Philadelphia Public Art
Exhibit: War
Philadelphia is full of memorials to individual officers, people killed in the line of duty, and the victims of genocide. They are listed here in historical order by conflict, with those not related to any one particular war listed first.
- Civil Service
- Groups - Multiple Wars
- War for Independence / Revolutionary War
- War of 1812
- First Opium War
- Civil War / War Between the States
- Vera Cruz
- World War I
- The Holocaust
- World War II
- Korean War
- Vietnam War
- Raid on Entebbe
- Beirut
- September 11, 2001
Civil Service
Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler
* Bas-relief bust of Smedley D. Butler
* small
head and upper torso
* inscription:
United States Marine Corps
Director of
Public Safety
January 7, 1924
December 23, 1925
He enforced the law impartially
He defended it courageously
He proved incorruptible
* Interior.
North Pavilion of City Hall.
South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.952950,-75.163500 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Smedley Butler page's City Hall page's City Hall page
Groups - Multiple Wars
Bishop Neumann and Southeast Catholic War Memorials
* Statue of Mary
* standing person,
Army, Navy, and Marine insignia,
* The stone lists students with graduation dates from 1955 to 1968
* inscription:
plaque top:
In memory of those who gave their lives
plaque bottom:
1941 World War II 1945
stone top:
In memory of those men who made the supreme sacrifice
Southeast Catholic, Bishop Neumann
stone bottom:
I have fought the good fight.
I have finished the race.
I have kept the faith.
Timothy 4:7-8
* East side of Saints John Neumann and Maria Goretti Catholic High School.
West side of 10th at Moore.
* 39.927150,-75.162200 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page
Corp. James J. Cochran VFW Post 251 Memorial
* Named for James J. Cochran
* small
VFW emblem,
arrows and shield,
olive branch
* The VFW Post, which has since closed, was named for Cochran in 1919. Whether this was intended as a memorial to Cochran in particular or a tribute to all the members of the Post is unclear.
* inscription:
Corp. James J. Cochran
Post No. 251
Veterans of Foreign Wars
of the United States
* North side of the triangle at 37th, Powelton, and Lancaster.
* 39.959610,-75.195335 [map] [nearby]
* On the Powelton tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s John J. Cochran page
Patrick Ward Memorial Park
* In memory of Hugo T. Caroselli,
David F. Jones,
Joe L. Kelly Sr.,
Joseph E. Shubiak
Patrick E. Ward
* actual US and POW flags,
* Many of the names are initials or nicknames. I've called out here the names that were most obvious and complete.
* inscription:
In memory of
Sp./4 Patrick E. Ward
Killed in Vietnam
Aug. 22, 1968
And to all the men
and women of the neighborhood
who gave their today for
our tomorrow
Hugo "Hugie" T. Caroselli
The Mayor of 24th and Aspen
Hugo proudly served as a Staff Sergent in the
US Army Air Corps during WWII.
Hugo was a founder and dedicated overseer of
Patrick Ward Memorial Park
Hugo will always be remembered for his generosity,
wisdom, wit, and especially for his kindness.
Hugo's undying commitment to his wife Anna, his
family, his community, his church and his country
made him a hero to any who knew him.
Hugie will always live in our hearts.
PFC David F. Jones
Serial Number 33583089
Company A 32nd Infantry Regiment
U.S. Army
Born Jan. 5, 1923
Died Dec. 2, 1948
David F. Jones, 771 N. 24th St., Phila. PA (1941 to 1943)
served our country during World War II and Korea.
David served in the China-India-Burma Campaign during
WWII (1943 to 1946) then served in Korea 1948 where
he was one of the first Americans killed Dec. 2, 1948
Sp 4 Joseph E. Shubiak
in memory of
Joe L. Kelly Sr.
Born March 11, 1929
Died August 5, 2001
Served in US Army
June 10, 1951 to June 14, 1953.
Served as commander
St. Francis Xavier C.W.V. Post
1020 for 32 years.
A loving husband and father.
Helped maintain Ward Park.
Always worked for Fairmount.
Sadly he will be missed.
* Northwest corner, 24th and Aspen.
* 39.968800,-75.176900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fairmount tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Hugo T. Caroselli obituary's Joseph E. Shubiak page
+pvvm.prg's Patrick E. Ward page
Upper Burial Ground Memorials
* Relief bust of George Washington
* small
logos of the DAR and US Daughters of 1812
* inscription:
1 (worn away):
The Upper Burial Ground
Sometimes called Ax's Burial Ground was
[Granted] to the Burrough of Germantown in [1724]
by Paul [Wullf]
[Here are] buried many of the early settlers
and their descendants
[Here are the] graves of Major Irwin, Captain Turner
[Lieutenant] Lucas and six other American soldiers
killed in the Battle of Germantown
The wall was built in 1777
The Site and Relic Society of Germantown 1902
3 (long list of names omitted):
To Honor
the Revolutionary Soldiers Buried Here
Placed by Germantown Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution
In Memory of Soldiers of the War of 1812
Who lie in Upper Germantown Burying Ground
William Crout, John Paulson
George Knorr, Frederick Sheetz
Jacob K. Knorr, Edward Snyder
Lewis Lehman, Michael Snyder
John Nell, George Streeper
Jeremiah Trout
Placed by Stephen Decatur Chapter
U.S. Daughters of 1812
* Wall.
Northeast side of Germantown Avenue, Northwest of Washington Lane.
* 40.043775,-75.181225 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Upper Burial Ground page's George Washington page
21st Ward War Memorial
Herman Miller (Architect),
1918 (originally designed)
* closed arch,
* inscription:
To the memory of the boys from the 21st Ward who lost their lives in the World War 1914-1918
Korean * World War II * Vietnam
Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends.
How sleep the brave who sink to rest by all their country's wishes blest. By fairy hands their knell is rung by unseen forms their dirge is sung.
All time will be the millennium of their glory.
* Along the Northwest edge of Gorgas Park.
Ridge and Gates.
* 40.036750,-75.221000 [map] [nearby]
* See also: page with the architect's drawings of this piece's Herman Miller page
+/'s Gorgas Park page
All Wars Memorial to Colored Soldiers and Sailors
J. Otto Schweizer,
1934 (installed 1994)
* group of people
hats and helmets,
eagles and large feather,
seal of Pennsylvania
* inscription:
front: Erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in honor of her
colored soldiers.
back: To commemorate the heroism and sacrifice of all colored soldiers
who served in the various wars engaged in by the United States of America
that a lasting record shall be made of their unselfish devotion to duty
as an inspiration to future generations this monument is dedicated
May 30, 1934.
right: American Revolution, Civil War, Indian Wars
left: Spanish American War, Phillipine Insurrection, World War
* West side of Logan Square.
Aviator Park. Southeast of 20th and the Parkway.
* 39.958320,-75.171800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Other exhibits: Moved,
Black Lives
* See also: 1935 picture of this piece from a previous location in Fairmount Park
+One of Max Buten's pictures of this piece
+Another of Max Buten's pictures of this piece's page for this piece's J. Otto Schweizer page's Logan Circle page
Schuylkill Navy War Memorial
* small
Schuylkill Navy logo,
* inscription:
This Grandstand is dedicated to the memory of oarsmen who made the supreme sacrifice.
World War I, World War II.
Erected by the Schuylkill Navy, July 4, 1950
* Wall.
Schuylkill Grandstand.
River side of Kelly Drive.
* 39.985540,-75.202425 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
War Memorial Flagpole
Charles Rudy,
* group of people
* Also known as All Wars Memorial to Penn Alumni
* inscription:
The University of Pennsylvania
1740 To her sons who died in the service of their country 1950
A brood of sturdy men who stood for freedom and for truth. -Sir Walter Mitchell, class of 1848.
This memorial presented by Walter H. Annenberg, class of 1931.
* East side of 33rd South of Walnut (across from Smith Walk).
* 39.951375,-75.190180 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's page for this piece's Charles Rudy page
Harrowgate Park Civic Association Veterans Memorial
Amelie Zell Felton,
* eagle
* Also listed as "War Memorial", this is the title used by
* inscription:
front: To honor those who served
back: Dedicated by the Harrowgate Park Civic Associaton, 1952
* North side of Harrowgate Park.
Southeast of Kensington and Tioga.
* 39.999600,-75.106650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* See also:'s page for this piece post about Amelie Zell Felton
Tezzi-Reitz Veterans Memorial
* stele,
memorial with VFW emblem
* Picture provided by and Copyright William Mason
* inscription:
Erected through the combined efforts of the commanding officers and members of VFW Post 250 and the public spirited people of the Port Richmond and Kensington areas,
in evidence of those who gave so much to protect our God given freedom and liberty.
Memorial Day 1955
Tezzi-Reitz Post
* Southwest side of Somerset between Aramingo and Cedar St..
* 39.983275,-75.115515 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
Peace Memorial
Harold Kimmelman,
* flag,
logos of the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines
* inscription:
Dedicated to the men and women of this community who served their country with valor and courage.
* Just off the intersection of Aramingo, Margaret, and Milnor under the I-95 ramp over Milnor.
* 40.005450,-75.076250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* See also:
For God and Country
* small
standing person,
* inscription:
For God and Country. We dedicate this memorial to the gallant men and women of our armed forces who served this great nation in time of peril to keep this a free nation. One Nation Under God.
* In front of the Veterans Administration Hospital.
38th and Woodland.
* 39.949050,-75.200050 [map] [nearby]
* On the University City South Medical Complex tour
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:
Black Bottom Memorial Wall
Andrea Zemel,
* map,
heart and hands
sitting person,
* a collaborative project with Penn and University City High School students, it was located on the West side of 36th, North of Filbert, on the Southeast corner of the High School, which was torn down in 2015
* inscription:
The Black Bottom was a predominately African American community that
once existed between 32nd Street and 40th Street and between
Walnut Street and Lancaster Avenue. Within these boundaries was a
community based on loyalty, trust, and respect. It was born of economic adversity
but based on love. Their love was for their community and its members and they
cared for each other as family. Everyone was helpful to one another.
The children were raised together. With pride in their hearts and pride
for their community prejudice was a stranger to the people of the Black
Bottom. The walls of the community were torn down to make way for "Urban
Renewal." However the sense of community was planted in the hearts
of the members proving that a community can thrive even in a field of barren
ground. Resistance did not prevent their neighborhood from being physically
destroyed but resistance preserved it in their memories even today.
The community still meets every year on the last Sunday in August for the
Black Bottom Reunion at Fairmount Park. It is the largest neighborhood
gathering in the history of Philadelphia.
We were like a big family, close together until the bulldozers of urban renewal
came around. They tore down our neighborhood - but not our spirits! The Black
Bottom still is home in our hearts.
We fought to protect our neighborhood and our country.
* Wall art.
* 39.957425,-75.194200 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Missing,
Black Lives,
* See also:'s Andrea Zemel page article The Past Recaptured: Honoring the Memory of the Black Bottom begins with Andrea Zemel's pieces
Veterans Memorial
* actual and sculpted flags,
POW-MIA, Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Army insignia,
partial people,
standing person,
guard tower,
* inscription:
Philadelphia City Council in 1970 chose Veteran's Stadium as the name for
the city's new sports facility. Veteran's stadium opened April 10, 1971,
was closed September 28, 2003 and imploded March 21, 2004.
To commemorate the site of Veteran's Stadium, the Phillies dedicate this
monument as an everlasting memorial to veterans who have defended
America's freedom since its inception in Philadelphia, July 4, 1776.
* North side of Pattison, East of Broad.
* 39.905400,-75.171900 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Broad tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
War for Independence / Revolutionary War
Continental Army Encampment Memorial
* In memory of an encampment by George Washington
* rock,
cannon barrels
* inscription:
The main Continental Army commanded by Gen. George Washington
encamped on this and adjacent ground from Aug. 1 to Aug. 8 and
from Sep. 12 to Sep. 14, 1777. Before and immediately after
the Battle of the Brandywine.
Erected in 1895 by the Penna. Society of Sons of the Revolution
to perpetuate the memory of the encampment.
* South corner, Fox and Queen.
* 40.018450,-75.183115 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Battle of Brandywine page's George Washington page
Washington Square Prisoners of War Memorial
* rock
* inscription:
In memory of the many American soldiers, who, during the War for Independence, died prisoners of war in the jails of Philadlelphia, and were buried in this ground during the years 1777 and 1778. Erected by Quaker City Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, October 1900
* East side of Washington Square.
Southwest of 6th and Walnut.
* 39.947400,-75.151550 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+Wally Gobetz's picture of this piece at's Washington Square page's Cultural Landscape Report for Washington Square (449 page pdf)
Battle of Germantown Memorial
Frank Miles Day (Architect),
1906 (approved by legislature 1903)
* quote from George Washington
* stele,
battlefield map with troop positions,
* inscription:
Washington to the President of Congress
On the whole it may be said the day was unfortunate
rather than injurious. We sustained no material loss.
The enemy are nothing the better by the event and our
troops, who are not the least dispirited by it, have
gained what all young troops gain by being in actions.
-From camp near Pennypacker's Mills, 5th October, 1777
Erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in commemoration of the Battle of Germantown fought October 4 1777
* East side of Vernon Park.
West side of Germantown, South of Price.
* 40.036300,-75.175750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* See also:'s Battle of Germantown page's Frank Miles Day page's George Washington page's Vernon Park page
Commodore John Barry, USN
Samuel Murray,
1908 (from the base; the plaque says 1907)
* Statue of John Barry
* standing person
wearing a hat,
* inscription:
Father of the Navy of the United States. Born in Wexford, Ireland, 1745. Died in Philadelphia, 1803.
Presented to the City of Philadelphia by the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, 1907.
* South side of Independence Hall.
Between Chestnut and Walnut, 5th and 6th.
* 39.948350,-75.150100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* See also:
+1912 picture of this piece from's Samuel Murray page's John Barry page's Independence Hall page
Major General Peter Muhlenberg
J. Otto Schweizer,
* Statue of John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg
* standing person,
group of people,
church interior,
pulpit and pews,
* inscription:
"There is a time for all things - a time to preach and a time to fight, and now is the to fight"
Farewell sermon in the church at Woodstock, VA, 1776
1776, Charleston, Sullivans Island, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Stony Point, Petersburg, Yorktown, 1781
Member of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, 1784
Vice President of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1785
Member of the first, third, and sixth Congress of the U.S.
U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1801
President of the German Society of Pennsylvania, 1788 and 1802-1807
* Behind the Art Museum.
Anne d'Harnocourt Drive (25th and Kelly Drive to the Spring Garden Bridge).
* 39.966600,-75.181950 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Other exhibits: Religious,
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece 1913 picture of this piece outside City Hall's J. Otto Schweizer page's John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg page
Barry Memorial
* Memorial to John Barry
* anchor,
* inscription:
In memory of John Barry, father of the American Navy,
born in Co. Wexford, Ireland, March 25, 1745.
First captain of the first ship owned by the Continental Congress.
Continuous in his service during the entire period of the revolution.
Supreme Commander of the entire naval forces of the colonies in the
war for independence. Appointed by President Washington to the highest
rank and first command of the navy of the United States. He died
in Philadelphia September 3, 1803, and is buried in the adjoining
churchyard. Requiscat in pace.
* On the wall.
Old St. Mary's.
West side of 4th Street South of Locust.
* 39.945700,-75.148325 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s John Barry page's St. Mary's page
General Anthony Wayne
John Gregory,
* Statue of Anthony Wayne
* seated person,
* In front of the Art Museum.
25th and the Parkway.
* 39.964750,-75.180950 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's John Gregory page's Anthony Wayne page
The Revolutionary Soldier
Erwin Frey,
* standing person,
* South Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row.
* 39.972675,-75.190450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Erwin Frey page's Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial page
General Richard Montgomery
J. Wallace Kelly,
1946 (installed 1947)
* Statue of Richard Montgomery
* standing person,
* inscription:
Native of County Dublin, Ireland
General of the Continental Army
Firm believer in the cause of freedom
He lost his life in the American assault on Quebec in mid-Winter of 1775
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial.
On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.966650,-75.182675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Other exhibits: New
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's J. Wallace Kelly Page's Richard Montgomery page's William M. Reilly Memorial page
General Casimir Pulaski
Sidney Waugh,
* Statue of Casimir Pulaski
* standing person,
* inscription:
Native of Poland
General of the Continental Army
Despairing of liberty in his native land he volunteered his services to the American Patriots.
Gave his life at the siege of Savannah.
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial.
On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.966850,-75.182400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece 1959 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Sidney Waugh page's Casimir Pulaski page's William M. Reilly Memorial page
General Friedrich von Steuben
Warren Wheelock,
* Statue of Friedrich von Steuben
* standing person,
* inscription:
Native of Prussia
Professional Soldier
He served the cause of American Independence as Major General and Inspector General. He perfected the training and organization of the Continental Army
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial.
On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.967250,-75.182900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Warren Wheelock page's Friedrich Von Steuben page's William M. Reilly Memorial page
Marquis de Lafayette
Raoul Josset,
* Statue of the Marquis de Lafayette
* standing person,
* inscription:
Native of France
Devoted and faithful to the cause of American Independence
General of the Continental Army
An indispensable ally of freedom
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial.
On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.967025,-75.183200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece
+Max Buten's picture of this piece
+Another Max Buten picture of this piece's page for this piece's Raoul Josset page's Marquis de Lafayette page's William M. Reilly Memorial page
John Paul Jones
Walker Hancock,
* Statue of John Paul Jones
* standing person,
* inscription:
Sailor and diplomat, commander of squadrons.
Against desperate odds, his own ship afire and sinking, he defeated the British man-of-war Serapis and established our power upon the seas.
He gave our Navy its first traditions of heroism and victory.
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial.
On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.967050,-75.182625 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Walker Hancock page's John Paul Jones page's William M. Reilly Memorial page
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
George Edwin Brumbaugh (Architect),
Jean-Antoine Houdon,
1957 (original marble statue 1792)
* Statue of George Washington
* standing person,
* The statue of Washington is copied from the original marble by Houdon in the state capitol at Richmond by special permission of the General Assembly of Virginia. An eternal flame in front of the tomb, and the flags of the 13 original colonies fly along the walk leading up to it.
* inscription:
Freedom is a light for which many men have died in darkness.
In unmarked graves within this square lie thousands of unknown
soldiers of Washington's army who died of wounds and sickness during
the revolutionary war.
The independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint
councils and joint efforts of common dangers, sufferings, and
- Washington's farewell address, Sept. 17, 1796.
In memory of John Mclheiny
Under this stone rests a soldier of Washington's Army who died to give you liberty
The eternal flame dedicated in 1976 by Continental Bank in memory of those who fought and gave their lives that we might celebrate our 200th anniversary as a free people.
* Tomb.
West side of Washington Square.
South of 7th and Walnut.
* 39.947100,-75.152750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's page for the statue's George Edwin Brumbaugh page's Jean-Antoine Houdon page's George Washington page's Washington Square page's Cultural Landscape Report for Washington Square (449 page pdf)
General Nathanael Greene
Lewis Iselin,
* Statue of Nathanael Greene
* standing person
* inscription:
We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again.
A Rhode Islander
Businessman turned soldier
Served with great distinction as Quartermaster General and Army Commander
A trusted friend of General Washington
His qualifications for statesmanship were not less remarkable than
his military ability.
-Alexander Hamilton.
Second to no one in enterprise, in resource, in sound judgement,
promptitude of decision, and every other military talent.
-Thomas Jefferson
* Part of the William M. Reilly Memorial.
On the hill, South side of Kelly Drive, West of 26th.
* 39.966835,-75.182925 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Nathanael Greene page's William M. Reilly Memorial page
St. Mary's School Doors
* Partial representations of John Adams,
John Carroll,
Katherine Drexel,
Michael Francis Egan,
Robert Harding
George Washington
* small
partial people,
* Visible through the gate. Designed to echo the stained glass doors. The reference to Katherine Drexel is from the school's website.
* North entrance.
Saint Mary Interparochial School.
South side of Locust, East of 5th.
* 39.946080,-75.149510 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s John Adams page's John Carroll page's Katherine Drexel page's Michael Francis Egan page article about Robert Harding's George Washington page
The Whispering Bells of Freedom
Reginald Beauchamp,
* In honor of Crispus Attucks
* bells,
* Listed with multiple similar titles. This one was taken from the beginning of the inscription.
* inscription:
The whispering bells of freedom in honor of Crispus Attucks
Who on March 5, 1770 was killed by British troops in Boston while protesting conditions under the crown.
These whispers of freedom grew into the crescendo of the Declaration of Independence and the first ringing of the Liberty Bell in Independence Hall.
* Outside the African American Museum.
Northwest corner, 7th and Arch.
* 39.953125,-75.151650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Other exhibits: Black Lives
* See also:'s page for this piece's Reginald Beauchamp page's Crispus Attucks page
Francisco de Miranda
Lorenzo Gonzalez,
* Statue of Francisco de Miranda
* standing person,
* Moved 2017. Was Northwest of the current location, where the curved end of Winter is now. The first two pictures are from the new location.
* Northwest of the Southwest corner of 20th and the Parkway.
* 39.958945,-75.172675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Other exhibits: Moved
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's Lorenzo Gonzalez page (in Spanish) Francisco de Miranda page
General Tadeusz Kosciuszko
Marian Konieczny,
1977 (installed 1978)
* Statue of Tadeusz Kosciuszko
* big
standing person,
rolled up paper
* Southwest corner, 18th and the Parkway.
* 39.956800,-75.169350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Marian Konieczny page's Tadeusz Kosciuszko page
The Arsenal of Independence
Robert A. M. Stern Architects,
* Reference to Benjamin Flower
* cannon barrels,
* inscription:
Imagine this neighborhood filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of war.
Philadelphia's tradesmen and women produced muskets, cannon, ammunition, wagons,
ships, uniforms and flags that helped to win American Independence.
In 1775, hat maker Benjamin Flower lived just a block from where you are standing.
He joined the Revolutionary cause and became Commissary General of Military Stores
for the Continental Army.
* in front of the Museum of the American Revolution.
Southeast Corner, 3rd and Chestnut.
* 39.948525,-75.145935 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* See also:
+Orders to Benjamin Flower from George Washington on
Washington Crossing the Delaware
Guangxi Qihe Bronze Studio,
Emanuel Leutze,
Dr. QiongZhao (Ellen) Schicktanz,
2017 (installed)
* Full figure relief of George Washington
* small
mostly seated,
some standing,
boat with oars,
* inscription:
This bronze sculpture replicates the famous painting,
Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze.
It depicts Gen. George Washington leading the Continental
Army on a dangerous nighttime crossing of the Delaware
River on December 25, 1776 to attack Hessian troops
stationed at Trenton. His attack was a final, desperate
effort to gain a victory after months of defeats had reduced
the Army to a small, exhausted, and demoralized force.
Washington's success at Trenton reinvigorated the American
cause and kept the Revolution alive.
The painting captures the drama, danger, and desperation
of the river crossing, even though a number of details are
historically inaccurate, such as the type of boat. The artist,
Emanuel Luenze, grew up and was trained in Philadelphia,
but created the painting in 1850 after he returned to his
native Germany. The painting was a sensation when it was
displayed in America the following year.
The sculpture is a donation from Dr. QiongZhao (Ellen) Schicktanz, a naturalized Asian-American artist, in gratitude for her life as an American Citizen.
* North wall.
Museum of the American Revolution.
South side of Chestnut, East of 3rd.
* 39.948495,-75.145650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* See also:'s page for this piece and Declaration of Independence's page for the original painting's Emanuel Leutze page's George Washington page
War of 1812
Commodore Uriah Phillips Levy
Gregory Pototsky,
* Statue of, in memory of: Uriah Phillips Levy
James A. Zimble
* small
standing person,
Star of David and U.S. Navy logo
* inscription:
April 22, 1792 - March 22, 1862
Nissan 30, 5552 - Adar II 20, 5622
"I am an American, a sailor, and a Jew."
Born in Philadelphia in 1792, Uriah Phillips Levy was a fifth generation
American. According to family stories, he left for sea at ten years old,
returning to celebrate his bar mitzvah here at Congregation Mikveh
Israel in 1805. He served with distinction in the U.S. Navy in the War of
1812, and became the first Jewish U.S. Navy Commodore, a rank
equivalent to Admiral today.
During his fifty-year naval career, Levy was court martialed six times
and killed a man in a duel - all incidents related to rampant
anti-Semitism. He was dismissed twice from the U.S. Navy, but was
reinstated by Presidents James Monroe and John Tyler. He went on to
command the Mediterranean Fleet and was appointed by President
Abraham Lincoln to the Navy Court Martial Board during the Civil
War. Levy played a key role in helping to repeal the flogging of sailors,
making the U.S. Navy the first military organization in the world to
abolish physical punishment.
Levy greatly admired President Thomas Jefferson and the Bill of Rights
he crafted, which safeguarded religious liberties for all Americans. In
1832, he commissioned a statue of Jefferson, which sits in the U.S.
Capitol today. In 1834, Levy purchased Monticello, Jefferson's home
near Charlottesville, Virginia, which he repaired, restored, and preserved
for future generations.
The World War II destroyer escort USS Levy (DE-162) was named in his
honor, as were the Uriah P. Levy Jewish Chapel at the Norfolk Naval Base
in Virginia, and the Commodore Uriah P. Levy Center and Jewish Chapel
at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Levy is
buried at the Beth Olom Cemetery in Queens, New York.
Given with love of God and Country
in memory of
Vice Admiral James A. Zimble, MC USN Ret. (1933-2011)
Beloved 30th Surgeon General of the U.S. Navy
Dedicated December 16, 2011, Kislev 20, 5772
Rabbi Aaron Landes, Rear Admiral CHC USN Ret.
Captain Gary "Yuri" Tabach, USN Ret.
Joshua H. Landes
* West side of Mikveh Israel.
East side of 5th, North of Market.
* 39.951325,-75.148400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's Uriah P. Levy page's James A, Zimble page
First Opium War
Lin Zexu Memorial Statue
2012 (installed)
* Statue of Lin Zexu
* standing person,
* inscription:
Lin Zexu (1785-1850) was a Chinese scholar and
official during the late Qing dynasty. He is
most famous for his fight against opium smuggling
in Guangzhou, China. In 1838, Lin was sent to
Guanadong to halt the importation of opium by
the British. He confiscated more than 20,000
chests of opium and supervised its destruction
during a 23-day campaign beginning on June 3,
1839 in Humen China. This action is usually
considered to be the primary catalyst for the
first Opium War (1839-1842) between Britain and
China. In recognition of his valiant fight against
narcotics and British invasion, Lin is highly
respected in the history of China as national hero.
* Bridge over I-676.
West side of 10th at Vine.
* 39.956900,-75.155750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chinatown tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+Austin Dodge's picture of this piece at
+buddhadog's picture of this piece at Lin Zexu page
Civil War / War Between the States
Major General John Fulton Reynolds Memorial
* memorial to and relief bust of John Fulton Reynolds
* small
* The park was dedicated in 1923. The flagpole was installed in 1929 with references to a war memorial to be installed later. The park was upgraded by the city in 2021. There are pictures on line from 2019 that show the memorial closer to 24th Street.
* inscription:
Maj Gen John Fulton Reynolds
Killed at Gettysburg July 1 1863
Commanding the left wing of the
Army of the Potomac
* Warriner Park.
Northeast corner, 24th and Passyunk.
* 39.922610,-75.186710 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s John F. Reynolds page
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Monument
John Massey Rhind,
James H. Windrim (Architect),
* brief quotes from Lord Byron,
Saint Luke,
William Penn
Daniel Webster
* big
standing person
wearing a hat,
olive branches,
United States, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia seals
* The eagles and plaques are by John Massey Rhind. The soldier is variously attributed to John Lachmier or Lachmer. The quote on the Pennsylvania plaque, though not attributed, is from is from William Penn's Frame of Government
* The soldier is identical to the one on the West Park Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Monument
* inscription:
They never fail who die in a great cause.
1861 Germantown's tribute to her heroic dead 1883
United States of America
Liberty and Union
now and forever, one
and inseperable
The Keystone State
liberty without obedience is confusion and obedience without liberty is slavery.
The City of Brotherly Love
On Earth peace
Good will toward men
* Market Square.
Germantown between Shoolhouse and Church.
* 40.034325,-75.172300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s John Massey Rhind page's James H. Windrim page's Lord Byron page's Luke the Evangelist page's William Penn page's Daniel Webster page's Market Square page
Major General John Fulton Reynolds
John Rogers,
1883 (installed 1884)
* Statue of John Fulton Reynolds
* seated person,
* North side of City Hall.
South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.953225,-75.163250 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:
+One of Max Buten's pictures of this piece
+1911 picture of this piece from
+another 1911 picture of this piece from's page for this piece's John Rogers page's John F. Reynolds page's City Hall page's City Hall page
Major General George Gordon Meade
Alexander Milne Calder,
* Statue of George Gordon Meade
* seated person,
* Lansdowne Drive, West of Black Road.
* 39.981075,-75.208140 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's Alexander Milne Calder page's George Meade page
General George McClellan
Henry Jackson Ellicott,
1891 (installed 1894)
* Statue of George B. McClellan
* seated person,
* North side of City Hall.
South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.953250,-75.163650 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:
+1911 picture of this piece from
+another 1911 picture of this piece from
+1913 picture of this piece from's page for this piece's Henry Jackson Ellicott page's George B. McClellan page's City Hall page's City Hall page
General Ulysses S. Grant
Daniel Chester French,
Edward Clark Potter,
* Statue of Ulysses S. Grant
* seated person,
* Kelly Drive and Fountain Green Drive.
* 39.980790,-75.197900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Daniel Chester French page's Daniel Chester French page's Edward Clark Potter page's Ulysses S. Grant page
Smith Memorial Arch
Herbert Adams,
George E. Bissell,
Alexander Stirling Calder,
Katherine M. Cohen,
Moses Jacob Ezekiel,
Daniel Chester French,
Charles Grafly,
Samuel Murray,
Edward Clark Potter,
John Massey Rhind,
Bessie O. Potter Vonnoh,
John Quincy Adams Ward,
James H. Windrim (Architect),
1897 - 1912
* Statues and busts of James A. Beaver,
Samuel Wylie Crawford,
Andrew Gregg Curtin,
John A. B. Dahlgren,
John B. Gest,
Winfield Scott Hancock,
John Hartranft,
George B. McClellan,
George Gordon Meade,
David Dixon Porter,
John Fulton Reynolds,
Richard Smith
James H. Windrim
* big
standing people,
seated people,
* Despite the name, the memorial is actually not an arch at all, though it does include two arches. Sculptures on the memorial include Herbert Adams' statue of Richard Smith, who funded the memorial, and Samuel Murray's bust of James H. Windrim, who was the artist and architect of the memorial itself. Detail pictures of the individual pieces are in alphabetical order by subject. One of John Massey Rhind's eagles is pictured last. Dahlgren is listed elsewhere as "Dahlgreen."
* Avenue of the Republic at 41st.
* 39.977450,-75.206500 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* See also:
+associationforpublicart's page for this piece's page for this piece's page for this piece's Herbert Adams page's George Edwin Bissell page's Alexander Stirling Calder page's Alexander Stirling Calder page's Katherine M. Cohen page's Moses Jacob Ezekiel page's Daniel Chester French page's Daniel Chester French page's Charles Grafly page's Samuel Murray page's Edward Clark Potter page's John Massey Rhind page Bessie O. Potter Vonnoh page John Quincy Adams Ward page's James H. Windrim page's James Addams Beaver page's Samuel W. Crawford page's Andrew Gregg Curtin page's John A. Dahlgren page's John B. Gest page's Winfield Scott Hancock page's John Hartranft page's George B. McClellan page's George Meade page's David Dixon Porter page's John F. Reynolds page's James H. Windrim page
Washington Grays Monument
John A. Wilson,
* Portrait on soldier's hat of George Washington
* standing person
wearing a hat,
* The base was created by Joseph Wilson in 1872. The statue was previously located in Washington Square (1908-1954) and at Lemon Hill (1954-1991). Pictures are from the current location.
* inscription:
To Our Fallen Comrades 1861-1865
* In front of the Union League.
Southwest corner, Broad and Sansom.
* 39.950060,-75.164350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Other exhibits: Favorites,
* See also:
+Max Buten's page for this piece page for this piece's page for this piece 1959 picture of this piece at Lemon Hill's John A. Wilson page's George Washington page
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Monument
* standing person,
* The soldier is identical to the one atop the Germantown Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Monument
* inscription:
Dedicated May 8, 1909 to the soldiers and sailors of the Civil War 1861 to 1865
Did they succeed
Let this monument be their answer
One country and one flag
In memory of the members of Courtland Saunders Post No. 21 G.A.R. Dept. PA
* Belmont and South George's.
* 39.985925,-75.215975 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece
Spirit of '61
Henry Kirke Bush-Brown,
* standing person,
* inscription:
First Regiment Infantry National Guard of Pennsylvania
(Gray Reserves)
1861 - April 19 - 1911
* In front of the Union League.
Southwest corner, Broad and Sansom.
* 39.949800,-75.164400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece 1957 picture of the Union League with this piece visible's page for this piece's Henry Kirke Bush-Brown page
Satterlee General Hospital Marker
* References to Isaac Israel Hayes
Richard Sherwood Satterlee
* rock
* The plaque references Richard Smith Satterlee. But the correct name appears to be Richard Sherwood Satterlee.
* inscription:
This stone from the battle-field of Gettysburg is placed by
citizens of the neighborhood in the year 1915 to mark the
nearby site of the West Philadelphia General Hostpital of
the United States Army-later designated the Satterlee
General Hospital in honor of Brigadier-General Richard Smith
Satterlee, U.S.A. A noted surgeon - and also to commemorate
the services of the patriotic men and women who as volunteer
physicians, nurses and co-workers under General Isaac
I. Hayes, Surgeon in Chief, here ministered from June 9, 1862
to August 3, 1865 to more than twenty thousand sick and wounded
soldiers of the Civil War.
* North side of Clark Park.
South side of Baltimore Avenue, West of 43rd.
* 39.949300,-75.210330 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Satterlee General Hospital page's Isaac Israel Hayes page's Richard Sherwood Satterlee page Clark Park page
Civil War Sailors Memorial
Hermon Atkins MacNeil,
* big
group of people,
lying and kneeling,
suggestion of a ship,
* inscription:
front top: In giving freedom to the slave we assure freedom to the free.
front bottom: All who have labored today in behalf of the Union have wrought
for the best interests of the country and the world not only for the
present but for all future ages.
back: Port Royal, Port Hatteras, Port Henry, Hampton Roads, New Orleans,
Memphis, Port Hudson, Charleston, Mobile Bay, Drury's Bluff, Cherbourg,
Fort Fisher, 1961-1865.
* South side of the Parkway, West of 20th.
* 39.959420,-75.172960 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece
+another 1959 picture of this piece's page for this piece and the Civil War Soldiers Memorial's Hermon Atkins MacNeil page
Civil War Soldiers Memorial
Hermon Atkins MacNeil,
* big
group of people,
standing people,
* The last picture is of the reference to this piece from the mural at 12th and Walnut
* inscription:
front top: One country, one Constitution, one destiny.
front bottom: Each for himself gathered up the cherished purposes of life,
its aims and ambitions, its dearest affections, and flung all with life
itself into the scale of battle.
back: Donaldson, The Peninsula, Antietem, Murfreesborg, Chancelorsville,
Gettysburg, Chickanagua, Chattanooga, Petersburg, Atlanta, Appomatox,
* North side of the Parkway, West of 20th.
* 39.959650,-75.172650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece
+another 1959 picture of this piece's page for this piece and the Civil War Sailors Memorial's Hermon Atkins MacNeil page
General Galusha Pennypacker
Charles Grafly,
Albert Laessle,
* Statue of Galusha Pennypacker
* standing person
wearing a helmet,
* inscription:
Galusha Pennypacker
Brevet Major General
United States Army
* North side of Logan Square.
Parkway East of 19th.
* 39.958515,-75.169675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Other exhibits: Favorites
* See also: 1935 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Charles Grafly page's Albert Laessle page's Galusha Pennypacker page's Logan Circle page
Johnnie Ring
Boris Blai,
1958 (installed 1964)
* Statue of and tribute to Johnnie Ring
* small
standing person
wearing a hat,
* Also listed as "Johnny Ring" including on maps distributed by the University.
* inscription:
"Johnnie Ring was the youth whose example in life and heroism in death
provided inspiration that led to the founding of Temple
University. In the war between the states he was personal
orderly to Captain Russell H. Conwell of the 46th Massachusetts
Infantry. The moving forces of his life at that time were his
religious faith and his devotion to Captain Conwell. When a surprise
Confederate attack routed Union troops, it was Johnnie Ring who
raced across a flaming bridge and through enemy gunfire to
retrieve from his commander's tent the ceremonial sword presented
to the Captain by the city of Springfield. He brought back the
sword, but he died that night of his burns as Conwell knelt by his
cot in prayer. The incident turned Conwell to the ministry as a life
work and later to the founding of Temple University. He vowed
to live a life for Johnnie Ring as well as for himself. Eight hours
of work a day for Johnnie, eight hours of work for his own.
Except for Johnnie Ring, Conwell would never have told America the
story of the acres of diamonds, nor would he have built the
University that enabled multitudes of young men and women to
realize the promise of education."
-Russell Conwell Cooney
A lad who didn't die
* West side of Beasley' Walk, North of Polett Walk.
* 39.982575,-75.156525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Campus tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Boris Blai page
A Quest for Parity: The Octavius V. Catto Memorial
Branly Cadet,
* Memorial to and statue of Octavius Catto
* big and small
standing person,
cube and mirrored orb,
representing a streetcar and a representational streetcar,
groups of people,
some sitting,
baseball equipment
* inscription:
South side of steles, North side of cube:
There must come a change
which will force upon this nation
that course which providence
seems wisely to be directing
for the mutual benefit of all peoples.
West side of steles, West side of cube:
Educator Leader Major Athlete Activist
South side of cube: October 10, 1871
East side of cube:
Amendment to the United States Constitution
The right of citizens of the United States to vote
shall not be denied or abridged by the United States
or by any State on account of race, color,
or previous condition of servitude.
North side of steles:
1839 Born February 22 in Charleston, South Carolina
1854 Becomes a student at the Philadelphia Institute for Colored Youth
1858 Graduates from the Institute for Colored Youth
1859 Chosen as a member and recording secretary of the Banneker Institute,
an all black literary society led by Jacob White, Jr.
Hired as an English and mathematics teacher at his alma mater.
Campaign to desegregate the horse-drawn streetcars in Philadelphia begins.
1863 becomes a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard.
Helps lead a civil war recruitment committee with Frederick Douglas,
members of the Union League, and others, which raises eleven regiments of
black troops who trained at Camp William Penn in Cheltenham.
1864 Named corresponding secretary of the Pennsylvania Equal Rights League,
an affiliate of the National Equal Rights League.
Appointed Vice President of the State Convention of Colored People held in Harrisburg.
Led civil disobedience protests and lobbied white legislators in Harrisburg to desegregate streetcars.
1865 Co-authored the state Equal Rights League call for voting rights, streetcar desegregation,
and the hiring of black teachers for black students in public schools.
1867 Governor signs statewide "Bill of Rights" law desegregating streetcars.
Led the Pythians Base Ball Club of Philadelphia to an undefeated season.
1869 Named principal of male students at the Institute for Colored Youth
Pythians play the Olympic Ball Club in Philadelphia in the first match between black and white teams.
A leader of the unsuccessful effort to integrate the private City Wide Congress of Literary Societies.
Helps lead successful Pennsylvania campaign to pass the 15th Amendment which led to thousands of black men
registering to vote.
1870 The Union League presents Octavius Catto, Frederick Douglas, and Robert Purvis with a banner
celebrating Pennsylvania's adoption of the 15th Amendment at a ceremony on Broad Street.
Writes curriculum for new schools for freed former slaves in the District of Columbia.
Becomes a member of the original Franklin Institute breaking the color line at the prestigious
national forum for advancing American science and technology.
1871 Named an Inspector General with the rank of Major in the Pennsylvania National Guard.
Shot to death on October 10, on South Street in the midst of election day riots. He was 32,
and one of many black men shot or attacked that day by opponents of the 15th Amendment. As one
of Philadelphia's most influential leaders, more than 5,000 mourners attended his funeral and
procession down Broad Street.
* South side of City Hall.
North side of S. Penn Square at Broad.
* 39.951775,-75.164100 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* Other exhibits: Athletic,
Black Lives,
Mass Transit
* See also:'s page for this piece's Octavius Catto page's City Hall page's City Hall page
Vera Cruz
George McKensie Poinsett Memorial
* In memory of George McKensie Poinsett
* rock
* There used to be a circular relief portrait, which is now missing
* inscription:
APRIL 21, 1914
* North end of Clarkson Park, West side of Old York, South of Albert Einstein Drive, Jefferson Einstein Philadelphia Hospital.
Old York Road between Somerville and Tabor, just East of Broad.
* 40.036700,-75.144950 [map] [nearby]
* On the Logan/Ogontz tour
* Other exhibits: Missing,
* See also:'s picture of the unveiling of this piece, with the portrait 1995 Inquirer article about Clarkson Park and this piece's George McKenzie Poinsett page (which also says George D. Poinsett)'s Jefferson Einstein Hospital page
Charles Allen Smith
Francis P. Moitz,
* Statue of Charles Allen Smith
* standing person
wearing a hat,
* inscription:
Erected by the Allied Monument Committee of Phila.
To Charles Allen Smith
April 21, 1917
Killed at Vera Cruz
April 22, 1914
* Southeast corner of McPherson Square Park.
Northwest of Kensington and Indiana.
* 39.994600,-75.118425 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* See also:
+Philadelphia Stories by Bob Mcnulty on Charles Allen Smith
World War I
Chestnut Hill and Mt. Airy World War I Memorial
1918 (based on inscription)
* big
* inscription:
In loving memory of the men
of Chestnut Hill and Mt. Airy
Who died in the World War
France, 1918
They challenge us to hold more
precious than mortal life
Ideals of Honour, Justice, and
They counted not their lives
dear unto themselves
* Germantown Ave. and Mermaid Lane.
* 40.067750,-75.197150 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+Docket pdf referencing this piece at
Over the Top
John Paulding,
* standing person,
* Misattributed many places as "Doughboy, Ernest Moore Viquesney, 1919." Thanks to Kenneth Berchem-Nigg for the correction.
* inscription:
In memory of our boys of the sixth, eleventh, and twelfth wards who served in the Great War of the nations, 1914-1918
* Northeast corner, 2nd and Spring Garden.
* 39.960835,-75.141250 [map] [nearby]
* On the Northern Liberties tour
* Other exhibits: Favorites
* See also: article about this piece and "Doughboy"'s John Paulding page
East Germantown World War Memorial
* stele,
* inscription:
Erected by the people of East Germantown
as an imperishable tribute to the memory
of the more than one thousand of its heroes
who served in the World War
offering to our country
all that mortal man could give: their lives,
their fortunes and their sacred honor.
To all who pass
this sacred spot,
let the head be bowed,
a tear be shed -
may the heart swell
in gratitude
and praise in honor of
those to whom this
memorial stands.
Aisne Marne
St. Mihiel
Meuse Argonne
Chateau Thierry
* Traffic island, Chelten, Wyncote, and Wister.
* 40.052065,-75.157900 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
Tribute Trees Tablet
Paul Philippe Cret (Architect),
* small
plant forms
* inscription:
1914 1918
Tribute Trees
The trees along this Parkway have been planted
as a tribute of honor and gratitude to the men
who served their country in the Great War.
* On the ground. Southeast entrance of the circle. Logan Square.
19th and the Parkway.
* 39.957640,-75.170185 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Paul Philippe Cret page's Logan Circle page
World War I Tablet
Nicola D'Ascenzo Studios,
1943 (? not legible)
* small
* inscription:
This tablet is erected by grateful citizens
in honor of the men who offered the supreme sacrifice
and of the women who forever glorified womanhood
and made victory possible in the Great World War
for The Freedom of Mankind
Not for a transient victory or some
stubborn belief that they alone were right
not for a selfish purpose did they fight
but for the generations still to come
Aug 4, 1914 - Apr 6, 1917 - Nov 11, 1918
* Wall.
East side of the South tower entrance, City Hall.
South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.952600,-75.163450 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also: Nicola D'Ascenzo page's City Hall page's City Hall page
Aero Memorial
Paul Manship,
1948 (installed 1950)
* Quotes from and in honor of Julian Biddle,
Richard Foulke Day,
Norton Downs, Jr.,
John Drinkwater,
Carl Christian Glanz,
William Besse Kuen,
Stephen Phillips,
William Shakespeare,
Stephen Spender
Henry Howard Houston Woodward
* small
reclining person,
celestial globe
* The surrounding inscribed walls and benches are also part of the memorial.
* inscription:
pillar: Aero Memorial, World War I, 1917-1918
To the aviators of Pennsylvania killed in action
Thou hast caught splendour from the sailless sea, and mystery from
many stars outwatched. - Stephen Phillips
Master and Maker, God of right the soldier dead are at thy gate who
kept the spears of honour bright and freedom's house inviolate.
-John Drinkwater
Born of the sun they traveled a short while toward the sun, and left
the vivid air signed with their honor. - Stephen Spender
Death makes no conquest of the conqueror for now he lives in fame
though not in life. -William Shakespeare
* Aviator Park. East side of 20th St. between Race and the Parkway.
* 39.958090,-75.172060 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Other exhibits: Favorites
* See also: 1959 picture of this piece
+One of Max Buten's pictures of this piece
+Another of Max Buten's pictures of this piece's page for this piece's Paul Manship page Julian Biddle page's Richard Foulk Day page's Norton Downs, Jr. page's John Drinkwater page Carl Christian Glanz page's William Besse Kuen page's Stephen Phillips page's William Shakespeare page's Stephen Spender page
+ page for Violet Oakley's 1921 painting Henry Howard Houston Woodward
Khoren Der Harootian,
1975 (dedicated 1976)
* Statue of Meher
* standing,
sitting, and lying
human bones,
* inscription:
On this day, April 24, 1976, commemorating the 61st
anniversary of the martyrdom of the Armenian nation and celebrating
the bicentennial year of American independence, we Americans of
Armenian heritage in eternal gratitude to God dedicate this monument
to our adopted land of the United States.
Meher - A legendary figure of inspiring power symbolizing the invincible
faith of the Armenian people, the first nation to embrace Christianity
(301 AD).
Keeping Watch over the cultural heritage of Armenia.
Day of Infamy, April 24, 1915 the genocide and martyrdom of the Armenian
St. Vartan at the battle of Avarayr (451 AD). History's first defense of
the Christian faith.
Mid the ashes of the martyrs, mother and child look to freedom for
Armenia and all nations.
* South side of Kelly Drive, West of 25th.
* 39.966500,-75.179800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Art Museum Grounds tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+1976 picture of this piece at
Girard Avenue War Memorials
2010 (restored)
* stele
* inscription:
In memory of the men and women of the Pennsylvania Railroad
and our community who laid down their lives for our country.
Let all who pass here remember those who served in times of peril
and whose bravery kept our nation strong and free.
Dedicated to the 29th Ward
War Mothers
Gold Star Mothers
Gold Star Wives
Who offered their all to create peace in the world.
* South side of Girard, East of 31st.
* 39.974820,-75.186525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fairmount tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
The Holocaust
Monument to the Six Million Jewish Martyrs
Nathan Rapoport,
* people,
books and scrolls,
* The base of the memorial has inscriptions in both English and Hebrew. The last picture is from the new plaza.
* Was a standalone piece until 2018, now part of the Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza
* inscription:
front (English):
Presented to the City of Philadelphia by the Association of Jewish
New Americans in cooperation with the Federation of Jewish Agencies of
Greater Philadelphia, April 26 1964.
right (English):
Remember Drancy, Flossenberg, Gross-Rosea, Klooga, Ewow-Janowska,
Majdanek, Mauthausen, Newengamme, Auschwitz, Babi-Yar, Belzic, Bergen-Belsen,
Buchenwald, Chelmno, Dauchau, Ponary, Ravensbruck, Sachsenhausen, Sobibor,
Stutthof, Therestenstadt, Trebeinka, Westerbork.
left (English):
The Holocaust 1933-1945.
Now and forever enshrined in memory are the
six million Jewish martyrs who perished in concentration camps, ghettos, and
gas chambers. In their deepest agony they clung to the image of humanity,
and their acts of resistance in the forests and ghettos redeemed the honor
of man. Their suffering and heroism are forever branded upon our
conscience and shall be remembered from generation to generation.
* 16th, Arch, and the Parkway.
* 39.955035,-75.167100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Other exhibits: Religious,
* See also:'s page for this piece's Nathan Rapoport page
Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza
* Quote from George Washington
* ideas,
video flame
* A video eternal flame and text comparing the ideals of the United States and Nazi Germany.
* Built around the Monument to the Six Million Jewish Martyrs
* inscription:
"It is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were the
indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the
exercise of their inherent natural rights, for, happily,
the Government of the United States, which gives to bigorty
no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only
that they who live under its protection should demean
themselves as good citizens in giving it on all
occasions their effectual support."
-George Washington Letter of New Port Hebrew Congregation
August 18, 1790
* Plaza.
Between the Parkway and Arch, West of 16th.
* 39.954925,-75.167200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s page for the plaza's page for this piece's George Washington page
World War II
* statue of Mary
* small
standing person
* inscription:
Erected to the memory of our 1943A Classmates who
gave their lives in World War II
Raymond E. Adams, Donald A. Bath, John J. Corcoran,
Robert M. Cox, John A. Dreger, Richard Farrell,
James J. French, Laurence H. Gellbach, Walter F. Higgins,
John J. Loughery, Francis J. Mac Murtrie, Robert De L. McKee
Donated by friends and relatives
* Between the stairs.
Barbelin Hall, Saint Joseph's University.
City Line, West of 54th.
* 39.995350,-75.237950 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page
Pennsylvania Railroad World War II Memorial
Walker Hancock,
1950 (installed 1952)
* big
(one winged)
* prominently displayed in the movie Witness
* inscription:
In memory of the men and women of the Pennsylvania Railroad who laid down their lives for our country 1941-1945.
That all travelers here may remember those of the Pennsylvania Railroad who did not return from the Second World War.
* East end of the main lobby.
30th Street Station.
Northeast corner, 30th and Market.
* 39.955655,-75.181400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of Technology tour
* Other exhibits: Religious,
Mass Transit
* See also:'s page for this piece's Walker Hancock page's 30th Street Station page
World War II Submariners Memorial
* submarine and actual parts of submarines,
actual anchor,
actual torpedo
* inscription:
(excerpts from three plaques)
Still on Patrol
U.S. Navy submarines
paid heavily for
their success in World War II.
A total of 374 officers and 3131 men are board
these 52 U.S. submarines still on "patrol."
We shall never forget that it was our submarines
that held the lines against the enemy, while our
fleets replaced losses and repaired wounds.
-Fleet Admiral C.W. Nimitz, U.S.N.
I can assure you that they went down fighting and
that their brothers who survived them took a
grim toll of our savage enemy to avenge their deaths.
-Vice Admiral C.A. Lockwood, Jr., U.S.N.
Commander Submarine Force 1943-1946
U.S.S. Trigger - S.S. 237
Commissioned January 30, 1942
Lost on patrol March 28, 1945
Still On Patrol
In memory of the brave submariners who gave their lives
in peace-time for their country
* Penn's Landing between Dock and South.
* 39.943700,-75.141300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
The Tuskegee Airmen: They Met the Challenge
Marcus Akinlana,
* big
parts of people,
2D (painted) airplanes
* Wall.
West side of 39th, North of Chestnut.
* 39.955950,-75.200025 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* Other exhibits: New,
Black Lives
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's page for this piece
+Marcus Akinlana's page
Korean War
Philadelphia Korean War Memorial
Jirair Youssefian,
* Letter from Kim Dae-jung
* emblems and historical text,
pictures of people,
free-standing walls,
relief busts,
* a row of ground-mounted plaques (in the last four pictures) has been added on the North side of the piece since the original installation
* West end of Foglietta Plaza.
East side of 38th Parallel Place between Dock and Spruce.
* 39.944910,-75.143450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Kim Dae-jung page
The Final Farewell
Lorann Jacobs,
* small
person kneeling,
* West end of Foglietta Plaza.
East side of 38th Parallel Place between Dock and Spruce.
* 39.945040,-75.143575 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* See also:
Vietnam War
Buckley Park Vietnam Memorial
* Memorial to Charles J. Buckley
* rock
* inscription:
In Memory of
PFC Charles J. Buckley USMC
And of other Americans
who gave their lives in
the Republic of Vietnam
* Buckley Park.
Northeast corner, Germantown and Hartwell.
* 40.073400,-75.202650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also: article about Buckley Park's Charles J. Buckley page
Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Perry M. Morgan,
* ideas, ideals and logos,
airplanes and helicopters,
* since 2016 includes Corporal Michael J. Crescenz MOH
* inscription:
The Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial is designed
to honor those who served in all branches of the United States Armed
Forces during the Vietnam War. The memorial pays tribute to the 80,000
Philadelphia Vietnam Era Veterans who served our country in our nation's
longest war.
By honoring these veterans the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial
separates the warrior from the war, focuses on the valor and sacrifice
of those patriots, and gives each of them a place in history.
It is our duty to remember the gallant Americans whose names grace this
wall. They sacrificed their lives in the service of our country during
the Vietnam War 1964-1975.
For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will
never know.
* Plaza.
Southeast Corner, Front and Spruce.
* 39.943910,-75.142825 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Other exhibits: Black Lives
* See also:'s page for this piece
Corporal Michael J. Crescenz MOH
Chad Fisher,
* statue of Michael J. Crescenz
* standing person,
automatic rifle,
Medal of Honor on the base
* The title listed here as a combination of the title on the artist's site and the title on the base.
* Added to the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial
* inscription:
United States Army
A Company 4th Battalion
31st Infantry Regiment
Light Infantry Brigade
One of the heroes honored at this memorial
Michael was posthumously awarded the Medal
of Honor for gallantry above and beyond
the call of duty on November 20 1968 at Hiep
Duc Valley Republic of Vietnam. The Medal
of Honor is our nation's higest award for valor.
* Southeast of the Southeast corner, Front and Spruce.
* 39.943735,-75.143100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's Michael Crescenz page
Raid on Entebbe
Jonathan Netanyahu Memorial
Buky Schwartz,
* Memorial to Jonathan Netanyahu
* abstract forms
* inscription:
Entebbe, Jonathan Netanyahu, July 4, 1976.
They were swifter than eagles, they were faster than lions. The bow of Jonathan turned not back. II Samuel 1.22,23
Jonathan Netanyahu, 1946-1976
* Outside Mikveh Israel.
East Side of 5th Street, North of Market, along the walkway between 4th and 5th.
* 39.951115,-75.147760 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's Jonathan Netanyahu page
Philadelphia Beirut Memorial
Doug Corsini,
* Memorial to Cpl. Moses Arnold, Jr.,
Sgt. John J. Bonk, Jr.,
Cpl. Thomas A. Hairston,
Sgt. Gilbert Hanton,
Cpl. John F. Muffler,
Sgt. Rafael Pomales-Torres,
Pfc. Rui Manuel A. Relvas,
Cpl. Louis J. Rotondo
Sgt. Allen D. Wesley
* 3D USMC logo,
* Was at Penn's Landing on the North side of the Seaport Museum. Moved prior to 2010. The last picture is from the original location.
* inscription:
In Memoriam to the Philadelphia Marine Casualties of the Beirut Peace Keeping Mission.
If you forget my death then I died in vain.
October 23, 1983, 241 servicemen killed in the Beirut Terrorist Bombing.
Dedicated October 20, 1985
* East end of Foglietta Plaza.
South side of Dock, East of Front.
* 39.944885,-75.142660 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Other exhibits: Moved
* See also:'s page for this piece's Moses Arnold, Jr. page John J. Bonk, Jr. memorial page
+Thomas A.Hairston obituary on's Gilbert Hanton page memory of John Muffler from 2012's Rafael Pomales-Torres page article focusing on Rui Manuel A. Relvas's Louis J. Rotondo page's Allen D. Wesley page
September 11, 2001
September 11 Memorial Labyrinth
* big
* Observed April 2023. The bricks had faded to a uniform color. The only designation of this piece as a 9/11 memorial that I have found is on an interactive map of the East Falls campus.
* Southwest from School House Lane and Henry Ave..
* 40.017900,-75.193400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson East Falls Campus tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
September 11, 2001 Memorial
Sikora Wells Appel,
* Memorial to Jasper Baxter,
Kevin Leah Bowser
Christopher Robert Clarke
* floor beam from the World Trade Center
* inscription:
This floor beam
was taken from one of the World Trade Center towers
to preserve the memory
of the brave and innocent victims of the
attack on September 11, 2001,
including the Philadelphia residents whose names
are inscribed on this memorial.
Jasper Baxter
Born 1-28-1956
Died 9-11-2001
Kevin Leah Bowser
Born 3-7-1956
Died 9-11-2001
Christopher Robert Clarke
Born 7-14-1967
Died 9-11-2001
* Next to the Chestnut Street Bridge.
Schuylkill Banks, South of Chestnut.
* 39.952750,-75.180350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Jasper Baxter memorial page's Kevin L. Bowser memorial page's Christopher Robert Clarke memorial page's Chestnut Street Bridge page
See Also's 1983 Beirut barracks bombings page's American Civil War page's American Revolutionary War page's Battle of Veracruz page's Entebbe raid page's First Opium War page's Korean War page's September 11 attacks page's The Holocaust page's Vietnam War page's War of 1812 page's World War I page's World War II page