Philadelphia Public Art

Content: Weapons

Turkish Catapult Stones
1400 - 1499
* Artifacts taken by Samuel Livingston Breese
* weapons (rocks)
* The inscription actually says 18-8, but the Congress was Commodore Breese's flagship until 1858
* inscription: These two stone cannon balls were hurled from catapults by the Turks in their engagements with the Christians in the XVth century. Transported in 1858 from the island of Rhodes by the U.S. Frigate "Congress" under command of Commodore Samuel Livingston Breese, USN
* Gate posts. Lovett Memorial Library. East side of Germantown, South of Sedgwick.
* 40.056600,-75.187800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s history of Rhodes's USS Congress page's Samuel Livingston Breese page's Lovett Memorial Library page

The Birth of a Nation
Henry Kreis, 1943
* Quote from George Washington
* cannon, group of people standing, eagle, idea
* inscription:
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unaliable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
-Declaration of Independence
The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered as deeply as finally staked on the experiment intrusted to the hands of the American people.
-First Inaugural of George Washington
A Nation is Formed
* South Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial. Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row.
* 39.972750,-75.190490 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Henry Kreis page's George Washington page's Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial page

The Arsenal of Independence
Robert A. M. Stern Architects, 2017
* Reference to Benjamin Flower
* cannon barrels, sign
* inscription: (partial)
Imagine this neighborhood filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of war. Philadelphia's tradesmen and women produced muskets, cannon, ammunition, wagons, ships, uniforms and flags that helped to win American Independence. In 1775, hat maker Benjamin Flower lived just a block from where you are standing. He joined the Revolutionary cause and became Commissary General of Military Stores for the Continental Army.
* in front of the Museum of the American Revolution. Southeast Corner, 3rd and Chestnut.
* 39.948525,-75.145935 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:
+Orders to Benjamin Flower from George Washington on

The Lion Fighter
Albert Wolff, 1858 (cast 1892, installed 1929)
* seated person, spear, horse, lion
* At the foot of the steps of the Art Museum. 25th and the Parkway.
* 39.964575,-75.180100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Albert Wolff page

The Dying Lioness
Friedrich Wilhelm Wolff, 1873 (cast 1875, installed 1876)
* lions, arrow
* Outside the Zoo. Southwest corner, 34th and Girard.
* 39.974750,-75.195550 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* See also: 1900 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Friedrich Wilhelm Wolff page

Continental Army Encampment Memorial
* In memory of an encampment by George Washington
* rock, cannon barrels
* inscription:
The main Continental Army commanded by Gen. George Washington encamped on this and adjacent ground from Aug. 1 to Aug. 8 and from Sep. 12 to Sep. 14, 1777. Before and immediately after the Battle of the Brandywine.
Erected in 1895 by the Penna. Society of Sons of the Revolution to perpetuate the memory of the encampment.
* South corner, Fox and Queen.
* 40.018450,-75.183115 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s Battle of Brandywine page's George Washington page

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul
Joseph Sibbel, 1915 (installed)
* Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saint Paul and Saint Peter
* standing people, sword, scroll, key
* Front wall. Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. East side of 18th Street, North of the Parkway.
* 39.957500,-75.169010 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Joseph Sibbel page's Jesus page's Mary, mother of Jesus page's Paul the Apostle page's Saint Peter page page for the building's page for the building

The Puritan
Harry Rosin, 1942
* standing person, gun
* South Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial. Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row.
* 39.972375,-75.190360 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for this piece's Harry Rosin page's Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial page

General Richard Montgomery
J. Wallace Kelly, 1946 (installed 1947)
* Statue of Richard Montgomery
* standing person, sword
* inscription:
Native of County Dublin, Ireland
General of the Continental Army
Firm believer in the cause of freedom
He lost his life in the American assault on Quebec in mid-Winter of 1775
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial. On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.966650,-75.182675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: New, War
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's J. Wallace Kelly Page's Richard Montgomery page's William M. Reilly Memorial page

General Casimir Pulaski
Sidney Waugh, 1947
* Statue of Casimir Pulaski
* standing person, sword, plant
* inscription:
Native of Poland
General of the Continental Army
Despairing of liberty in his native land he volunteered his services to the American Patriots.
Gave his life at the siege of Savannah.
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial. On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.966850,-75.182400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece 1959 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Sidney Waugh page's Casimir Pulaski page's William M. Reilly Memorial page

Marquis de Lafayette
Raoul Josset, 1947
* Statue of the Marquis de Lafayette
* standing person, sword
* inscription:
Native of France
Devoted and faithful to the cause of American Independence
General of the Continental Army
An indispensable ally of freedom
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial. On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.967025,-75.183200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece
+Max Buten's picture of this piece
+Another Max Buten picture of this piece's page for this piece's Raoul Josset page's Marquis de Lafayette page's William M. Reilly Memorial page

James Kiryakakis, Harvey Yellin, 1975 (approximate)
* small eagle, arrows, olive branch
* Gate. South side of the First Bank of the United States. West side of 3rd between Chestnut and Walnut.
* 39.947900,-75.146350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* See also: page with a picture and brief paragraph about this piece obituary for James Kiryadakis's Harvey Z. Yellin page's First Bank of the United States page

Francisco de Miranda
Lorenzo Gonzalez, 1977
* Statue of Francisco de Miranda
* standing person, sword
* Moved 2017. Was Northwest of the current location, where the curved end of Winter is now. The first two pictures are from the new location.
* Northwest of the Southwest corner of 20th and the Parkway.
* 39.958945,-75.172675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Moved, War
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's Lorenzo Gonzalez page (in Spanish) Francisco de Miranda page

For God and Country
* small standing person, rifle, hat
* inscription:
For God and Country. We dedicate this memorial to the gallant men and women of our armed forces who served this great nation in time of peril to keep this a free nation. One Nation Under God.
* In front of the Veterans Administration Hospital. 38th and Woodland.
* 39.949050,-75.200050 [map] [nearby]
* On the University City South Medical Complex tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:

Bellevue Lions
1989 (approximate)
* small lions holding shields
* Gateposts. Bellevue. West side of Broad between Walnut and Locust.
* 39.948750,-75.164605 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Bellevue-Stratford Hotel page

Pennsylvania National Guard Monument
* Monument to a group organized by Benjamin Franklin
* small lion, sword and shield, keystone
* inscription:
The rampant lion. Crest of the PA National Guard.
1747 1997
Near this site the Associators, a group of citizen-soldiers organized by Benjamin Franklin and predecessor to the modern Pennsylvania National Guard, established the first Pennsylvania military installation to defend the colony and the port of Philadelphia.
The Pennsylvania National Guard dedicates this monument to those patriots on our two hundredth anniversary.
* Penn's Landing between Dock and South.
* 39.941850,-75.141325 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Benjamin Franklin page

The Final Farewell
Lorann Jacobs, 2007
* small person kneeling, weapons, helmet
* West end of Foglietta Plaza. East side of 38th Parallel Place between Dock and Spruce.
* 39.945040,-75.143575 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:

Commodore Uriah Phillips Levy
Gregory Pototsky, 2011
* Statue of, in memory of: Uriah Phillips Levy and James A. Zimble
* small standing person, sword, paper, Star of David and U.S. Navy logo
* inscription:
April 22, 1792 - March 22, 1862
Nissan 30, 5552 - Adar II 20, 5622
"I am an American, a sailor, and a Jew."
Born in Philadelphia in 1792, Uriah Phillips Levy was a fifth generation American. According to family stories, he left for sea at ten years old, returning to celebrate his bar mitzvah here at Congregation Mikveh Israel in 1805. He served with distinction in the U.S. Navy in the War of 1812, and became the first Jewish U.S. Navy Commodore, a rank equivalent to Admiral today.
During his fifty-year naval career, Levy was court martialed six times and killed a man in a duel - all incidents related to rampant anti-Semitism. He was dismissed twice from the U.S. Navy, but was reinstated by Presidents James Monroe and John Tyler. He went on to command the Mediterranean Fleet and was appointed by President Abraham Lincoln to the Navy Court Martial Board during the Civil War. Levy played a key role in helping to repeal the flogging of sailors, making the U.S. Navy the first military organization in the world to abolish physical punishment.
Levy greatly admired President Thomas Jefferson and the Bill of Rights he crafted, which safeguarded religious liberties for all Americans. In 1832, he commissioned a statue of Jefferson, which sits in the U.S. Capitol today. In 1834, Levy purchased Monticello, Jefferson's home near Charlottesville, Virginia, which he repaired, restored, and preserved for future generations.
The World War II destroyer escort USS Levy (DE-162) was named in his honor, as were the Uriah P. Levy Jewish Chapel at the Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia, and the Commodore Uriah P. Levy Center and Jewish Chapel at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Levy is buried at the Beth Olom Cemetery in Queens, New York.
Given with love of God and Country
in memory of Vice Admiral James A. Zimble, MC USN Ret. (1933-2011)
Beloved 30th Surgeon General of the U.S. Navy
Dedicated December 16, 2011, Kislev 20, 5772
Rabbi Aaron Landes, Rear Admiral CHC USN Ret.
Captain Gary "Yuri" Tabach, USN Ret.
Joshua H. Landes
* West side of Mikveh Israel. East side of 5th, North of Market.
* 39.951325,-75.148400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Exhibits: Religious, War
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's Uriah P. Levy page's James A, Zimble page

Corporal Michael J. Crescenz MOH
Chad Fisher, 2016
* statue of Michael J. Crescenz
* standing person, automatic rifle, helmet, Medal of Honor on the base
* The title listed here as a combination of the title on the artist's site and the title on the base.
* Added to the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial
* inscription:
United States Army
A Company 4th Battalion
31st Infantry Regiment
Light Infantry Brigade
One of the heroes honored at this memorial
Michael was posthumously awarded the Medal
of Honor for gallantry above and beyond
the call of duty on November 20 1968 at Hiep
Duc Valley Republic of Vietnam. The Medal
of Honor is our nation's higest award for valor.
* Southeast of the Southeast corner, Front and Spruce.
* 39.943735,-75.143100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's Michael Crescenz page

Corp. James J. Cochran VFW Post 251 Memorial
* Named for James J. Cochran
* small VFW emblem, eagles, arrows and shield, olive branch
* The VFW Post, which has since closed, was named for Cochran in 1919. Whether this was intended as a memorial to Cochran in particular or a tribute to all the members of the Post is unclear.
* inscription:
Corp. James J. Cochran
Post No. 251
Veterans of Foreign Wars
of the United States
* North side of the triangle at 37th, Powelton, and Lancaster.
* 39.959610,-75.195335 [map] [nearby]
* On the Powelton tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s John J. Cochran page

Claudius F. Le Grand and Sons, 1797
* eagle, food, shield and arrows, olive branch
* Pediment. First Bank of the United States. West side of 3rd between Chestnut and Walnut.
* 39.948050,-75.146250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* See also:'s First Bank of the United States page

St. Vincent de Paul Parish Hall Eagle
1851 (unconfirmed)
* Seal of the United States: eagle, shield and arrows, olive branches
* 1851 is listed as the date for the church and possibly the whole complex
* inscription: E. Pluribus Unum
* West wall. Parish Hall. St. Vincent de Paul Church. North side of Price, East of Lena (one block East of Germantown Ave.).
* 40.038350,-75.174350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also: entry for the building

Columbus Monument
Emanuele Caroni, 1876 (renovated 1982)
* Monument to (and statue of) Christopher Columbus
* standing person, globe, sword, anchors, eagle, ship, sitting people, water, flag
* This piece has been in and out of a large box as the courts decide whether the city can remove it or not. If and when the city is able to remove it, it will be marked as missing. Artist is listed as "possible."
* inscription:
Presented to the city of Philadelphia by the Italian citizens
In commemoration of the first centenary American Independence 1876
* Marconi Plaza. West side of Broad, South of Oregon.
* 39.915550,-75.172100 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Broad tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece 1959 picture of this piece on Belmont's Christopher Columbus page's Marconi Plaza page

Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Monument
John Massey Rhind, James H. Windrim (Architect), 1883
* brief quotes from Lord Byron, Saint Luke, William Penn and Daniel Webster
* big standing person wearing a hat, weapons, eagles, horses, olive branches, United States, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia seals
* The eagles and plaques are by John Massey Rhind. The soldier is variously attributed to John Lachmier or Lachmer. The quote on the Pennsylvania plaque, though not attributed, is from is from William Penn's Frame of Government
* The soldier is identical to the one on the West Park Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Monument
* inscription:
They never fail who die in a great cause.
1861 Germantown's tribute to her heroic dead 1883

United States of America
Liberty and Union
now and forever, one and inseperable

The Keystone State
liberty without obedience is confusion and obedience without liberty is slavery.

The City of Brotherly Love
On Earth peace
Good will toward men
* Market Square. Germantown between Shoolhouse and Church.
* 40.034325,-75.172300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Religious, War
* See also:'s John Massey Rhind page's James H. Windrim page's Lord Byron page's Luke the Evangelist page's William Penn page's Daniel Webster page's Market Square page

General George McClellan
Henry Jackson Ellicott, 1891 (installed 1894)
* Statue of George B. McClellan
* seated person, hat, sword, horse
* North side of City Hall. South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.953250,-75.163650 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:
+1911 picture of this piece from
+another 1911 picture of this piece from
+1913 picture of this piece from's page for this piece's Henry Jackson Ellicott page's George B. McClellan page's City Hall page's City Hall page

Hamilton Court Logos
Milligan and Webber (Architects), 1901
* small sign, logo, shield, flowers and tree, helmet and crown
* There are 4 identical copies, 2 on each of the buildings. The coordinates are for the eastmost. The 2021 stylized version of the logo does not include a tree at the top.
* Front walls. Hamilton Court. South side of Chestnut, West of 38th.
* 39.955165,-75.199200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Milligan and Webber page

Washington Grays Monument
John A. Wilson, 1908
* Portrait on soldier's hat of George Washington
* standing person wearing a hat, rifle
* The base was created by Joseph Wilson in 1872. The statue was previously located in Washington Square (1908-1954) and at Lemon Hill (1954-1991). Pictures are from the current location.
* inscription: To Our Fallen Comrades 1861-1865
* In front of the Union League. Southwest corner, Broad and Sansom.
* 39.950060,-75.164350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, Moved, War
* See also:
+Max Buten's page for this piece page for this piece's page for this piece 1959 picture of this piece at Lemon Hill's John A. Wilson page's George Washington page

Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Monument
* standing person, hat, rifle
* The soldier is identical to the one atop the Germantown Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Monument
* inscription:
Dedicated May 8, 1909 to the soldiers and sailors of the Civil War 1861 to 1865
Did they succeed
Let this monument be their answer
One country and one flag
In memory of the members of Courtland Saunders Post No. 21 G.A.R. Dept. PA
* Belmont and South George's.
* 39.985925,-75.215975 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece

Spirit of '61
Henry Kirke Bush-Brown, 1911
* standing person, hat, rifle
* inscription:
First Regiment Infantry National Guard of Pennsylvania
(Gray Reserves)
1861 - April 19 - 1911
* In front of the Union League. Southwest corner, Broad and Sansom.
* 39.949800,-75.164400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece 1957 picture of the Union League with this piece visible's page for this piece's Henry Kirke Bush-Brown page

Thorfinn Karlsefni
Einar Jonsson, 1918 (installed 1920)
* Statue of Thorfinn Karlsefni
* standing person, helmet, sword and shield, carved people, words
* Was on Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row. Forcibly removed and toppled into the river, October 2nd, 2018. Retrieved by divers and put in storage. The statue had become an annual gathering site for Nazis on Leif Erikson day.
* inscription:
Following Leif Erikson's discovery of North America in 1003, Thorfinn Karlsefni, with 165 men and 35 women established a settlement which lasted 3 years, and his son Snorri was born in North America.
Leif Erikson society of Pennsylvania
Scandanavian Craft Club of Philadelphia
October 9, 1976
* 39.970190,-75.190050 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also:'s page for this piece's Thorfinn Karlsefni page

Over the Top
John Paulding, 1920
* standing person, helmet, rifle
* Misattributed many places as "Doughboy, Ernest Moore Viquesney, 1919." Thanks to Kenneth Berchem-Nigg for the correction.
* inscription: In memory of our boys of the sixth, eleventh, and twelfth wards who served in the Great War of the nations, 1914-1918
* Northeast corner, 2nd and Spring Garden.
* 39.960835,-75.141250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Northern Liberties tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, War
* See also: article about this piece and "Doughboy"'s John Paulding page

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
1928 - 1929
* gargoyles and statue of Saint Paul
* small standing person, Bible, sword, crosses, plants, dragons and chimeras, snake, bird, fish
* inscription: Spiritus Gladius
* Whole building.. St. Paul's Episcopal Church. South side of Chestnut Hill Ave., East of Germantown Ave..
* 40.079100,-75.208850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles, Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+gargoyle hunter's page for the building's entry for the building's Paul the Apostle page

Boy Scouts of America Building
Charles Zeller Klauder (Architect), 1929
* logos, insignia, and mottoes, lion's head, shields, stars, birds, bison, tools, tent, anchor, torch, flowers
* inscription:
Youth Prepared Safeguards the Nation
Founded MCMX
This house dedicated to the training
of boys for youthful citizenship. Was
built by the Boy Scouts and their friends.
On my honor I will do my best
to do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the scout law.
* Whole building.. Southeast corner, 22nd and Winter. One block South of the Parkway.
* 39.958850,-75.175300 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Charles Zeller Klauder page

General Anthony Wayne
John Gregory, 1937
* Statue of Anthony Wayne
* seated person, horse, sword, hat
* In front of the Art Museum. 25th and the Parkway.
* 39.964750,-75.180950 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's John Gregory page's Anthony Wayne page

The Revolutionary Soldier
Erwin Frey, 1942
* standing person, hat, gun
* South Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial. Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row.
* 39.972675,-75.190450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:'s page for this piece's Erwin Frey page's Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial page

General Friedrich von Steuben
Warren Wheelock, 1947
* Statue of Friedrich von Steuben
* standing person, hat, sword
* inscription:
Native of Prussia
Professional Soldier
He served the cause of American Independence as Major General and Inspector General. He perfected the training and organization of the Continental Army
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial. On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.967250,-75.182900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:'s page for this piece's Warren Wheelock page's Friedrich Von Steuben page's William M. Reilly Memorial page

Monument to the Six Million Jewish Martyrs
Nathan Rapoport, 1964
* people, books and scrolls, sword, flames
* The base of the memorial has inscriptions in both English and Hebrew. The last picture is from the new plaza.
* Was a standalone piece until 2018, now part of the Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza
* inscription:
front (English):
Presented to the City of Philadelphia by the Association of Jewish New Americans in cooperation with the Federation of Jewish Agencies of Greater Philadelphia, April 26 1964.
right (English):
Remember Drancy, Flossenberg, Gross-Rosea, Klooga, Ewow-Janowska, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Newengamme, Auschwitz, Babi-Yar, Belzic, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Chelmno, Dauchau, Ponary, Ravensbruck, Sachsenhausen, Sobibor, Stutthof, Therestenstadt, Trebeinka, Westerbork.
left (English):
The Holocaust 1933-1945.
Now and forever enshrined in memory are the six million Jewish martyrs who perished in concentration camps, ghettos, and gas chambers. In their deepest agony they clung to the image of humanity, and their acts of resistance in the forests and ghettos redeemed the honor of man. Their suffering and heroism are forever branded upon our conscience and shall be remembered from generation to generation.
* 16th, Arch, and the Parkway.
* 39.955035,-75.167100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Moved, War
* See also:'s page for this piece's Nathan Rapoport page

Don Quijote de la Mancha
Joaquin Garcia Donaire, 1966 (installed)
* Statue of Don Quixote
* seated person, horse, spear and shield
* The inscription is in Spanish on one side of the base and mostly in English on the other. This is the English inscription.
* inscription:
This is an exact replica of the original sculpture by the artist Joaquin Garcia Donaire located in Ciudad Real - Spain.
The statue has been presented by the Excma Diputacion de Ciudad Real to the City of Philadelphia as a token of friendship and understanding between our two cultures.
* Middle of 2nd, North of Girard.
* 39.969790,-75.139610 [map] [nearby]
* On the Northern Liberties tour
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's Don Quixote page

The John Hanson Monument
Carl Lindborg, 1967
* bust and medalions honoring John A. B. Dahlgren, John Ericsson, John Hanson, John Morton, John Nystrom, Johan Printz and Johan Risingh
* small book, ship, submarine, cannon, head, standing person
* Dahlgren is listed elsewhere as 1809-1870. This piece was inside the walls near the graveyard of Old Swedes (Columbus Blvd. & Christian St., 916 S. Swanson St). just outside the back door of the house closest to the church. Was missing when checked on August 17 2014. Per an email from the Historic Gloria Dei Preservation Corporation received on June 27, 2022, the statue was given to descendants of John Hanson.
* inscription:
John Hanson, 1715-1783, First President of US Under Articles of Confederation, 1781-82
John Nystrom, 1829-1885, engineer, inventor, ship builder, author
John Ericsson, 1803-1889, inventor, engineer, scientist
John Dahlgren, 1809-1890, U.S. Admiral - inventions influenced world navies
Johan Risingh, 1617-1672, last governor of New Sweden, author, economist
Johan Printz, 1592-1663, Governor of New Sweden
John Morton, 1724-1777, Signer of Declaration of Independence
Erected October 7, 1967 by Swedish Colonial Society and the Vasa Order of America in Sweden
* 39.934500,-75.143800 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also: article about Carl Lindborg's John A. Dahlgren page's John Ericsson page's John Hanson page's John Morton page's John Nystrom page's Johan Printz page's Johan Risingh page's Gloria Dei Church (Old Swedes) page

General Tadeusz Kosciuszko
Marian Konieczny, 1977 (installed 1978)
* Statue of Tadeusz Kosciuszko
* big standing person, hat, sword, rolled up paper
* Southwest corner, 18th and the Parkway.
* 39.956800,-75.169350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:'s page for this piece's Marian Konieczny page's Tadeusz Kosciuszko page

World War II Submariners Memorial
* submarine and actual parts of submarines, actual anchor, actual torpedo
* inscription: (excerpts from three plaques)
Still on Patrol
U.S. Navy submarines paid heavily for their success in World War II.
A total of 374 officers and 3131 men are board these 52 U.S. submarines still on "patrol."
We shall never forget that it was our submarines that held the lines against the enemy, while our fleets replaced losses and repaired wounds.
-Fleet Admiral C.W. Nimitz, U.S.N.
I can assure you that they went down fighting and that their brothers who survived them took a grim toll of our savage enemy to avenge their deaths.
-Vice Admiral C.A. Lockwood, Jr., U.S.N.
Commander Submarine Force 1943-1946
U.S.S. Trigger - S.S. 237
Commissioned January 30, 1942
Lost on patrol March 28, 1945
Still On Patrol
In memory of the brave submariners who gave their lives in peace-time for their country
* Penn's Landing between Dock and South.
* 39.943700,-75.141300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War

Lion and Knight
1800 (approximate)
* small lion, standing person, headgear, armor, shield, and sword hilt
* In a gated alley to the right of the Historical Society of Frankford. Northeast side of Orthdox, Southeast of Penn St..
* 40.015710,-75.086650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:

The Mounted Amazon Attacked by a Panther
August Kiss, 1839 (cast 1929)
* seated person, horse, cat, spear
* also listed as "Amazon"
* At the foot of the steps of the Art Museum. 25th and the Parkway.
* 39.964950,-75.179650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's August Kiss page

St. George and the Dragon
Elkington and Company, 1877 (sometimes listed 1876)
* Statue of Saint George
* seated person, horse, helmet, spear, dragon
* according to multiple sources this piece was previously at two different locations on Arch at 13th and 19th
* inscription:
Designed and cast
Elkington & Company
Birmingham England
The Society of the Sons of St. George
of Philadelphia
Founded 1772
St. George's Day, 23 April, 1978
* Martin Luther King Drive just North of Black Road.
* 39.983050,-75.205900 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Moved
* See also:
+Society of St. George page for this piece's Elkington & Company page's Saint George page

Law, Prosperity, and Power
Daniel Chester French, 1880
* group of people, one standing, 2 sitting, sword, tablet
* Rear driveway of the Mann Center. George's Hill Drive.
* 39.984425,-75.223250 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* See also: 1938 picture of this piece
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's Daniel Chester French page's Daniel Chester French page

Major General John Fulton Reynolds
John Rogers, 1883 (installed 1884)
* Statue of John Fulton Reynolds
* seated person, horse, hat, sword
* North side of City Hall. South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.953225,-75.163250 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:
+One of Max Buten's pictures of this piece
+1911 picture of this piece from
+another 1911 picture of this piece from's page for this piece's John Rogers page's John F. Reynolds page's City Hall page's City Hall page

Orestes and Pylades Fountain
Herman Kirn, Carl Johann Steinhauser, 1884
* Statue of Diana, Orestes and Pylades
* group of people, two sitting (Orestes and Pylades), one head (Diana), sword
* The original is by Steinhäuser. This copy is from a mold that was owned by Kirn.
* Resevoir Drive. West side of 33rd at Oxford.
* 39.981300,-75.189250 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for this piece's Carl Johann Steinhauser page's Diana page's Orestes page's Pylades page

Joan of Arc
Emmanuel Fremiet, 1890 (installed 1948)
* Statue of Joan of Arc
* horse, seated person, flag, weapons
* According to the APA page this piece was originally installed in the park near the East side of the Girard Avenue Bridge. Most sources list Joan of Arc's dates as 1412-1431.
* inscription:
Jeanne D'Arc
* 25th and Kelly Drive.
* 39.966500,-75.179175 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, Religious, Moved
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece
+Another Max Buten picture of this piece's page for this piece's Emmanuel Fremiet page's Joan of Arc page

Wanamaker House
Joseph M. Huston (Architect), 1900 (approximate)
* small lions, plants, faces, shield
* Entrance. United Lodge of Theosophists. North side of Walnut, East of 20th.
* 39.950550,-75.173225 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also: page for the building's Joseph M. Huston page

Commodore John Barry, USN
Samuel Murray, 1908 (from the base; the plaque says 1907)
* Statue of John Barry
* standing person wearing a hat, telescope, sword
* inscription:
Father of the Navy of the United States. Born in Wexford, Ireland, 1745. Died in Philadelphia, 1803.
Presented to the City of Philadelphia by the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, 1907.
* South side of Independence Hall. Between Chestnut and Walnut, 5th and 6th.
* 39.948350,-75.150100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:
+1912 picture of this piece from's Samuel Murray page's John Barry page's Independence Hall page

Convent of Divine Love
Paul Monaghan (Architect), 1914 (date of building)
* Relief of winged Jesus
* sitting, standing, winged people, sword, dove, sun, dragon heads, symbols
* inscription:
Chapel Entrance: Venite Jesum Adoremus
:Convent Entrance: Come holy spirit. Beneath the shadow of thy wings we dwell.
* Whole building. Convent of Divine Love. Southwest corner, 22nd and Green.
* 39.965285,-75.174400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fairmount tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also: entry for the building's Paul Monaghan page's Jesus page

Africa, America, Asia, Europe
Alexander Stirling Calder, 1920 (approximate)
* standing people, headgear, weapons, bowl or basket
* Gate posts. Lower (East) courtyard of the Penn Museum. South side of South Street, East of 33rd.
* 39.949450,-75.190800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Black Lives
* See also:'s page for Africa's page for America's page for Asia's page for Europe's Alexander Stirling Calder page's Alexander Stirling Calder page

East Germantown World War Memorial
* stele, words, garland, shield
* inscription:
Erected by the people of East Germantown as an imperishable tribute to the memory of the more than one thousand of its heroes who served in the World War 1917-1918 offering to our country all that mortal man could give: their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.
To all who pass this sacred spot, let the head be bowed, a tear be shed - may the heart swell in gratitude and praise in honor of those to whom this memorial stands.
Aisne Marne
St. Mihiel
Meuse Argonne
Chateau Thierry
* Traffic island, Chelten, Wyncote, and Wister.
* 40.052065,-75.157900 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War

General Galusha Pennypacker
Charles Grafly, Albert Laessle, 1934
* Statue of Galusha Pennypacker
* standing person wearing a helmet, cats, cannon
* inscription:
Galusha Pennypacker
Brevet Major General
United States Army
* North side of Logan Square. Parkway East of 19th.
* 39.958515,-75.169675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, War
* See also: 1935 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Charles Grafly page's Albert Laessle page's Galusha Pennypacker page's Logan Circle page

John Paul Jones
Walker Hancock, 1957
* Statue of John Paul Jones
* standing person, hat, telescope, sword
* inscription:
Sailor and diplomat, commander of squadrons.
Against desperate odds, his own ship afire and sinking, he defeated the British man-of-war Serapis and established our power upon the seas.
He gave our Navy its first traditions of heroism and victory.
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial. On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.967050,-75.182625 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Walker Hancock page's John Paul Jones page's William M. Reilly Memorial page

Johnnie Ring
Boris Blai, 1958 (installed 1964)
* Statue of and tribute to Johnnie Ring
* small standing person wearing a hat, Bible, sword
* Also listed as "Johnny Ring" including on maps distributed by the University.
* inscription:
"Johnnie Ring was the youth whose example in life and heroism in death provided inspiration that led to the founding of Temple University. In the war between the states he was personal orderly to Captain Russell H. Conwell of the 46th Massachusetts Infantry. The moving forces of his life at that time were his religious faith and his devotion to Captain Conwell. When a surprise Confederate attack routed Union troops, it was Johnnie Ring who raced across a flaming bridge and through enemy gunfire to retrieve from his commander's tent the ceremonial sword presented to the Captain by the city of Springfield. He brought back the sword, but he died that night of his burns as Conwell knelt by his cot in prayer. The incident turned Conwell to the ministry as a life work and later to the founding of Temple University. He vowed to live a life for Johnnie Ring as well as for himself. Eight hours of work a day for Johnnie, eight hours of work for his own. Except for Johnnie Ring, Conwell would never have told America the story of the acres of diamonds, nor would he have built the University that enabled multitudes of young men and women to realize the promise of education." -Russell Conwell Cooney
A lad who didn't die
* West side of Beasley' Walk, North of Polett Walk.
* 39.982575,-75.156525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Campus tour
* Exhibits: Religious, War
* See also:'s Boris Blai page

Lin Zexu Memorial Statue
2012 (installed)
* Statue of Lin Zexu
* standing person, hat, telescope, sword
* inscription:
Lin Zexu (1785-1850) was a Chinese scholar and official during the late Qing dynasty. He is most famous for his fight against opium smuggling in Guangzhou, China. In 1838, Lin was sent to Guanadong to halt the importation of opium by the British. He confiscated more than 20,000 chests of opium and supervised its destruction during a 23-day campaign beginning on June 3, 1839 in Humen China. This action is usually considered to be the primary catalyst for the first Opium War (1839-1842) between Britain and China. In recognition of his valiant fight against narcotics and British invasion, Lin is highly respected in the history of China as national hero.
* Bridge over I-676. West side of 10th at Vine.
* 39.956900,-75.155750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chinatown tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:
+Austin Dodge's picture of this piece at
+buddhadog's picture of this piece at Lin Zexu page

Stone Age In America
John J. Boyle, 1887
* mother and children, mother standing, children crouching and carried, wolf, axe
* Moved to the current location in 1985 from Sweetbriar Drive.
* Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row.
* 39.971975,-75.190250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, Moved
* See also:'s page for this piece's John J. Boyle page

Aldine Hotel Entrance
Addison Hutton (Architect), 1895
* small standing person, hat, luggage, plants, shield
* Entrance. 1920 Chestnut (South side of Chestnut, East of 20th).
* 39.951890,-75.172820 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s page for the building post about the building's Addison Hutton page

James A. Garfield Monument
Augustus Saint-Gaudens, 1895
* Monument to James A. Garfield
* standing person, head, eagle, olive branch, sword and shield
* inscription:
E. Plurbius Unum
James Abram Garfield
President of the United States
* Other side of Kelly Drive, near the Girard Avenue Bridge.
* 39.973900,-75.190550 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Augustus Saint-Gaudens page's James A. Garfield page

Fidelity Mutual Building
Lee Lawrie, 1926 - 1927
* Building renamed in honor of Ruth and Raymond G. Perelman
* big and small people standing sitting, furniture, weapons, kite, ships, tools and machines, dogs, horses, alligators, elephants, owls, squirrels, buildings, trains, plants, symbols and words
* Originally an insurance building. Donated to the Art Museum by the Perelmans. The pictures here are only a representative sampling of the art.
* inscription:
Pennsylvania side:
In the honor and perpetuity of the family is founded the state. In the nobler life of the household is the nobler life of mankind.
26th side:
He labors best who loves best : the finest work of a man's life is to open the doors of opportunity to those who depend on him.
* The whole building. Perelman Building. Northwest corner of Fairmount and Pennsylvania.
* 39.967490,-75.179490 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Labor
* See also:'s page for the building
+Max Buten's picture of one of the reliefs
+Another Max Buten picture of one of the reliefs's Lee Lawrie page's Raymond G. Perlman page

St. Andrew's Society Tablet
* Insignia representation of the first, in memory of the rest: Saint Andrew, Philip Livingston, Thomas McKean, George Ross, James Wilson and John Witherspoon
* small insignia, crown, plants, eagle, arrows, lion, standing St. Andrew with cross
* inscription:
To the Memory of five of its members
who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776
The St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia
organized in 1747
dedicated this tablet 1926
Nemo me impune lacessit
* Courtyard wall. West side of the South Pavilion. City Hall. North side of S. Penn Square at Broad.
* 39.952120,-75.163700 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Andrew the Apostle page's Philip Livingston page's Thomas McKean page's George Ross page's James Wilson page's John Witherspoon page's City Hall page's City Hall page

Central Terrace Medallions
Paul Philippe Cret (Architect), Carl Paul Jennewein, 1933
* small urn, sitting person, plants, snakes, weapons, mirror, clouds, flames, sun, lion, standing person, headgear, books, owl, hand, ship, flag
* The January 1934 Annual report of the Association for Public Art, mentions that Paul Cret completed construction of the Central/Middle Terrace, presumably in 1933. The attribution for Jennewein was provided by the Association for Public Art in a 2/6/2025 email.
* inscription: Justitia, Prudentia, Amor Patriea, Abundantia, Potestas
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial. Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row.
* 39.973600,-75.190800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* See also:
+APA 1934 Annual report at's Paul Philippe Cret page's Carl Paul Jennewein page's Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial page

All Wars Memorial to Colored Soldiers and Sailors
J. Otto Schweizer, 1934 (installed 1994)
* group of people standing, torch, hats and helmets, shield, eagles and large feather, horses, seal of Pennsylvania
* inscription:
front: Erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in honor of her colored soldiers.
back: To commemorate the heroism and sacrifice of all colored soldiers who served in the various wars engaged in by the United States of America that a lasting record shall be made of their unselfish devotion to duty as an inspiration to future generations this monument is dedicated May 30, 1934.
right: American Revolution, Civil War, Indian Wars
left: Spanish American War, Phillipine Insurrection, World War
* West side of Logan Square. Aviator Park. Southeast of 20th and the Parkway.
* 39.958320,-75.171800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Moved, War, Black Lives
* See also: 1935 picture of this piece from a previous location in Fairmount Park
+One of Max Buten's pictures of this piece
+Another of Max Buten's pictures of this piece's page for this piece's J. Otto Schweizer page's Logan Circle page

Schuylkill Navy War Memorial
* small Schuylkill Navy logo, seahorses, oars, hand, triton
* inscription:
This Grandstand is dedicated to the memory of oarsmen who made the supreme sacrifice.
World War I, World War II.
Erected by the Schuylkill Navy, July 4, 1950
* Wall. Schuylkill Grandstand. River side of Kelly Drive.
* 39.985540,-75.202425 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:

Paul Philippe Cret (Architect), Florentine Craftsmen, Inc., 1966 (replacements of 1913 originals)
* small urns, people, standing, sitting, swords and spears
* There are two urns at each of the two North and South entrances. The map location is for the urns closest to the Northwest corner.
* North entrances of Rittenhouse Square. West of the Southwest corner of 18th and Walnut.
* 39.950105,-75.171285 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:
+APA Minutes from 1967 at's Paul Philippe Cret page's Rittenhouse Square page

St. Mary's School Doors
* Partial representations of John Adams, John Carroll, Katherine Drexel, Michael Francis Egan, Robert Harding and George Washington
* small partial people, hats, staff, ship, weapons, crosses
* Visible through the gate. Designed to echo the stained glass doors. The reference to Katherine Drexel is from the school's website.
* North entrance. Saint Mary Interparochial School. South side of Locust, East of 5th.
* 39.946080,-75.149510 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s John Adams page's John Carroll page's Katherine Drexel page's Michael Francis Egan page article about Robert Harding's George Washington page

Justice the Guardian of Liberty
* Seal of the United States of America, eagle, stars, olive branches, shield and arrows
* South wall. Federal Court. North side of Market, East of 7th.
* 39.951000,-75.151300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s James A. Byrne United States Courthouse page

A Friend
Charles Parks, 1976
* two people, one standing, one sitting, hat, gun
* Was on the South side of Race between 7th and 8th outside the Roundhouse. Removed some time prior to August 18, 2022. Visible at the current location in an August 2022 StreetView. Pictures are from the original location.
* In front of FOP Lodge 5, 11630 Caroline Rd..
* 40.098795,-75.002705 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters, Moved
* See also:
+'s Charles Parks page

National Monument to Scottish Immigration
Terry Jones, 2011
* standing people, dog, hats, weapons, staff, sitting people, furniture, books, scrolls and quills, buildings, horses, carts, trunks, clouds, ships, symbols, logos, and insignia, parts of people, lion, birds
* This piece is listed under many different names. The name shown here is from the Was on the East side of Front, South of Chestnut. Moved late 2023 through early 2024. Pictures are from the original location.
* inscription: (excerpt)
This monument to Scottish Immigrants seeks to provide a broad perspective on the rise and movement of the Scots over many continents and centuries. On either side of this Monument you will find Standing Stones which will assist you in understanding this ancient and ongoing process. The Standing Stones are part of the landscape and history of all the Celtic lands. Many remain in Scotland today. While the original purpose of these stones is not known, it is believed they served a spiritual purpose, and may have had scientific astronomic significance as well. We have adopted them in the monument as symbolic of Scotland's ancient past.
* Southwest corner of Foglietta Plaza. North side of Spruce at Front.
* 39.944475,-75.143550 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:

Washington Crossing the Delaware
Guangxi Qihe Bronze Studio, Emanuel Leutze, Dr. QiongZhao (Ellen) Schicktanz, 2017 (installed)
* Full figure relief of George Washington
* small people, mostly seated, some standing, hats, weapons, flag, boat with oars, clouds, horses
* inscription: (partial)
This bronze sculpture replicates the famous painting, Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze. It depicts Gen. George Washington leading the Continental Army on a dangerous nighttime crossing of the Delaware River on December 25, 1776 to attack Hessian troops stationed at Trenton. His attack was a final, desperate effort to gain a victory after months of defeats had reduced the Army to a small, exhausted, and demoralized force. Washington's success at Trenton reinvigorated the American cause and kept the Revolution alive.
The painting captures the drama, danger, and desperation of the river crossing, even though a number of details are historically inaccurate, such as the type of boat. The artist, Emanuel Luenze, grew up and was trained in Philadelphia, but created the painting in 1850 after he returned to his native Germany. The painting was a sensation when it was displayed in America the following year.
The sculpture is a donation from Dr. QiongZhao (Ellen) Schicktanz, a naturalized Asian-American artist, in gratitude for her life as an American Citizen.
* North wall. Museum of the American Revolution. South side of Chestnut, East of 3rd.
* 39.948495,-75.145650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:'s page for this piece and Declaration of Independence's page for the original painting's Emanuel Leutze page's George Washington page

Philadelphia Maneto
1905 (approximate, installed 2014)
* small standing women, scroll, cornucopia, shield, disembodied hand and arm, scales and plow, ship
* Was at the Fante-Leone Public Pool at Montrose and Darien, which was closed in 2004.
* East end of Cianfrani Park. Northeast of the Northeast corner of 8th and Fitzwater.
* 39.940650,-75.155100 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* Exhibits: Moved, Unidentified Artists
* See also: article about the Fonte-Leone Public Pool article about the city seal which mentions this version

Civil War Soldiers Memorial
Hermon Atkins MacNeil, 1921
* big stele, group of people, standing people, angel, hats, weapons, flag, eagle, horse
* The last picture is of the reference to this piece from the mural at 12th and Walnut
* inscription:
front top: One country, one Constitution, one destiny.
front bottom: Each for himself gathered up the cherished purposes of life, its aims and ambitions, its dearest affections, and flung all with life itself into the scale of battle.
back: Donaldson, The Peninsula, Antietem, Murfreesborg, Chancelorsville, Gettysburg, Chickanagua, Chattanooga, Petersburg, Atlanta, Appomatox, 1861-1865
* North side of the Parkway, West of 20th.
* 39.959650,-75.172650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece
+another 1959 picture of this piece's page for this piece and the Civil War Sailors Memorial's Hermon Atkins MacNeil page

The Whispering Bells of Freedom
Reginald Beauchamp, 1976
* In honor of Crispus Attucks
* bells, buildings, people standing, prone, weapons, hats, dog
* Listed with multiple similar titles. This one was taken from the beginning of the inscription.
* inscription:
The whispering bells of freedom in honor of Crispus Attucks
Who on March 5, 1770 was killed by British troops in Boston while protesting conditions under the crown.
These whispers of freedom grew into the crescendo of the Declaration of Independence and the first ringing of the Liberty Bell in Independence Hall.
* Outside the African American Museum. Northwest corner, 7th and Arch.
* 39.953125,-75.151650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Exhibits: War, Black Lives
* See also:'s page for this piece's Reginald Beauchamp page's Crispus Attucks page

Demeter and Poseidon
* bas reliefs of Demeter and Poseidon
* big standing people, horses, baskets, fish, food, plants, weapon (trident), crown
* Wall. North side of Spring Garden, West of 18th.
* 39.963540,-75.168850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Franklin Town tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Demeter page's Poseidon page

Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
1924 (approximate)
* Includes a representation of Saint George
* coat of arms, lions, unicorn, helmet and crown, harp, seated person, lance, horse, dragon
* Best viewed from the North side of Walnut. The other emblems probably represent places where General Accident operated.
* inscription:
Honi soit qui mal y pense
Dieu et mon droit
* Entrance. South side of Walnut, West of 4th.
* 39.947320,-75.148480 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also: entry for the building's entry for the coat of arms's Saint George page

N.W. Ayer Building
Ralph Bowden Bencker (Architect), J. Wallace Kelly, Raphael Sabatini, 1929
* big and small standing people, seated people, partial people, groups of people, furniture, sun, swords, books, publishing equipment, implications of building interiors, zodiac signs, ram, crab, centaur
* There are two large figures on each of the four corners of the building that are best seen from a block away.
* Doors and upper walls. 210 West Washington Square (West side of 7th, South of Walnut).
* 39.947250,-75.153400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Ralph Bowden Bencker page's J. Wallace Kelly Page's Raphael Sabatini page

State Shields
Louis Milione, 1940
* state shields, plants, people sitting and prone, standing, headgear, weapons, tools, scrolls, ships, anchor, flags, food, canine, birds, buildings and parts of buildings, water, mountains, globe, sun and stars
* Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia
* Wall. Nix Federal Building. West side of 9th between Chestnut and Market.
* 39.950550,-75.155400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* See also: page that includes biographical information for Louis Milione's Nix Federal Building page

Khoren Der Harootian, 1975 (dedicated 1976)
* Statue of Meher
* standing, sitting, and lying people, cross, human bones, helmets, weapons, buildings, mountains, plants, horses, vulture, water, sun
* inscription:
On this day, April 24, 1976, commemorating the 61st anniversary of the martyrdom of the Armenian nation and celebrating the bicentennial year of American independence, we Americans of Armenian heritage in eternal gratitude to God dedicate this monument to our adopted land of the United States.
Meher - A legendary figure of inspiring power symbolizing the invincible faith of the Armenian people, the first nation to embrace Christianity (301 AD).
Keeping Watch over the cultural heritage of Armenia.
Day of Infamy, April 24, 1915 the genocide and martyrdom of the Armenian Nation.
St. Vartan at the battle of Avarayr (451 AD). History's first defense of the Christian faith.
Mid the ashes of the martyrs, mother and child look to freedom for Armenia and all nations.
* South side of Kelly Drive, West of 25th.
* 39.966500,-75.179800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: Religious, War
* See also:
+1976 picture of this piece at

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Perry M. Morgan, 1987
* ideas, ideals and logos, map, people standing, crouching, helmets, weapons, airplanes and helicopters, plants, buildings
* since 2016 includes Corporal Michael J. Crescenz MOH
* inscription:
The Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial is designed to honor those who served in all branches of the United States Armed Forces during the Vietnam War. The memorial pays tribute to the 80,000 Philadelphia Vietnam Era Veterans who served our country in our nation's longest war.
By honoring these veterans the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial separates the warrior from the war, focuses on the valor and sacrifice of those patriots, and gives each of them a place in history.
It is our duty to remember the gallant Americans whose names grace this wall. They sacrificed their lives in the service of our country during the Vietnam War 1964-1975.
For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.
* Plaza. Southeast Corner, Front and Spruce.
* 39.943910,-75.142825 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: War, Black Lives
* See also:'s page for this piece

Veterans Memorial
* actual and sculpted flags, POW-MIA, Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Army insignia, partial people, standing person, guard tower, anchors, weapons, eagles, ship, globe, snake
* inscription:
Philadelphia City Council in 1970 chose Veteran's Stadium as the name for the city's new sports facility. Veteran's stadium opened April 10, 1971, was closed September 28, 2003 and imploded March 21, 2004.
To commemorate the site of Veteran's Stadium, the Phillies dedicate this monument as an everlasting memorial to veterans who have defended America's freedom since its inception in Philadelphia, July 4, 1776.
* North side of Pattison, East of Broad.
* 39.905400,-75.171900 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Broad tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War

Smith Memorial Arch
Herbert Adams, George E. Bissell, Alexander Stirling Calder, Katherine M. Cohen, Moses Jacob Ezekiel, Daniel Chester French, Charles Grafly, Samuel Murray, Edward Clark Potter, John Massey Rhind, Bessie O. Potter Vonnoh, John Quincy Adams Ward, James H. Windrim (Architect), 1897 - 1912
* Statues and busts of James A. Beaver, Samuel Wylie Crawford, Andrew Gregg Curtin, John A. B. Dahlgren, John B. Gest, Winfield Scott Hancock, John Hartranft, George B. McClellan, George Gordon Meade, David Dixon Porter, John Fulton Reynolds, Richard Smith and James H. Windrim
* big arches, standing people, seated people, heads, horses, eagles, globe, weapons, hats
* Despite the name, the memorial is actually not an arch at all, though it does include two arches. Sculptures on the memorial include Herbert Adams' statue of Richard Smith, who funded the memorial, and Samuel Murray's bust of James H. Windrim, who was the artist and architect of the memorial itself. Detail pictures of the individual pieces are in alphabetical order by subject. One of John Massey Rhind's eagles is pictured last. Dahlgren is listed elsewhere as "Dahlgreen."
* Avenue of the Republic at 41st.
* 39.977450,-75.206500 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:
+associationforpublicart's page for this piece's page for this piece's page for this piece's Herbert Adams page's George Edwin Bissell page's Alexander Stirling Calder page's Alexander Stirling Calder page's Katherine M. Cohen page's Moses Jacob Ezekiel page's Daniel Chester French page's Daniel Chester French page's Charles Grafly page's Samuel Murray page's Edward Clark Potter page's John Massey Rhind page Bessie O. Potter Vonnoh page John Quincy Adams Ward page's James H. Windrim page's James Addams Beaver page's Samuel W. Crawford page's Andrew Gregg Curtin page's John A. Dahlgren page's John B. Gest page's Winfield Scott Hancock page's John Hartranft page's George B. McClellan page's George Meade page's David Dixon Porter page's John F. Reynolds page's James H. Windrim page

Civil War Sailors Memorial
Hermon Atkins MacNeil, 1921
* big stele, angel, group of people, standing, lying and kneeling, suggestion of a ship, hats, weapons, anchor, seahorses, eagles
* inscription:
front top: In giving freedom to the slave we assure freedom to the free.
front bottom: All who have labored today in behalf of the Union have wrought for the best interests of the country and the world not only for the present but for all future ages.
back: Port Royal, Port Hatteras, Port Henry, Hampton Roads, New Orleans, Memphis, Port Hudson, Charleston, Mobile Bay, Drury's Bluff, Cherbourg, Fort Fisher, 1961-1865.
* South side of the Parkway, West of 20th.
* 39.959420,-75.172960 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece
+another 1959 picture of this piece's page for this piece and the Civil War Soldiers Memorial's Hermon Atkins MacNeil page

Art Museum North Pediment
Carl Paul Jennewein, 1932 (Museum website says 1933)
* group of people, some standing, some sitting or lying, winged person, headgear, staff, sun, sword, furniture, musical instrument, owl, snake, lion
* North Pediment. Front of the Art Museum. 25th and the Parkway.
* 39.965625,-75.180275 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Carl Paul Jennewein page

Fidelity Bank Building
Richard William Morton Keast (Architect), Edward Paul Simon (Architect), Grant Miles Simon (Architect), 1928
* reclining people, heads, standing people, headgear, hammer, artists tools, quill and scroll, dragons, ship, weapons, lion, tree, donkey, sun, sundial
* Keast is listed in two places as the actual designer of the building, but Simon and Simon are officially credited.
* inscription:
Libertas Americana, 4 Juil 1776
Non sine diis animosusinians 17 Oct. 1777 - 19 Oct. 1781
Fugio. 1787, Mind your business
Value me as you please
* Whole building. East side of Broad between Sansom and Walnut.
* 39.949675,-75.163925 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Richard William Morton Keast page's Edward Paul Simon page's Grant Miles Simon page

Black Bottom Memorial Wall
Andrea Zemel, 1999
* map, heart and hands symbol, standing people, sitting person, bulldozer, houses, weapons, flag
* a collaborative project with Penn and University City High School students, it was located on the West side of 36th, North of Filbert, on the Southeast corner of the High School, which was torn down in 2015
* inscription:
The Black Bottom was a predominately African American community that once existed between 32nd Street and 40th Street and between Walnut Street and Lancaster Avenue. Within these boundaries was a community based on loyalty, trust, and respect. It was born of economic adversity but based on love. Their love was for their community and its members and they cared for each other as family. Everyone was helpful to one another. The children were raised together. With pride in their hearts and pride for their community prejudice was a stranger to the people of the Black Bottom. The walls of the community were torn down to make way for "Urban Renewal." However the sense of community was planted in the hearts of the members proving that a community can thrive even in a field of barren ground. Resistance did not prevent their neighborhood from being physically destroyed but resistance preserved it in their memories even today. The community still meets every year on the last Sunday in August for the Black Bottom Reunion at Fairmount Park. It is the largest neighborhood gathering in the history of Philadelphia.
We were like a big family, close together until the bulldozers of urban renewal came around. They tore down our neighborhood - but not our spirits! The Black Bottom still is home in our hearts.
We fought to protect our neighborhood and our country.
* Wall art.
* 39.957425,-75.194200 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, War, Black Lives, Mosaic
* See also:'s Andrea Zemel page article The Past Recaptured: Honoring the Memory of the Black Bottom begins with Andrea Zemel's pieces

Penn Mutual Building Doors
Robert Warren Noble (Architect), 1931
* small groups of people standing, sitting, machines and tools, furniture, baskets and jugs, books and scrolls, dogs, flowers, weapons, helmet, head in profile
* Entrance. Penn Mutual Building. South side of Walnut between 5th and 6th.
* 39.947525,-75.150250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* Exhibits: Labor
* See also:'s Robert Warren Noble page's Penn Mutual page

Drexel Building
Charles Zeller Klauder (Architect), O.W. Ketcham Terra Cotta Works, 1928
* zodiac signs and symbols, ram, meregoat, bull, winged people sitting and kneeling, crab and fish, lion, musical instrument, scales, scorpion, centaur, weapons, jug, water, headgear, eagle
* inscription: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
* Whole Building. Northeast corner, 15th and Walnut.
* 39.949625,-75.165850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* See also: entry for the building's Charles Zeller Klauder page's O.W. Ketcham Terra Cotta Works page

A Quest for Parity: The Octavius V. Catto Memorial
Branly Cadet, 2017
* Memorial to and statue of Octavius Catto
* big and small standing person, ideas, cube and mirrored orb, steles representing a streetcar and a representational streetcar, buildings, plants, horse, clouds, groups of people, some sitting, hats, guns, baseball equipment
* inscription:
South side of steles, North side of cube:
There must come a change which will force upon this nation that course which providence seems wisely to be directing for the mutual benefit of all peoples.
West side of steles, West side of cube:
Educator Leader Major Athlete Activist
South side of cube: October 10, 1871
East side of cube:
Amendment to the United States Constitution
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
North side of steles:
1839 Born February 22 in Charleston, South Carolina
1854 Becomes a student at the Philadelphia Institute for Colored Youth
1858 Graduates from the Institute for Colored Youth
1859 Chosen as a member and recording secretary of the Banneker Institute, an all black literary society led by Jacob White, Jr. Hired as an English and mathematics teacher at his alma mater. Campaign to desegregate the horse-drawn streetcars in Philadelphia begins.
1863 becomes a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard. Helps lead a civil war recruitment committee with Frederick Douglas, members of the Union League, and others, which raises eleven regiments of black troops who trained at Camp William Penn in Cheltenham.
1864 Named corresponding secretary of the Pennsylvania Equal Rights League, an affiliate of the National Equal Rights League. Appointed Vice President of the State Convention of Colored People held in Harrisburg. Led civil disobedience protests and lobbied white legislators in Harrisburg to desegregate streetcars.
1865 Co-authored the state Equal Rights League call for voting rights, streetcar desegregation, and the hiring of black teachers for black students in public schools.
1867 Governor signs statewide "Bill of Rights" law desegregating streetcars. Led the Pythians Base Ball Club of Philadelphia to an undefeated season.
1869 Named principal of male students at the Institute for Colored Youth Pythians play the Olympic Ball Club in Philadelphia in the first match between black and white teams. A leader of the unsuccessful effort to integrate the private City Wide Congress of Literary Societies. Helps lead successful Pennsylvania campaign to pass the 15th Amendment which led to thousands of black men registering to vote.
1870 The Union League presents Octavius Catto, Frederick Douglas, and Robert Purvis with a banner celebrating Pennsylvania's adoption of the 15th Amendment at a ceremony on Broad Street. Writes curriculum for new schools for freed former slaves in the District of Columbia. Becomes a member of the original Franklin Institute breaking the color line at the prestigious national forum for advancing American science and technology.
1871 Named an Inspector General with the rank of Major in the Pennsylvania National Guard. Shot to death on October 10, on South Street in the midst of election day riots. He was 32, and one of many black men shot or attacked that day by opponents of the 15th Amendment. As one of Philadelphia's most influential leaders, more than 5,000 mourners attended his funeral and procession down Broad Street.
* South side of City Hall. North side of S. Penn Square at Broad.
* 39.951775,-75.164100 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Exhibits: Athletic, War, Black Lives, Mass Transit
* See also:'s page for this piece's Octavius Catto page's City Hall page's City Hall page

The Washington Monument
Rudolf Siemering, 1897 (restored 1997)
* Monument to George Washington
* big fountains, groups of people, standing people, sitting and reclining people, alligator, bears, birds, bison and oxen, elk and moose, fish, horses, snake, plants, shells, weapons, drum, net, hats, Pennsylvania State Seal
* Moved to the current location in 1928. Originally at "The Green Street Entrance to Fairmount Park" which on a 1911 map of Philadelphia (which shows the location of the monument) is where 25th and Green would have intersected, which is about 600 feet North and slightly West from where it is now.
* West end of Eakins Oval. Parkway at 24th.
* 39.964250,-75.179150 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, Moved
* See also: 1911 picture of this piece at the original location 1959 picture of this piece at the current location's page for this piece
+1911 map of Philadelphia at's Rudolf Siemering page's George Washington page's Eakins Oval page

Penn Quad Gargoyles
Cope and Stewardson (Architects), 1894 - 1911
* small crouching and horizontal people, heads, headgear, squirrel, seahorse, donkeys, frogs, dragon, balls, shields, books, food, staff, musical instruments
* Walls. Penn Quad. South side of Spruce from 36th to 38th.
* 39.950875,-75.197400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:'s Cope and Stewardson page entry for the Quad