Philadelphia Public Art

Content: Shells

2010 (installed)
* small shells
* Either side of the East entrance. Academy of Natural Sciences. West side of 19th between Cherry and the Parkway.
* 39.956600,-75.170950 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* See also:

Packard Building Sign
Samuel Yellin, 1924 (year on sign)
* small standing, kneeling people, tools, scroll, staff, oar, plants, lamps, eagle, lion's head, seashell, urns, griffins, sign
* Best observed from the West side of 15th. Yellin is not listed anywhere as the artist for the sign, but he is listed as the metal worker for the building
* West Entrance. Packard Building. East side of 15th, South of Chestnut.
* 39.950650,-75.165650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* See also:
+philadelphiabuildings.orgs's Samuel Yellin page's Packard Building page

The Tuttleman Center
* partial people, seated people, ball of yarn, cat, cell phone and calculator, cooking utensils, movie equipment, chinese characters, flower, food, masks, musical instruments, pencil and paper, sand, shells, sports equipment, water
* This is only a representative sampling of the art.
* North wall. Southwest from School House Lane and Henry Ave..
* 40.019400,-75.192375 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson East Falls Campus tour

The Washington Monument
Rudolf Siemering, 1897 (restored 1997)
* Monument to George Washington
* big fountains, groups of people, standing people, sitting and reclining people, alligator, bears, birds, bison and oxen, elk and moose, fish, horses, snake, plants, shells, weapons, drum, net, hats, Pennsylvania State Seal
* Moved to the current location in 1928. Originally at "The Green Street Entrance to Fairmount Park" which on a 1911 map of Philadelphia (which shows the location of the monument) is where 25th and Green would have intersected, which is about 600 feet North and slightly West from where it is now.
* West end of Eakins Oval. Parkway at 24th.
* 39.964250,-75.179150 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, Moved
* See also: 1911 picture of this piece at the original location 1959 picture of this piece at the current location's page for this piece
+1911 map of Philadelphia at's Rudolf Siemering page's George Washington page's Eakins Oval page