Philadelphia Public Art

Content: Globes and Maps

Plan of the City of Philadelphia
* map of the city
* Wall. North side of Sansom between 12th and 13th.
* 39.949810,-75.161350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Gayborhood tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists

Western Union Logo
William Welles Bosworth (Architect), 1922
* small bas-relief map of the world, lightning bolts, Western Union logo
* Wall. North side of Locust, West of 11th.
* 39.947650,-75.159550 [map] [nearby]
* On the Gayborhood tour
* See also:'s entry for the building's Western Union page's William Welles Bosworth page

Overseas Motor Works
Samuel Brian Baylinson (Architect), 1930
* globes, human faces, ram heads, plants
* Building. Northwest corner, 15th and Fairmount.
* 39.967215,-75.162190 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fairmount tour
* See also: article about the historical commission vote's Samuel Brian Baylinson page

Guglielmo Marconi Tablet
* Plaque honoring Guglielmo Marconi
* small bas relief map of the world, radio waves
* This picture has been retouched to remove scrawled and splashed paint.
* inscription:
Telegraph and Unidirectional Radio
Deeply religious humanitarian genius, glory of the world in
Italy and glory of Italy in the world. His inventions saved
millions of lives and will continue to do so as long as this world
exists. First wireless message 1896. First transatlantic marconigram
S.O.S. 1901. Born near Bologna, Italy, 1874, Died - Rome, Italy 1937
Tablet dedicated at Philadelphia, 1955, Mayor Joseph S. Clark, Jr.
* Marconi Plaza. West side of Broad, South of Oregon.
* 39.916150,-75.171700 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Broad tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Guglielmo Marconi page's Marconi Plaza page

Dudley Talcott, 1972 (installed 1973)
* Memorial to Nicolaus Copernicus
* big abstract representation of Earth's relationship to the sun
* Between the Parkway and Race, East of 18th.
* 39.956800,-75.168525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Dudley Talcott page's Nicolaus Copernicus page

Welcome Park
Venturi, Scott Brown (and Rauch), 1982
* Tribute to William Penn
* big map, standing person wearing a hat, house
* Welcome Park is laid out on a giant map of the original street plan, with miniature representations of two objects related to William Penn - the City Hall statue and his original slate-roof house. The Park itself sits on the site of the house. Two walls around the park contain a biography of Penn, and his farewell address to the city is on the back of the base of the model of the statue. At the time Welcome Park was built, the firm was named Venturi, Rauch and Scott Brown.
* The original City Hall statue: William Penn
* inscription:
This model design was created from available knowledge of the
Of all the many places I have seen in the world, I remember not one better seated: so that it seems to me to have been appointed for a town.
The names of the streets are mostly from the things that grow in the country, as Vine Street, Mulberry Street, Chestnut Street, and the like.
* Plaza. East side of Second Street between Chestnut and Walnut.
* 39.947300,-75.143975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also: page for this piece's Robert Venturi page's Denise Scott Brown page's William Penn page

The Freedom Ring
Houston Conwill, Joseph De Pace (Architect), Estella Conwill Majozo, 1994
* map, quotes about freedom
* Features a map which shows some of Philadelphia's historic houses of worship, hospitals, and government sites, plus expressions of freedom in 36 languages, and a spiral of phrases including "We shall overcome", and "Go down Moses"
* Plaza. Community College. Between 17th and 18th, South of Spring Garden. Can be reached from the walkway on the West side of 18th.
* 39.961850,-75.167375 [map] [nearby]
* On the Franklin Town tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Black Lives
* See also:'s page for this piece's Houston Conwill page's Estella Conwill Majozo women's book festival presenter page

The City of Philadelphia
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997
* Monument to the work of Thomas Holme and William Penn
* small map of Philadelphia
* inscription:
A portraiture of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania in America by Thomas Holme Surveyor General. Sold by Andrew Sowle in Shoreditch London.
Planned 1682
Dedicated 1997
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1852
National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark
The City of Philadelphia
Surveyor General Thomas Holme, Governor William Penn and others planned the open public squares and rational street layout that we enjoy today. These original features have inspired city engineers for 300 years.
* Southeast corner of Aviator Park, West side of Logan Square. North side of Race, East of 20th.
* 39.957550,-75.171450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s Thomas Holme page's William Penn page's Logan Circle page

Black Bottom Memorial Wall
Andrea Zemel, 1999
* map, heart and hands symbol, standing people, sitting person, bulldozer, houses, weapons, flag
* a collaborative project with Penn and University City High School students, it was located on the West side of 36th, North of Filbert, on the Southeast corner of the High School, which was torn down in 2015
* inscription:
The Black Bottom was a predominately African American community that once existed between 32nd Street and 40th Street and between Walnut Street and Lancaster Avenue. Within these boundaries was a community based on loyalty, trust, and respect. It was born of economic adversity but based on love. Their love was for their community and its members and they cared for each other as family. Everyone was helpful to one another. The children were raised together. With pride in their hearts and pride for their community prejudice was a stranger to the people of the Black Bottom. The walls of the community were torn down to make way for "Urban Renewal." However the sense of community was planted in the hearts of the members proving that a community can thrive even in a field of barren ground. Resistance did not prevent their neighborhood from being physically destroyed but resistance preserved it in their memories even today. The community still meets every year on the last Sunday in August for the Black Bottom Reunion at Fairmount Park. It is the largest neighborhood gathering in the history of Philadelphia.
We were like a big family, close together until the bulldozers of urban renewal came around. They tore down our neighborhood - but not our spirits! The Black Bottom still is home in our hearts.
We fought to protect our neighborhood and our country.
* Wall art.
* 39.957425,-75.194200 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, War, Black Lives, Mosaic
* See also:'s Andrea Zemel page article The Past Recaptured: Honoring the Memory of the Black Bottom begins with Andrea Zemel's pieces

Scott Eunson, Marianne Lovink, 2016
* abstract maps
* Entrances. 40th Street L Station. All four corners, 40th and Market.
* 39.957060,-75.201725 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of Technology tour
* Exhibits: Mass Transit
* See also: article about this piece's page for this piece's 40th Street Station page

In the Beginning, God...
* Symbol of Jesus
* cross, picture of the earth from the moon
* Was over the Newman Center door on the Northwest corner of 33rd and Market until approximately 2010 when the building was converted into a multiculture center which has since been torn down and replaced with a hotel.
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Jesus page

Columbus Monument
Emanuele Caroni, 1876 (renovated 1982)
* Monument to (and statue of) Christopher Columbus
* standing person, globe, sword, anchors, eagle, ship, sitting people, water, flag
* This piece has been in and out of a large box as the courts decide whether the city can remove it or not. If and when the city is able to remove it, it will be marked as missing. Artist is listed as "possible."
* inscription:
Presented to the city of Philadelphia by the Italian citizens
In commemoration of the first centenary American Independence 1876
* Marconi Plaza. West side of Broad, South of Oregon.
* 39.915550,-75.172100 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Broad tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece 1959 picture of this piece on Belmont's Christopher Columbus page's Marconi Plaza page

Battle of Germantown Memorial
Frank Miles Day (Architect), 1906 (approved by legislature 1903)
* quote from George Washington
* stele, battlefield map with troop positions, idea
* inscription:
Washington to the President of Congress
On the whole it may be said the day was unfortunate rather than injurious. We sustained no material loss. The enemy are nothing the better by the event and our troops, who are not the least dispirited by it, have gained what all young troops gain by being in actions.
-From camp near Pennypacker's Mills, 5th October, 1777
Erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in commemoration of the Battle of Germantown fought October 4 1777
* East side of Vernon Park. West side of Germantown, South of Price.
* 40.036300,-75.175750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:'s Battle of Germantown page's Frank Miles Day page's George Washington page's Vernon Park page

Walker Hancock, 1979 (installed 2015)
* small horizontal flying person, globe, clouds
* Originally at the Civic Center. In storage from 1999-2014.
* River side of Schuylkill Banks at Cherry.
* 39.957300,-75.178650 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:'s page for this piece's Walker Hancock page

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Perry M. Morgan, 1987
* ideas, ideals and logos, map, people standing, crouching, helmets, weapons, airplanes and helicopters, plants, buildings
* since 2016 includes Corporal Michael J. Crescenz MOH
* inscription:
The Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial is designed to honor those who served in all branches of the United States Armed Forces during the Vietnam War. The memorial pays tribute to the 80,000 Philadelphia Vietnam Era Veterans who served our country in our nation's longest war.
By honoring these veterans the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial separates the warrior from the war, focuses on the valor and sacrifice of those patriots, and gives each of them a place in history.
It is our duty to remember the gallant Americans whose names grace this wall. They sacrificed their lives in the service of our country during the Vietnam War 1964-1975.
For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.
* Plaza. Southeast Corner, Front and Spruce.
* 39.943910,-75.142825 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: War, Black Lives
* See also:'s page for this piece

World Park
Ned Smyth, 1995
* abstract architectural elements, globe
* This piece is listed elsewhere as "World Park: Orders and Perspectives". The shorter title is from the artist's web site.
* Plaza. Southwest corner, 12th and Filbert.
* 39.952800,-75.159875 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* See also:'s page for this piece

Column Court
Lawrence D. McEwen, Architects, 1997
* hands, world map, peace sign, hearts, standing person, music and musical instruments, food, plants
* Children's Park in Chestnut Hill. Northeast side of Germantown, Northwest of Southampton.
* 40.074650,-75.203700 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Exhibits: Peace and Love
* See also:

Philadelphia Korean War Memorial
Jirair Youssefian, 2002
* Letter from Kim Dae-jung
* emblems and historical text, map, pictures of people, free-standing walls, relief busts, headgear
* a row of ground-mounted plaques (in the last four pictures) has been added on the North side of the piece since the original installation
* West end of Foglietta Plaza. East side of 38th Parallel Place between Dock and Spruce.
* 39.944910,-75.143450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:'s page for this piece's Kim Dae-jung page

Tools of the Trade
Virginia Maksymowicz, 2022 (installed)
* tools, map
* inscription:
Tools of the trade is meant to make visible the often invisible role that railroad workers play in building and maintaining Amtrak's infrastructure.
Artist Virginia Maksymowicz commuted on the Amktrak Keystone Service for over 25 years, between her home in Philadelphia and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where she taught as a professor of sculpture at Franklin and Marshall College. Maksymowicz credits her time on the train for producing some of her best thinking, including designing, researching, and planning many of her artworks.
At the time Tools of the Trade was created, the artist was working on a series of sculptures involving plaster casts of tools and bones, matephorically relating them to various structures. It occurred to her that Amtrak's national route system is another kind of structure, one that connects north and south, east and west, much like a bodily skeleton connects heat to toe and hand to hand.
Maksymowicz wanted to represent this structure through casts of the type of tools that Amtrak workers might use on the job. She collected vintage tools, railroad spikes and clips; she made silicon molds from them and cast them into lightweight plastic. Casts of spikes and bolts suggest mountains, and S-curved wrenches, calipers and railroad clips signify water.
* North Waiting Room. 30th Street Station. Northeast corner, 30th and Market.
* 39.956030,-75.181675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of Technology tour
* See also: article about this piece's 30th Street Station page

Alexander von Humboldt
Friedrich Johann Heinrich Drake, 1871 (installed 1977)
* Statue of Alexander von Humboldt
* standing person, scroll, globe
* Was originally installed at 33rd and Girard in 1876, moved 1977. Pictures are from the current location.
* inscription:
Alexander von Humboldt
Born Sept. 14, 1769
Died May 6, 1859
Dedicated to the City of Philadelphia
by its German citizens
* Martin Luther King Drive South of Black Road.
* 39.982325,-75.205850 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:'s page for this piece's page for this piece's Friedrich Drake page's Alexander von Humboldt page

Widener Building
Horace Trumbauer (Architect), 1914
* horizontal angels, globes, Philadelphia seal, ship, plow, bundles of grain
* also on the North end of the building
* Entrance. North side of Chestnut, West of Juniper.
* 39.950800,-75.162950 [map] [nearby]
* On the Gayborhood tour
* See also: entry for the building's Horace Trumbauer page

Aero Memorial
Paul Manship, 1948 (installed 1950)
* Quotes from and in honor of Julian Biddle, Richard Foulke Day, Norton Downs, Jr., John Drinkwater, Carl Christian Glanz, William Besse Kuen, Stephen Phillips, William Shakespeare, Stephen Spender and Henry Howard Houston Woodward
* small reclining person, birds, celestial globe
* The surrounding inscribed walls and benches are also part of the memorial.
* inscription:
pillar: Aero Memorial, World War I, 1917-1918
To the aviators of Pennsylvania killed in action
Thou hast caught splendour from the sailless sea, and mystery from many stars outwatched. - Stephen Phillips
Master and Maker, God of right the soldier dead are at thy gate who kept the spears of honour bright and freedom's house inviolate. -John Drinkwater
Born of the sun they traveled a short while toward the sun, and left the vivid air signed with their honor. - Stephen Spender
Death makes no conquest of the conqueror for now he lives in fame though not in life. -William Shakespeare
* Aviator Park. East side of 20th St. between Race and the Parkway.
* 39.958090,-75.172060 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, War
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece
+One of Max Buten's pictures of this piece
+Another of Max Buten's pictures of this piece's page for this piece's Paul Manship page Julian Biddle page's Richard Foulk Day page's Norton Downs, Jr. page's John Drinkwater page Carl Christian Glanz page's William Besse Kuen page's Stephen Phillips page's William Shakespeare page's Stephen Spender page
+ page for Violet Oakley's 1921 painting Henry Howard Houston Woodward

Philadelphia Beirut Memorial
Doug Corsini, 1985
* Memorial to Cpl. Moses Arnold, Jr., Sgt. John J. Bonk, Jr., Cpl. Thomas A. Hairston, Sgt. Gilbert Hanton, Cpl. John F. Muffler, Sgt. Rafael Pomales-Torres, Pfc. Rui Manuel A. Relvas, Cpl. Louis J. Rotondo and Sgt. Allen D. Wesley
* 3D USMC logo, eagle, globe, anchor, rope
* Was at Penn's Landing on the North side of the Seaport Museum. Moved prior to 2010. The last picture is from the original location.
* inscription:
In Memoriam to the Philadelphia Marine Casualties of the Beirut Peace Keeping Mission.
If you forget my death then I died in vain.
October 23, 1983, 241 servicemen killed in the Beirut Terrorist Bombing.
Dedicated October 20, 1985
* East end of Foglietta Plaza. South side of Dock, East of Front.
* 39.944885,-75.142660 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Exhibits: Moved, War
* See also:'s page for this piece's Moses Arnold, Jr. page John J. Bonk, Jr. memorial page
+Thomas A.Hairston obituary on's Gilbert Hanton page memory of John Muffler from 2012's Rafael Pomales-Torres page article focusing on Rui Manuel A. Relvas's Louis J. Rotondo page's Allen D. Wesley page

Roberto Clemente
Phil Sumpter, 1997
* Statue of Roberto Clemente
* small standing person, helmet, baseball bat, map of Puerto Rico
* inscription:
"Quiero que me recuerden como uno que dio todo lo que tenia para dar."
"I want to be remembered as someone who gave all that he had to give."
Roberto Clemente Walker
* Courtyard. Roberto Clemente Middle School. South side of Erie between Front and 2nd.
* 40.006575,-75.130000 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* Exhibits: Athletic, Black Lives
* See also: article about Phil Sumpter article about Phil Sumpter's Roberto Clemente page

Tabernacle United Church Signs
Lynn Denton, 1999
* signs, religious symbols and imagery, boat, Earth, food, sitting and standing people, birds, plants, musical instruments, sheep, hands, water
* tiles painted by the congregation
* Tabernacle United Church. Southwest corner, 37th and Chestnut.
* 39.954800,-75.196650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Peace and Love, Mosaic
* See also:

St. Joseph and Jesus
* statue of Jesus and Joseph
* small people, one standing, one carried, plants, globe
* Was visible through the fence on the South side of Girard between 16th and 17th. Missing since at least August 2019, as the hospital has been converted to other uses.
* St. Joe's Hospital Courtyard.
* 39.971800,-75.163300 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Jesus page's Saint Joseph page

Tuscan Girl Fountain
Oscar Stonorov, Jorio Vivarelli, 1965
* fountain, four people, one standing, three not standing, globe
* Wall. Southwest corner, Cherry and the Parkway.
* 39.956100,-75.168550 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:
+brief commentary and a picture of this piece at's Oscar Stonorov page's Jorio Vivarelli page

Art, Science, Industry, Commerce, Agriculture, Mining, and Columbia
Augustus Max Johannes Mueller, 1876 (approximate)
* standing people, sitting people, groups of people, anchor, column, globe, books and tablet, tools and machine parts, symbols of peace and victory
* On the roof. Please Touch Museum (Memorial Hall). Avenue of the Republc between 41st and Belmont.
* 39.979500,-75.209000 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* See also:'s entry for the building
+Max Buten's picture of this piece

Smith Memorial Arch
Herbert Adams, George E. Bissell, Alexander Stirling Calder, Katherine M. Cohen, Moses Jacob Ezekiel, Daniel Chester French, Charles Grafly, Samuel Murray, Edward Clark Potter, John Massey Rhind, Bessie O. Potter Vonnoh, John Quincy Adams Ward, James H. Windrim (Architect), 1897 - 1912
* Statues and busts of James A. Beaver, Samuel Wylie Crawford, Andrew Gregg Curtin, John A. B. Dahlgren, John B. Gest, Winfield Scott Hancock, John Hartranft, George B. McClellan, George Gordon Meade, David Dixon Porter, John Fulton Reynolds, Richard Smith and James H. Windrim
* big arches, standing people, seated people, heads, horses, eagles, globe, weapons, hats
* Despite the name, the memorial is actually not an arch at all, though it does include two arches. Sculptures on the memorial include Herbert Adams' statue of Richard Smith, who funded the memorial, and Samuel Murray's bust of James H. Windrim, who was the artist and architect of the memorial itself. Detail pictures of the individual pieces are in alphabetical order by subject. One of John Massey Rhind's eagles is pictured last. Dahlgren is listed elsewhere as "Dahlgreen."
* Avenue of the Republic at 41st.
* 39.977450,-75.206500 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* Exhibits: War
* See also:
+associationforpublicart's page for this piece's page for this piece's page for this piece's Herbert Adams page's George Edwin Bissell page's Alexander Stirling Calder page's Alexander Stirling Calder page's Katherine M. Cohen page's Moses Jacob Ezekiel page's Daniel Chester French page's Daniel Chester French page's Charles Grafly page's Samuel Murray page's Edward Clark Potter page's John Massey Rhind page Bessie O. Potter Vonnoh page John Quincy Adams Ward page's James H. Windrim page's James Addams Beaver page's Samuel W. Crawford page's Andrew Gregg Curtin page's John A. Dahlgren page's John B. Gest page's Winfield Scott Hancock page's John Hartranft page's George B. McClellan page's George Meade page's David Dixon Porter page's John F. Reynolds page's James H. Windrim page

Philadelphia and the Schuylkill River
Steve Sears of Sears IronWorks (Fabricator), Anthony Walmsley, 1994
* quotes from Charles Dickens, John P. Shelden, Frances Trollope and Mark Twain
* signs, sheep, locomotive, machines and tools, basket and barrel, buildings, maps, plants, food, benches with quotes
* An outdoor history exhibit with artistic elements funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Images and objects are cast from originals in the collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Franklin Institute, the Hagley Museum and Library, and the New Jersey State Museum.
* inscription:
"The Water Works...are no less Ornamental than Useful, being Tastefully Laid Out as a Public Garden..."
-Charles Dickens
"I Passed Along the Pavement by the Pump-House... I went in. I saw Immense Water-Wheels.."
-Mark Twain (1853) Missouri
"The Celebrated Works on the Schuylkill, by which the Water of the River is Raised ...are Beyond Praise"
-John P. Shelden (1825) Michigan
"But interesting[?] and Curious as this Machinery is, it is, In Truth, One of the Prettiest Spots the Eye can look upon."
-Frances Trollope (1830) England
* Water Works. Esplanade Walkway, Schuylkill Banks, North of the Spring Garden Bridge.
* 39.965325,-75.183450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Exhibits: Mass Transit
* See also:
+Fairmount Water Works Esplande Walkway Exhibits: final report, 1994 at's Charles Dickens page's Frances Milton Trollope page's Mark Twain page

Recovering World
Lynn Denton, 2001 - 2002
* big furniture, seated people, headgear, people together, parts of people, sun and stars, globe, abstract shapes, musical instruments, boat, water, buildings, symbols
* An ArtWell project designed and built with help from the recovering addicts at New Jerusalem and local children.
* Partially on the wall. East side of New Jerusalem Now. Northwest corner, 20th and Norris.
* 39.984550,-75.166725 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Southwest tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Peace and Love, Mosaic
* See also:

The Tableau
* Representations of Adam, David, Eve, Isaiah and The Magi
* groups of people, standing people, furniture, sitting people, headgear, staffs, crutch, tools, Earth, sun, moon, planets, stars, water, buildings, plants, lion, lamb, food, serpent, symbols
* Includes a representation of the City Hall William Penn
* inscription: A series of 8 Sculptured Murals commissioned by Monsigner Charles V. Devlin, PA, in 1986.
The first half of the tableau tells a story via excerpts from biblical history from the creation of the world to the birth of Jesus Christ:
I. Creation
II. Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
III. The Prophet Isaiah prophesying the Messiah
IV. King David
V. The Three Wisemen of the Epiphnany
The second half depicts the mission of St. John the Evangelist Church and how we can all continue the mystery of God's love by caring for the needs of:
VI. The sick
VII. The homeless and needy
VIII. The imprisoned
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was naked and you clothed me, ...I was ill and you comforted me, in prison and you came to visit me."
* North side of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. East side of 13th between Chestnut and Market.
* 39.951300,-75.161300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Adam page's David page's Eve page's Isaiah page's Magi page

Central Library Pediments
John Donnelly Company, 1927
* big groups of people, some standing, some sitting, sphinx, pyramid, urn, plant, chair, globe, stylus, scroll, tablet and books, typewriter and printing press
* Pediments. Central Library. North side of Vine between 19th and 20th.
* 39.959300,-75.171100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s Central Library page

Veterans Memorial
* actual and sculpted flags, POW-MIA, Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Army insignia, partial people, standing person, guard tower, anchors, weapons, eagles, ship, globe, snake
* inscription:
Philadelphia City Council in 1970 chose Veteran's Stadium as the name for the city's new sports facility. Veteran's stadium opened April 10, 1971, was closed September 28, 2003 and imploded March 21, 2004.
To commemorate the site of Veteran's Stadium, the Phillies dedicate this monument as an everlasting memorial to veterans who have defended America's freedom since its inception in Philadelphia, July 4, 1776.
* North side of Pattison, East of Broad.
* 39.905400,-75.171900 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Broad tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War

United States Custom House
Ritter and Shay (Architects), 1932
* people sitting and kneeling, face, farming, navigation, and artist tools, ship, buildings, rope, ox and bison, staff, food, birds, globe, plants, dolphin border
* Whole building. South side of Chestnut, West of 2nd.
* 39.948300,-75.144185 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Ritter and Shay page

Board of Education Building
Irwin T. Catharine (Architect), Jules Melidon, 1930
* Busts of Alexander Graham Bell, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Fulton, Stephen Girard, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, John Marshall, William Penn, William Shakespeare, Thaddeus Stevens and Daniel Webster
* groups of people, people standing, people sitting and kneeling, winged people, heads, books, tablets, scrolls, writing implements, linked BE logo, eagles, scarf, staff, buildings, tools, urns, jugs, ship, hourglass, lamp, light fixtures, plants, sun, globes
* There is artwork on the Winter and 21st street sides and in the courtyard on Winter. More busts, not pictured and not easily visible, are on the East and West sides of the building. The School District no longer occupies the building.
* Building. Southwest Corner, 21st and Winter.
* 39.958900,-75.174150 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* See also:'s page for the building's page for the building Irwin T. Catharine page's Alexander Graham Bell page's Benjamin Franklin page's Robert Fulton page's Stephen Girard page's Thomas Jefferson page's Abraham Lincoln page's John Marshall page's William Penn page's William Shakespeare page's Thaddeus Stevens page's Daniel Webster page

State Shields
Louis Milione, 1940
* state shields, plants, people sitting and prone, standing, headgear, weapons, tools, scrolls, ships, anchor, flags, food, canine, birds, buildings and parts of buildings, water, mountains, globe, sun and stars
* Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia
* Wall. Nix Federal Building. West side of 9th between Chestnut and Market.
* 39.950550,-75.155400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* See also: page that includes biographical information for Louis Milione's Nix Federal Building page