Philadelphia Public Art
Exhibit: Missing
These pieces are out for repair, have been moved some place where the webmaster can't find them, or have disappeared for other reasons, such as buildings being torn down, natural disasters, or complete erosion by the elements. Sometimes pieces are gone for years and then mysteriously reappear. The pieces with pictures below disappeared after they were added to this site.
J. Seward Johnson, Jr.
* small
* Was East and North of 39th and Filbert. Clearly visible in a Street View picture from 2019. Not there when checked on December 9, 2023.
* 39.958150,-75.198750 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Medical
* See also:'s page for this piece's Penn Presbyterian Medical Center page
* Symbol of Jesus
* cross
* Was on the West side of 17th, between Race and Vine
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Jesus page
* abstract
* Was on the Southeast corner of 19th and Poplar. New housing was built on the lot in 2012.
* 39.971050,-75.167475 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists,
In the Beginning, God...
* Symbol of Jesus
* cross,
picture of the earth from the moon
* Was over the Newman Center door on the Northwest corner of 33rd and Market until approximately 2010 when the building was converted into a multiculture center which has since been torn down and replaced with a hotel.
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Jesus page
* statue of Mary
* standing person,
kneeling person,
head covering,
* Was in the parking lot on the Southwest corner of 17th and Vine. As of 5/19/2021 the brick pedestals and spotlight are still in place, but the pieces are sitting near the wall further West on Vine behind parked cars (see last picture).
* 39.958125,-75.167450 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page
* statue of Mary
* small
standing person,
* Was on the South side of Montrose, West of 7th. Probably missing since some time in 2019.
* 39.937500,-75.155430 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page
Mary and Jesus
* Statue of Jesus
* small
* Was in front of Our Mother of Sorrows on the West side of N. 48th, South of Lancaster. The church closed in 2017. The piece was removed some time between then and January 27, 2025 when it was checked on streetview.
* 39.971110,-75.217450 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also: article about the closing of the church's Jesus page's Mary, mother of Jesus page
Saint Hedwig
* Statue of Saint Hedwig
* small
standing person
wearing a crown,
carrying a church
* Was on the Northeast corner of 24th and Brown, outside the former St. Hedwig's Church, closed c. 2004. Reappeared at the Southeast corner of 24th and Green c. 2010. Removed from that location some time in late 2013 or early 2014. The first two pictures are from 24th and Green. The last picture is from 24th and Brown.
* 39.965710,-75.177200 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Hedwig of Silesia page
St. Joseph and Jesus
* statue of Jesus
* small
one standing,
one carried,
* Was visible through the fence on the South side of Girard between 16th and 17th. Missing since at least August 2019, as the hospital has been converted to other uses.
* St. Joe's Hospital Courtyard.
* 39.971800,-75.163300 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Jesus page's Saint Joseph page
Stele of S'akya-muni
* small
standing person
* Concrete reproduction. Formerly in the East courtyard of the Penn Museum. Moved to the inner courtyard where it is visible from inside, but not outside, the museum.
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:
The Running of the Salmon
Robert Phillips
* fish
* Was on the Southwest corner, 15th and Walnut
* Over the door.
* See also:'s Bob Phillips Gallery
University City High School
Isaiah Zagar
* abstract designs,
seated person,
* Was on the West side of 36th, North of Filbert. The High School was torn down in 2015
* Entrance art.
* 39.957475,-75.194300 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Mosaic
* See also:
+official picture of this piece at
300 - 1525 (approximate range of possible dates)
* sphere
* In storage. Was at Penn's Landing at Dock Street. There were originally two spheres at opposite ends of the 1976 International Sculpture Garden. One was removed when the hotel was built (approximately 2001), and the second was removed between then and 2010.
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s International Sculpture Garden page, which includes this piece
* stone image of Nandi
* bull
* Formerly at Penn's Landing at Dock Street. Removed when the hotel was built (approximately 2001)
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s International Sculpture Garden page, which includes this piece's Nandi page
* small
standing people
wearing hats
* In storage. Was at Penn's Landing at Dock Street.
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s International Sculpture Garden page, which includes this piece
Japanese Lantern
* abstract
* Formerly in the East courtyard of the Penn Museum, brought inside the museum in 2018 as part of a conservation review.
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+Magazine article about this piece
Central Post
1850 (approximate)
* bird,
* Formerly at Penn's Landing at Dock Street. Removed when the hotel was built (approximately 2001)
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s International Sculpture Garden page includes this piece (listed as House Post)
Tiffany Atlas Clock
Henry Frederick Metzler,
1853 (date of NYC original)
* statue of Atlas
* standing person,
* Was on the South side of Walnut between Broad and 15th. Tiffany moved three blocks West in late 2021 or early 2022 but does not appear to have reinstalled the Atlas Clock as of 1/18/2022.
* Above the entrance.
Tiffany and Co..
* 39.949385,-75.165200 [map] [nearby]
* See also: history page with particulars of the history of this piece's Atlas page
George McKensie Poinsett Memorial
* In memory of George McKensie Poinsett
* rock
* There used to be a circular relief portrait, which is now missing
* inscription:
APRIL 21, 1914
* North end of Clarkson Park, West side of Old York, South of Albert Einstein Drive, Jefferson Einstein Philadelphia Hospital.
Old York Road between Somerville and Tabor, just East of Broad.
* 40.036700,-75.144950 [map] [nearby]
* On the Logan/Ogontz tour
* Other exhibits: New,
Unidentified Artists,
* See also:'s picture of the unveiling of this piece, with the portrait 1995 Inquirer article about Clarkson Park and this piece's George McKenzie Poinsett page (which also says George D. Poinsett)'s Jefferson Einstein Hospital page
Thorfinn Karlsefni
Einar Jonsson,
1918 (installed 1920)
* Statue of Thorfinn Karlsefni
* standing person,
sword and shield,
carved people,
* Was on Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row. Forcibly removed and toppled into the river, October 2nd, 2018. Retrieved by divers and put in storage. The statue had become an annual gathering site for Nazis on Leif Erikson day.
* inscription:
Following Leif Erikson's discovery of North America in 1003, Thorfinn Karlsefni, with 165 men and 35 women established a settlement which lasted 3 years, and his son Snorri was born in North America.
Leif Erikson society of Pennsylvania
Scandanavian Craft Club of Philadelphia
October 9, 1976
* 39.970190,-75.190050 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s page for this piece's Thorfinn Karlsefni page
City Seal
John Molitor (Architect),
* small
seal of the city,
standing people,
* Was on the Southwest corner, Juniper and Race. Removed from the building 2008 prior to demolition for Convention Center expansion. Coordinates were entered after the demolition and are approximate.
* Wall.
* 39.956055,-75.161750 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s page for the building's 1928 picture of the front of the building's John Molitor page
Firefighter Gargoyles
John Molitor (Architect),
* small
crouching people
wearing hats and helmets,
firefighting equipment
* Was on the Southwest corner, Juniper and Race. Removed from the building 2008 prior to demolition for Convention Center expansion. Coordinates were entered after the demolition and are approximate.
* Entrance.
* 39.956050,-75.161750 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters,
* See also:
+Max Buten's page for this piece
+Gargoyle Hunter page for this piece's page for the building's 1928 picture of the front of the building's John Molitor page
The Ideal Boy Scout
R. Tait McKenzie,
* small
standing person,
* Was on the Southeast corner of 22nd and Winter. Removed early 2014 following the eviction of the Boy Scouts by the City of Philadelphia.
* 39.958990,-75.175250 [map] [nearby]
* See also: 1938 picture of this piece's R. Tait McKenzie page
Le Coureur
Germaine Richier,
1954 (designed)
* small
running person
* Was located in front of the Drexel Law School on the South side of Market between 33rd and 34th. It was originally installed as a gift from Earle Mack some time between the founding of the school in 2006 and the renaming of the school for Mack in 2008, and was probably removed around 2014 when the law school was renamed again.
* 39.955525,-75.190200 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Athletic
* See also:
+press release about the naming of the school on which mentions this piece's Germaine Richier page
Gravestone of Monsignor Francis J. Ross
* Memorial to Monsignor Francis J. Ross
* small
communion chalice,
* Was on the South side of Chestnut, East of 38th. Removed November, 2020 or earlier. Presumably reinterred elsewhere.
* inscription:
Tu es sacerdos in aeternum
Right Reverand Monsignor Francis J. Ross, D.D.
Born June 28, 1885
Ordained Nov. 1, 1911
Died Aug. 6, 1955
Requiscat in pace
* Gravestone.
East side of St. Agatha - St. James Church.
* 39.954915,-75.197800 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also: Msgr. F.J. Ross obituary
Benjamin Franklin Medallion
Sydney Jelinek (Architect),
* Portrait of Benjamin Franklin
* big
* Originally on the wall of the Franklin Motor Inn on the Northeast corner of 22nd and Pennsylvania/Hamilton. The medallion survived an eventual rename to Best Western, but not the demolition of the building in June, 2008.
* Wall.
* See also:'s history of what is now Dalian on the Park, including the Franklin Motor Inn, with a picture of this piece's Benjamin Franklin page
Creese Student Center Mosaic
* big
abstract mosaic
* Was on the South side of Chestnut, just West of 32nd. The Creese Student Center was expanded in to a much larger complex which opened in 2014.
* Lower East wall.
Creese Student Center, Drexel University.
* 39.953450,-75.187950 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists,
* See also:
Philadelphian Fountain
Samuel Israel Oshiver (Architect),
* fountain
* This fountain had many different configurations. It was on the North side of Pennsylvania Avenue between 24th and 25th, until it was replaced in 2024 as part of renovations to the building's public spaces
* Replaced by the 2024 Philadelphian Fountain
* Steps.
The Philadelphian.
* 39.966510,-75.178150 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s entry for the building's Samuel Israel Oshiver page
Sagg Main Street
Kenneth Snelson,
1966 (installed 1976)
* abstract assemblage
* Was at the end of the apartment complex driveway on the West side of 20th between Hamilton and Spring Garden. The Whitney 1966 Exhibition catalog has a picture of what appears to be this piece, so I am listing 1966. The Smithsonian catalog has 1975 with an installation of 1976. shows a smaller and slightly different 1968 piece with the same name. The mathtourist blog entry about Snelson has a picture of this piece dated 2000. A PDF titled Kenneth Snelson, Art and Ideas, Essay by Eleanor Heartney, additional text by Kennth Snelson, has a picture of a similar piece titled Sagg Main Street II, dated 2006.
* See also:
+Whitney Annual Exhibition 1966 Sculpture and Prints pdf at has a picture of what appears to be this piece
+/ entry about Kenneth Snelson, with pictures
The John Hanson Monument
Carl Lindborg,
* bust and medalions honoring John A. B. Dahlgren,
John Ericsson,
John Hanson,
John Morton,
John Nystrom,
Johan Printz
Johan Risingh
* small
ship, submarine,
standing person
* Dahlgren is listed elsewhere as 1809-1870. This piece was inside the walls near the graveyard of Old Swedes (Columbus Blvd. & Christian St., 916 S. Swanson St). just outside the back door of the house closest to the church. Was missing when checked on August 17 2014. Per an email from the Historic Gloria Dei Preservation Corporation received on June 27, 2022, the statue was given to descendants of John Hanson.
* inscription:
John Hanson, 1715-1783, First President of US Under Articles of Confederation, 1781-82
John Nystrom, 1829-1885, engineer, inventor, ship builder, author
John Ericsson, 1803-1889, inventor, engineer, scientist
John Dahlgren, 1809-1890, U.S. Admiral - inventions influenced world navies
Johan Risingh, 1617-1672, last governor of New Sweden, author, economist
Johan Printz, 1592-1663, Governor of New Sweden
John Morton, 1724-1777, Signer of Declaration of Independence
Erected October 7, 1967 by Swedish Colonial Society and the Vasa Order of America in Sweden
* 39.934500,-75.143800 [map] [nearby]
* See also: article about Carl Lindborg's John A. Dahlgren page's John Ericsson page's John Hanson page's John Morton page's John Nystrom page's Johan Printz page's Johan Risingh page's Gloria Dei Church (Old Swedes) page
Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial Fountain
Vincent Kling/Kling Lindquist Partnership/KlingStubbins (Architects),
* Memorial to Ellen Phillips Samuel
* fountain
* Removed 2017. LOVE Park is individually attributed to Vincent Kling.
* Replaced by the Love Park Fountain
* Plaza.
Specifically John F. Kennedy Plaza (LOVE Park).
* 39.954250,-75.165650 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Vincent Kling page's KlingStubbins page 1938 article about Ellen Phillips Samuel and her bequest's Love Park page
Two Athletes
Joe Brown,
* big
* Was on the West side of Broad, just North of Montgomery in front of Pearson and McGonigle Halls which have been expanded into a single building that now covers the space where it was.
* 39.980800,-75.157650 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Athletic
* See also:
+picture of the artist working on this piece at
+picture of this piece at Joe Brown page
Robert Ranieri,
* abstract assemblage
* Was in front of the old dorm on the South side of Cecil B. Moore, just West of 13th
* See also:
Signers Walk
Franklin Mint,
1975 (installed current location 1999)
* Plaques with relief busts of John Adams,
Samuel Adams,
Carter Braxton,
Charles Carroll,
George Clymer,
William Floyd,
Elbridge Gerry,
Button Gwinnett,
Benjamin Harrison V,
Joseph Hewes,
William Hooper,
Thomas Jefferson,
Francis Lightfoot Lee,
Philip Livingston,
Thomas Lynch Jr.,
Thomas McKean,
Arthur Middleton,
Lewis Morris,
Robert Morris,
Thomas Nelson, Jr.,
William Paca,
Robert Treat Paine,
Caesar Rodney,
George Ross,
Edward Rutledge,
Roger Sherman,
James Smith,
George Taylor,
William Williams,
John Witherspoon
George Wythe
* small
parts of buildings
* Donated by the Franklin Mint in 1975. Moved to the current location in 1999.
People listed are those visible June 20, 2022. Many of the plaques are missing or damaged. One was covered by a planter.
Preference given here to likenesses of those least represented in the database as of 7/4/2022.
* inscription:
These plaques commemorate the 56 members of the Continental Congress who risked their lives, reputation, and fortunes by signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and 1777.
* Sidewalk.
South side of Chestnut between 6th and 7th.
* 39.949260,-75.151575 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Other exhibits: Moved
* See also: article about this piece's Franklin Mint page's John Adams page's Samuel Adams page's Carter Braxton page's Charles Carroll page's George Clymer page's William Floyd page's Elbridge Gerry page's Button Gwinnett page's Benjamin Harrison V page's Joseph Hewes page's William Hooper page's Thomas Jefferson page's Francis Lightfoot Lee page's Philip Livingston page's Thomas Lynch Jr. page's Thomas McKean page's Arthur Middleton page's Lewis Morris page's Robert Morris page's Thomas Nelson, Jr. page's William Paca page's Robert Treat Paine page's Caesar Rodney page's George Ross page's Edward Rutledge page's Roger Sherman page's James Smith page's George Taylor page's William Williams page's John Witherspoon page's George Wythe page
Venus and Mars
Robert Ranieri,
* Representation of Mars
* abstract
* Was on the East side of Broad, between Oxford and Cecil B. Moore. The block was flattened some time around October, 2010.
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Mars page's Venus page
David Lee Brown,
* abstract form
* Was at the Northeast corner of 10th and Market. Removed around 2015 with the conversion of the Gallery to Fashion District Philadelphia.
* Former entrance to the Gallery.
* 39.951650,-75.156650 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s picture of this piece's David Lee Brown obituary
Burst of Joy
Harold Kimmelman,
* big
exploding geometric form
* Was on the West side of 9th Street, just North of Market. Removed 2015 with the conversion of The Gallery to Fashion District Philadelphia. It has been reported that the piece has been or will be donated to Central High School.
* Former Gallery Plaza/Courtyard.
* 39.951650,-75.155250 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
+Artist's page for this piece
City Hall Fountain
Vincent Kling/Kling Lindquist Partnership/KlingStubbins (Architects),
1977 (completion of Dilworth Plaza)
* abstract
* Was on the East side of 15th, South of Market. Removed when Dilworth Plaza was reconstructed in 2014 as Dilworth Park. Dilworth Plaza is individually attributed to Vincent Kling.
* Plaza.
Southwest corner of City Hall.
* 39.952015,-75.164875 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Vincent Kling page's KlingStubbins page's City Hall page's City Hall page
Dilworth Plaza Fountain
Vincent Kling/Kling Lindquist Partnership/KlingStubbins (Architects),
1977 (completion of original plaza)
* waterfall fountain
* Was on the East side of 15th, just North of Market. Removed when Dilworth Plaza was reconstructed in 2014 as Dilworth Park. Dilworth Plaza is individually attributed to Vincent Kling.
* Plaza.
City Hall.
* 39.952700,-75.164710 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Vincent Kling page's KlingStubbins page's City Hall page's City Hall page
Gates and Grills
Albert Paley,
* abstract forms
* The grill is clearly signed. The gate isn't, but the catalog says Gates and Grills, and they seem to go together. The grills appear to still be in place in StreetView as of March, 2023, but the gate is not and is presumed missing.
* Gates and grills.
Lombard, just West of Front.
* 39.941950,-75.144000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* See also:
+Percent for Art's pdf with pictures of this piece at
Six in a Series of Tubular Forms
Paul Sisko,
* tubular form
* Was on the East side of 12th Street, just North of Polett Walk, in front of Gladfelter Hall, where the Science Education and Research Center, which was completed in 2014, now stands.
* 39.981465,-75.153000 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
Joseph J. Greenberg, Jr.,
1980 (date of building)
* big
* Was between 16th and 17th, Race and Vine on the North side of the hotel which was the Wyndham Franklin Plaza and then the Sheraton Center City. Disappeared some time around 2017 when the Franklin Plaza complex was reconfigured.
* Was in the driveway entrance.
* 39.957700,-75.166900 [map] [nearby]
* See also: Joseph J. Greenberg obituary
Timothy Duffield,
* big
* Was on the North side of Market St. between 18th and 19th. Permanently removed by the building's new owners some time in 2016, whereabouts unknown, possibly scrapped.
* 39.953450,-75.170950 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Favorites
* See also: article about the piece disappearing obituary for Timothy Duffield
Eastwick Farmpark
Rosalie Sherman,
* small
seated person
wearing a hat,
* The farmer and his bench were missing on April 20, 2013
* 84th and Crane.
* 39.89407,-75.246725 [map] [nearby]
* On the Southwest Philly tour
* See also:
Allow Me
J. Seward Johnson, Jr.,
1984 (approximate)
* small
standing person,
* Originally at the Northeast corner of 17th and Locust. Moved to the South side of Chestnut between Broad and 15th in front of the Prince Theater. Missing as of 12/19/2016. The first picture is from the original location.
* 39.950880,-75.164800 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Moved
* See also:'s page for this piece
Balancing Act
Elsa Tarantal,
* small
standing child
* Was on the Southeast corner, 40th and Market. The houses were torn down in 2024, but as of 7/20/2024 the plaza and empty base were still standing. Also listed elsewhere as "Balance", and "Balancing". There is weathering and censorship with stickers in the 2015 pictures not evident in the original (last) picture.
* Plaza.
* 39.956750,-75.201650 [map] [nearby]
Barton and Beury Hall Walls
John Botkin,
David Porter,
* big
abstract forms
* Barton Hall, which was on the West side of 13th, was replaced by the Charles Library in 2019, so half of this piece is missing. The third picture is of the Beury half, taken from outside the library in 2021. The artist is listed elsewhere as "John Borkin"
* Wall.
East side of 13th, North of Polett Walk.
* 39.981925,-75.154875 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Campus tour
* See also: article about this piece
Kate Smith
Marc Mellon,
* Statue of Kate Smith
* standing person
* Was behind the Spectrum at Broad and Pattison, which was demolished in early 2011. Reinstalled behind Xfinity Live in 2012 with a shorter plaque which omitted the second, third, and fourth paragraphs from the original inscription, which is listed here in full with the removed section in square brackets. The last picture is from the original location. In Aoril 2019 the Flyers shrouded and then removed the statue over Smith's racist recordings.
* inscription:
Blessed with a voice and presence which led her to stardom on
Broadway, radio, and television, Miss Smith came to symbolize joyous,
homespun, American patriotism.
[Her stirring rendition of "God Bless America" introduced on Armistice
Day 1938 lifted the spirits of the nation after the Great Depression and
inspired us to persevere through the agony of World War II.
When president Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced Kate to the King and
Queen of England he said "This is Kate Smith... This is America!"
During World War II, Miss Smith raised more than $600 million in War Bond
sales and in 1982, President Ronald Reagan presented her with the
nation's highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom.]
Kate Smith had a special relationship with the Flyers and the City
of Philadephia. Her live performances of "God Bless America" helped
inspire the Flyers to become Stanley Cup Champions for the first time
in 1974.
This statue, honoring one of America's greatest patriots, is a gift from
the Philadelphia Flyers to the people of our great country.
Dedicated: October 5, 1987
* 39.903600,-75.170000 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Moved
* See also:'s Kate Smith page
Dr. Hideyo Noguchi
* Partial statue of Hideyo Noguchi
* small
head, torso, and arm,
* Was on the South side of Market, West of 36th. Was not there 7/24/2005.
* inscription:
Dr. Hideyo Noguchi, 1876-1928. Born in Fukushima, Japan. Studied at the University of Pennsylvania (1900-1904) and dedicated his life to medical research. He died of yellow fever in Africa.
Donated by District 265 Kyoto-Joyo Rotary Club.
* Other exhibits: Medical,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Hideyo Noguchi page
Linpro Building Fountain
WZMH Architects,
* fountain
* Was on the North side of Market, West of 19th, behind what was supposed to be a plaza between twin towers. The building has since been renamed, and the fountain was replaced by a live wall in 2018 when a companion building (not the twin that was originally planned) was finally built 28 years later.
* Wall.
* 39.953875,-75.172250 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s page for the building
Andrew Leicester,
* heads,
standing people,
* Originally installed next to and along the sidewalk in front of Pier 3, on the East side of Columbus, North of Market. Between 1990 and 2022 it gradually disappeared. For several years the part in the first picture with the small human heads was all that remained. As of April 30, 2022, even that was gone.
* 39.950125,-75.140500 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece
Subject/Object Memory
Lauren Ewing,
* words,
* Checked July 2013. Chairs are missing. Able to transcribe most of the historical inscription.
* inscription:
This was a land of natural beauty and bounty.
Oak, Maple, Hawthorne, Cherry, Sweetgum, Crabapple and Ash
sheltered deer, fox, rabbit and racoon.
The lower land was cut through by hundreds of creeks,
and streams rich in muskrat, beaver, fish and waterfowl.
This was the home of the Lenni Lenape and Minquas
who lived in harmony with the land.
(see natural habitat at Tinecum Envm. Cntr.)
In 1638 Swedish settlers founded the colony of New Sweden.
The colony prospered and grew because of the fur trade.
The settlers built log homes, dams and mills and cleared the land for farms.
The wilderness was transformed. When William Penn sailed up the Delaware
decades later, he saw a peaceful colony with schools, snug houses, churches
and law courts with jury trials.
In 1762 Swedish worshippers built St. James Kingsessing
(68th and Wdlnd). The first recorded burial was Jacob Lincoln, 1725-1769.
During the Revolutionary War the British attacked Washington's men at
the Blue Bell Tavern. Every 20 minutes 1,000 cannon balls were fired
at Ft. Mifflin. One passed through the Adam Guyer house while the family
dined. (see Cannon Ball House near Ft. Mifflin)
The Penrose Ferry Hotel and Blue Bell Tavern (built 1776)
were popular meeting places for local residents and travelers.
Legends flourished about marsh creatures and unsavory local characters
such as One-armed Tom Robinson. In 1802 Tom framed a man for
a grisly murder he committed. After the innocent man hanged,
Tom gleefully admitted his misdeeds.
[not legible]
June 9, 1859 the ladies of St. James Church hosted a strawberry
festival at Bartram Gardens (residence of Andrew M. Eastwick) to
fund a new schoolhouse. From 1880-92, the present Penrose Plaza
site was Suffolk Park Racetrack. July 9, 1866 Bud Doble drove "Dexter"
to a record win in 2 min. 23 1/2 sec. Wm. T. Eastwick and Emma Thomas
married on June 2, 1870 at st. James Church.
A map dated 1872 shows large farm estates in this area. Local
family names were Johnson, Young, Mitchell, Holstein and Serrill.
The P.B.& W Railroad stopped at Bell Road Sta. and a steam car ran
on Darby St. (Woodland). It cost 5c and took only 15 min. to reach
Broad and Market Sts. By '86 lots were selling in the area. New streets
opened and a hotel was built.
The 20th C. brought industry and population growth to Eastwick.
Fels-Naptha Soap and Brill trolley cars were made here.
Land was drained for Wilson Field (now Phila. Intn. Airport).
In 1927 Lindbergh landed here. During W.W.I Hog Island
Naval Yard employed local workers whose sandwiches became known as "Hoagies".
Everyday, 1905-16, Anthony Rubillo lit and put out the local street lamps.
The Meadows, as residents called it, was a multi-racial
community with churches of all denominations. Neighborhood
kids starred on American Bandstand. In 1950 it was declared
an Urban Renewal Area. In 1958 the Redevelopment Authority
condemned 2,535 homes and 37 churches to make way fora "city within a
city." Residents strongly resisted displacement and the imposed change.
[not legible]
* In the parking lot of Penrose Plaza.
West side of Island, South of Lindbergh.
* 39.899475,-75.239700 [map] [nearby]
* On the Southwest Philly tour
* See also:'s Penrose Plaza page
Skin of the Bride
Isaiah Zagar,
1991 - 2000
* big
* Was on the South side of Vine between 2nd and 3rd on the walls of the Painted Bride Art Center, which is no longer the home of the Painted Bride. The mosaic was dismantled in 2023.
* Walls.
* 39.955725,-75.143950 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Mosaic
* See also: article about this piece
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church Crucifixion
1993 (installed? year St. Elizabeth was closed)
* statue of Jesus
* small
group of people
standing and crucified,
with headgear
* Was in the parking lot on the Northwest corner of 17th and Race. As of 5/19/2021 the pieces are near the wall on Vine behind a fence and parked cars (see last picture). The crucified Christ appears to be horizontal on the sidewalk. I have no information about the relationship between the statues and St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, or who the three women are.
* inscription:
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church founded 1872
* 39.956950,-75.167700 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Jesus page
Joe Mooney,
* abstract
plant form
* Picture contributed by and copyright Joe Mooney. Was on the Woodmere grounds at the corner of Germantown Avenue and Bells Mill Road, but was not found on a visit in late May, 2017.
* See also:
The Sign Boy
Tom Miles,
* small
standing boy,
* Was on the East side of Juniper, South of Market. Removed some time during the first half of 2021 or late 2020 during renovation of the Wanamaker entrance.
* 39.951485,-75.162725 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
Your Move
Daniel Martinez,
Renee Petropoulos,
Roger White,
* big
chess pieces, Monopoly pieces, dominoes, etc.
* Was on the West side of Broad between Arch and JFK. Severely deteriorated. Removed by the City in late May 2023 for eventual destruction.
* Scattered around the plaza.
Municipal Services Building.
* 39.953950,-75.164150 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Favorites
* See also:'s page for this piece's Daniel Joseph Martinez page's Renee Petropoulos page
Floating World
Ava Blitz,
* abstract
* Was on the North side of Market, West of 36th. Removed before 2/21/2016. The building has since been demolished and replaced.
* wall-mounted.
* 39.956400,-75.194850 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s page for this piece
Andrea Zemel,
1997 (from the artist's CV, also listed as 1998)
* big
* A collaborative project with Penn and University City High School students, it was located on the West side of 36th, North of Market, at the Southwest corner of the High School, which was torn down in 2015
* inscription:
Knowledge is Power
* 39.957350,-75.194225 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Black Lives
* See also:'s Andrea Zemel page article The Past Recaptured: Honoring the Memory of the Black Bottom begins with Andrea Zemel's pieces
Philadelphia Physicians for Social Responsibility
Isaiah Zagar,
* big
* Was on the West side of 23rd between Fairmount and Aspen. As of April, 2017 the property was for sale and the mosaic had been removed. The building is now gone.
* Wall.
* 39.967840,-75.175400 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Medical,
* See also:
Frank Rizzo
Zenos Frudakis,
* Statue of Frank Rizzo
* standing person,
* Was on the steps of the Municipal Services Building on the North side of JFK between Broad and 15th. Permanently removed from that location by the City without ceremony or advance notice in the middle of the night, June 2, 2020.
* inscription:
Mayor 1972 - 1980
* Steps.
* 39.953725,-75.164500 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's Frank Rizzo page
Black Bottom Memorial Wall
Andrea Zemel,
* map,
heart and hands
sitting person,
* a collaborative project with Penn and University City High School students, it was located on the West side of 36th, North of Filbert, on the Southeast corner of the High School, which was torn down in 2015
* inscription:
The Black Bottom was a predominately African American community that
once existed between 32nd Street and 40th Street and between
Walnut Street and Lancaster Avenue. Within these boundaries was a
community based on loyalty, trust, and respect. It was born of economic adversity
but based on love. Their love was for their community and its members and they
cared for each other as family. Everyone was helpful to one another.
The children were raised together. With pride in their hearts and pride
for their community prejudice was a stranger to the people of the Black
Bottom. The walls of the community were torn down to make way for "Urban
Renewal." However the sense of community was planted in the hearts
of the members proving that a community can thrive even in a field of barren
ground. Resistance did not prevent their neighborhood from being physically
destroyed but resistance preserved it in their memories even today.
The community still meets every year on the last Sunday in August for the
Black Bottom Reunion at Fairmount Park. It is the largest neighborhood
gathering in the history of Philadelphia.
We were like a big family, close together until the bulldozers of urban renewal
came around. They tore down our neighborhood - but not our spirits! The Black
Bottom still is home in our hearts.
We fought to protect our neighborhood and our country.
* Wall art.
* 39.957425,-75.194200 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: War,
Black Lives,
* See also:'s Andrea Zemel page article The Past Recaptured: Honoring the Memory of the Black Bottom begins with Andrea Zemel's pieces
Chestnut Street Bus Shelters
Pablo Tauler,
* abstract designs,
* This piece was on the South side of Chestnut, from 7 to 17th. It was deconstructed some time before November, 2019 and most of the panels (but not the other elements) were restored and reinstalled on new shelters. The remaining pictures are of the missing panels. Some pictures have been edited to make vandalism on the metal illegible.
* Panels reused in Chestnut Street Bus Shelter Panel (12th)
* through Chestnut Street Bus Shelter Panel (18th)
* Bus shelters.
* 39.95035,-75.160290 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Mass Transit
* See also: article about the original debate on what to do with this piece
+announcement from the city that the panels would be reused at
Steel Woman II
Thomas Schutte,
* horizontal person,
* Was in the Anne d'Harnoncourt Sculpture Garden on Art Museum Drive. Removed some time prior to July 7, 2022.
* 39.967150,-75.181425 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Thomas Schutte page
Clousseau Rousseau
Patricia Ingersoll,
Jack Ramsdale,
* elephant painted with
reclining person
* Was on the East side of Germantown Avenue North of Hartwell. Originally part of a temporary exhibit but was at one point reported to be permanent.
* See also:
Main Quad Fountain
Hargreaves Jones,
* abstract
University seal
* This fountain only existed for about 7 years before it was removed to accommodate the entrance to a new building. The Drexel University seal was inscribed into the base of the fountain in very shallow relief. Each of the water jets was individually programmable and individually lit at night. On the day the pictures were taken the triangle was divided into four smaller triangles which spouted in succession.
* inscription:
Drexel University, 1891, Science, Industry, Art
* Quad.
Drexel University.
* 39.954775,-75.188375 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
Nuevo Fuego/New Fire
Cesar Viveros,
* sun
* Was on the North side of Girard at Germantown (West of 2nd). Replaced with new construction some time before 2022. The picture is of the sculptural elements. There was a painted mural above them.
* Wall.
* 39.969790,-75.140360 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Cesar Viveros page
Science Leadership Academy Sign
2006 (school founded)
* abstract
* Was on the Southeast corner of 22nd and Arch. The school has moved to Broad and Green. The sign was removed shortly before 6/30/2022.
* Wall.
* 39.955930,-75.176175 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
Water Works Fountain
2006 (repurposed 2018)
* fountain,
* Reconfigured as the base of Water Nymph and Bittern
* In the garden of the Water Works.
Schuylkill Banks near the Spring Garden Bridge.
* 39.965415,-75.183220 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
Pyramid Lights
* big
* Was on the 32nd Street Walkway between Market and Chestnut. Missing since late April, 2013. Was programmable and changed colors at night
* 39.955000,-75.187100 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
Headhouse Square Fountain
* abstract
* Was in the middle of 2nd at Lombard. Removed as part of the 2021 renovation of Headhouse Square 12 years after it was installed.
* 39.942040,-75.145490 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+South Street Headhouse District's picture of this piece on's Headhouse Square page
Buddha and Dragons
2010 (installed)
* Statue of Buddha
* big
standing person,
small dragons
* Was at the former Phat Quang Buddhist Temple on 4th, North of Washington. The temple disappeared in 2019.
* 39.935210,-75.150400 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also: article about the sale of the temple's Guatama Buddha page
* abstract
actual plants
* Was on the Northwest corner, 38th and Powelton for approximately three years. On September 15, 2013, it was gone and the sidewalk where it had been was freshly replaced.
* 39.959700,-75.196800 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
Grumman Greenhouse
Jordan Griska,
* big
real airplane,
recycled containers,
real plants
* Originally intended as a temporary installation, it remained for 11 years until it was removed in August, 2022.
* inscription:
Grumman S2F Tracker, Polycarbonate, Soil,
Recycled Containers, Plants
Plants courtesy of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
* Was on Lenfest Plaza.
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.
* 39.955400,-75.163725 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Peace and Love
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece article about this piece leaving
Lines in Four Directions in Flowers
Sol LeWitt,
2012 (realized)
* big
beds of actual flowers
* Was on the hill behind the Art Museum, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th. It was not clear from the sign at the time of installation whether the piece was intended to be permanent, but it was not consistently maintained, and was removed in 2015.
* 39.967325,-75.183300 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s page for this piece's Sol LeWitt page
Franz West,
* big
* Was in the Anne d'Harnoncourt Sculpture Garden on Art Museum Drive. Removed November 2015 and returned to the West Foundation in Vienna. The Museum now says it was a temporary loan, but the original article on the Museum's site said "Created specifically for the Garden's Lower Terrace, Lips (2012) is the last commission West realized prior to his untimely death in July of 2012 and will serve as a testament to the powerful legacy of the artist's influential work."
* 39.967275,-75.181900 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Franz West page
William Daniel Travis,
* small
* Was underneath Market between 12th and 13th. Not there when checked 12/12/2024.
* Both platforms.
13th Street L Station.
* 39.951950,-75.160700 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Mass Transit
* See also:'s 13th Street Station page
Remember Me
2020 (presumed)
* Memorial to Ahmaud Arbery,
Sandra Bland,
Michael Brown,
Philando Castile,
Stephon Clark,
John Crawford,
Jordan Davis,
Jonathan Ferrell,
George Floyd,
Eric Garner,
Freddie Gray,
Trayvon Martin,
Laquan McDonald,
Tamir Rice,
Walter Scott,
Alton Sterling
Breonna Taylor
* names and ideas
* Was on the South side of Main, East of Green. Missing when checked May 6, 2023.
* inscription:
"Did the Right Thing" and "Too many"
* Attached to the fence.
* 40.026700,-75.226900 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists,
Black Lives
* See also:'s Murder of Ahmaud Arbery page's Death of Sandra Bland page's Killing of Michael Brown page's Killing of Philando Catile page's Killing of Stephon Clark page's Killing of John Crawford III page's Murder of Jordan Davis page's Killing of Jonathan Ferrell page's George Floyd page's Killing of Eric Garner page's Killing of Freddie Gray page's Trayvon Martin page's Murder of Laquan McDonald page's Killing of Tamir Rice page's Killing of Walter Scott page's Killing of Alton Sterling page's Killing of Breonna Taylor page