Philadelphia Public Art

Year: 1998

Skin of the Bride
Isaiah Zagar, 1991 - 2000
* big abstract, words
* Was on the South side of Vine between 2nd and 3rd on the walls of the Painted Bride Art Center, which is no longer the home of the Painted Bride. The mosaic was dismantled in 2023.
* Walls.
* 39.955725,-75.143950 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Mosaic
* See also: article about this piece

Philadelphia's Magic Gardens
Isaiah Zagar, 1994 - 2013
* big abstract partial people, plates, dishes, cups, bottles, bicycle parts, words
* Large portions are visible from the sidewalk. See the website for admission information.
* Courtyard/garden. South side of South between 10th and 11th.
* 39.942825,-75.159400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* Exhibits: Mosaic
* See also:

Rose and the Firefighters
Isaiah Zagar, 1995 - 2004
* big abstract partial people, words
* Walls. West side of Alder between South and Kater and North side of Kater West of Alder.
* 39.942600,-75.159190 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* Exhibits: Mosaic
* See also:
+official picture of this piece at
+another official picture of this piece at

Robert Indiana, 1998 (installed 2016)
* idea
* South end of Sister Cities Park, East side of Logan Square. Northwest corner, 18th, Cherry, and the Parkway.
* 39.957220,-75.169275 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Peace and Love
* See also:'s page for this piece's Robert Indiana page interview with Robert Indiana's Logan Circle page

Angel Moroni
Karl Quilter, 1998 (original, copy installed 2016)
* Statue of Angel Moroni
* striding person, trumpet
* This piece can be seen for blocks, especially on bright days. The last picture was taken from taken from Logan Square during construction of the Temple.
* Top of the East tower. Mormon Temple. North side of Vine, West of 17th.
* 39.959040,-75.167960 [map] [nearby]
* On the Franklin Town tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+article about the installation of this piece at's Karl Quilter obituary's Angel Moroni page's Philadelphia page

Dr. Beukenkamp
T.J. Dixon, James Nelson, 1998
* statue of Cornelius F.J. Beukenkamp Jr.
* small sitting person, bench
* visible through the fence
* Broad and Vine, Northwest corner.
* 39.958225,-75.162600 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* See also: T.J. Dixon and James Nelson page
+NY State Department of Health 1994 License Surrender Record for Cornelius Beukenkamp

Ezekiel (Church of the Crucifixion)
Isaiah Zagar, 1998
* abstract forms
* Wall and gate. West side of Church of the Crucifixion. North side of Bainbridge, West of 8th.
* 39.941670,-75.156160 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* Exhibits: New, Religious, Mosaic
* See also:
+official picture of this piece at's Church of the Crucifixion page

Fish Cutouts
William Burke, Steve Sears of Sears IronWorks (Fabricator), Keith Shively and Tom Williams, 1998
* fish
* inspired by Philadelphia and the Schuylkill River
* Kelly Drive at Ferry Road.
* 40.007235,-75.192525 [map] [nearby]
* See also: article that includes a paragraph about the history of this piece article about William Burke and the Art Commission obituary for Keith Shively obituary for Tom Williams

Frank Rizzo
Zenos Frudakis, 1998
* Statue of Frank Rizzo
* standing person, steps
* Was on the steps of the Municipal Services Building on the North side of JFK between Broad and 15th. Permanently removed from that location by the City without ceremony or advance notice in the middle of the night, June 2, 2020.
* inscription: Mayor 1972 - 1980
* Steps.
* 39.953725,-75.164500 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's Frank Rizzo page

Hard Rock Cafe Guitar
* big guitar sign
* Above the entrance. Hard Rock Cafe. Northeast corner, 12th and Market.
* 39.952075,-75.159750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Philadelphia page

Philadelphia Firsts
George Greenamyer, 1998
* Portrayals of and references to John Bartram, William Camac, Mary Cassatt, Rebecca Cole, Thomas Eakins, John Fitch, Benjamin Franklin, Francis Hopkinson and Betsy Ross
* small standing people, building, tiger, boat, fish, fire, medical and fire-fighting equipment, flag, plant
* inscription:
First American Zoo
The first animal and Dr. William Camac, founder
First American museum and art school
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Thomas Eakins and Mary Cassat
First American volunteer fire company
The union, founded by Benjamin Franklin
First American botanical garden
Bartram's Gardens
John Bartram with Franklinia alatamaha
First American steamboat
John Fitch, inventor
First African-American to graduate from the Women's Medical College
Dr. Rebecca Cole
First American Flag
Betsy Ross, seamstress
Francis Hopkinson, alleged designer
* On top of a pole outside 1515 Arch (aka One Parkway).
* 39.954900,-75.166100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s John Bartram page article about the zoo that mentions William Camac's Mary Cassatt page's Rebecca Cole page's Thomas Eakins page's John Fitch page's Benjamin Franklin page's Francis Hopkinson page's Betsy Ross page