr. QiongZhao (Ellen) Schicktanz, a naturalized Asian-American artist, in gratitude for her life as an American Citizen.
* North wall. Museum of the American Revolution. South side of Chestnut, East of 3rd.
* 39.948500,-75.145750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* See also:'s page for the original painting's page for this piece and Washington Crossing the Delaware's Dr. Komuro Hiromi page's John Trumbull page's John Adams page's Samuel Adams page's Josiah Bartlett page's Charles Carroll page's Samuel Chase page's Abraham Clark page's George Clinton page's George Clymer page's John Dickinson page's William Ellery page's William Floyd page's Benjamin Franklin page's Elbridge Gerry page's John Hancock page's Benjamin Harrison V page's Joseph Hewes page's Thomas Heyward Jr. page's William Hooper page's Stephen Hopkins page's Francis Hopkinson page's Samuel Huntington page's Thomas Jefferson page's Richard Henry Lee page's Francis Lewis page's Philip Livingston page's Robert R. Livingston page's Thomas Lynch Jr. page's Thomas McKean page's Arthur Middleton page's Lewis Morris page's Robert Morris page's William Paca page's Robert Treat Paine page's George Read page's Benjamin Rush page's Edward Rutledge page's Roger Sherman page's Richard Stockton page's Charles Thomson page's George Walton page's William Whipple page's William Williams page's Thomas Willing page's James Wilson page's John Witherspoon page's Oliver Wolcott page's George Wythe page

Washington Crossing the Delaware
Guangxi Qihe Bronze Studio, Emanuel Leutze, Dr. QiongZhao (Ellen) Schicktanz, 2017 (installed)
* Full figure relief of George Washington
* small people, mostly seated, some standing, hats, weapons, flag, boat with oars, clouds, horses
* inscription: (partial)
This bronze sculpture replicates the famous painting, Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze. It depicts Gen. George Washington leading the Continental Army on a dangerous nighttime crossing of the Delaware River on December 25, 1776 to attack Hessian troops stationed at Trenton. His attack was a final, desperate effort to gain a victory after months of defeats had reduced the Army to a small, exhausted, and demoralized force. Washington's success at Trenton reinvigorated the American cause and kept the Revolution alive.
The painting captures the drama, danger, and desperation of the river crossing, even though a number of details are historically inaccurate, such as the type of boat. The artist, Emanuel Luenze, grew up and was trained in Philadelphia, but created the painting in 1850 after he returned to his native Germany. The painting was a sensation when it was displayed in America the following year.
The sculpture is a donation from Dr. QiongZhao (Ellen) Schicktanz, a naturalized Asian-American artist, in gratitude for her life as an American Citizen.
* North wall. Museum of the American Revolution. South side of Chestnut, East of 3rd.
* 39.948495,-75.145650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:'s page for this piece and Declaration of Independence's page for the original painting's Emanuel Leutze page's George Washington page

When I was Hungry and Thirsty
Timothy Schmalz, 2017 (installed)
* statue of Jesus
* small sitting person, head covered, chalice and plate, Christian symbolism
* Only one of the casts pictured on the artist's site includes the plate and chalice.
* inscription:
The Hungry and Thirsty Jesus
Matthew 25;35
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...
* In front of the Episcopal Cathedral. East side of 38th, North of Chestnut.
* 39.955750,-75.198070 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's Jesus page

Bronze Hats
2019 (installed)
* small hats
* visible through the window
* Interior. North side of the Notary Hotel. West of the Southwest corner, 13th and Filbert.
* 39.953075,-75.161550 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists

Brian McCutcheon, 2019
* statue inspired by Ora Washington
* small standing person, basketball
* inscription:
MVP depicts a young, African American female basketball player, She has just taken possession of the ball and is poised in a decisive moment which will dictate what happens next. The statue represents the power and potential of young girls, exemplifying the pursuit of success through dedication and hard work.
The artwork is inspired by Ora Washington (1898-1971). Ms. Washington was a legendary trailblazing Philadelphian who excelled in basketball and tennis. She played for the Philadelphia Tribunes basketball team from 1931 to 1943 and was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2018. A multitalented athlete, she was also the American Tennis Association's National Women's Tennis Champion every year from 1925 to 1937.
Ms. Washington's achievements in the face of racial oppression and its systemic obstacles to equal opportunity embody the narrative of determination triumphing over injustice.
* Smith Playground. Southwest of the Southwest corner, 24th and Snyder.
* 39.925890,-75.187240 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Athletic, Black Lives
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's Ora Washington page

2021 (installed)
* statue of Mary
* small standing person
* Plaza. East of St. Agatha - St. James Church. South side of Chestnut, East of 38th.
* 39.954850,-75.197815 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page