Philadelphia Public Art

Year: 1895

The Gates of Hell
Auguste Rodin, 1880 - 1917 (cast 1926-1928, installed 1929)
* groups of people, partial, standing, sitting, kneeling, crouching, and horizontal, furniture, rocks
* Entrance. Rodin Museum. North side of the Parkway between 21st and 22nd.
* 39.961850,-75.174050 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for this piece's page for this piece's Auguste Rodin page's Rodin Museum page

The Shade
Auguste Rodin, 1881 - 1904 (cast 1923)
* standing person
* East side of the gateway wall. Rodin Museum. North side of the Parkway between 21st and 22nd.
* 39.961525,-75.174300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s entry for this piece's Auguste Rodin page's Rodin Museum page

The Burghers of Calais
Auguste Rodin, 1884 - 1895 (cast 1925)
* group of people standing
* moved outside 2011
* East side of the Rodin Museum. North side of the Parkway between 21st and 22nd.
* 39.961800,-75.173750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:'s The Burghers of Calais page
+a picture of this piece at's page for this piece's Auguste Rodin page's Rodin Museum page

Penn Quad Gargoyles
Cope and Stewardson (Architects), 1894 - 1911
* small crouching and horizontal people, heads, headgear, squirrel, seahorse, donkeys, frogs, dragon, balls, shields, books, food, staff, musical instruments
* Walls. Penn Quad. South side of Spruce from 36th to 38th.
* 39.950875,-75.197400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:'s Cope and Stewardson page entry for the Quad

Aldine Hotel Entrance
Addison Hutton (Architect), 1895
* small standing person, hat, luggage, plants, shield
* Entrance. 1920 Chestnut (South side of Chestnut, East of 20th).
* 39.951890,-75.172820 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s page for the building post about the building's Addison Hutton page

Continental Army Encampment Memorial
* In memory of an encampment by George Washington
* rock, cannon barrels
* inscription:
The main Continental Army commanded by Gen. George Washington encamped on this and adjacent ground from Aug. 1 to Aug. 8 and from Sep. 12 to Sep. 14, 1777. Before and immediately after the Battle of the Brandywine.
Erected in 1895 by the Penna. Society of Sons of the Revolution to perpetuate the memory of the encampment.
* South corner, Fox and Queen.
* 40.018450,-75.183115 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s Battle of Brandywine page's George Washington page

Hawthorne Hall
Henry E. Flower (Architect), 1895
* standing person, partial person, crown, birds, plants
* Flower is listed as the architect for Hawthorne Hall in the Gardiner-Poth historic district pdf.
* On the walls. Lancaster and Hamilton.
* 39.961450,-75.198875 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for the building
+hiddencityphiladelphia article about the building pdf about the Gardiner-Poth historic district with several mentions of Henry Flower

James A. Garfield Monument
Augustus Saint-Gaudens, 1895
* Monument to James A. Garfield
* standing person, head, eagle, olive branch, sword and shield
* inscription:
E. Plurbius Unum
James Abram Garfield
President of the United States
* Other side of Kelly Drive, near the Girard Avenue Bridge.
* 39.973900,-75.190550 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Augustus Saint-Gaudens page's James A. Garfield page

Spirit of Transportation
Karl Bitter, 1895
* big group of people, mostly standing, some sitting, horses, sheep, oxen, wagon and carriage, basket of fruit, model train, model boat, model airship
* inscription:
This panel, the conception and work of Karl Bitter, sculptor, was executed in 1895 and placed in the waiting room of Broad Street Station Philadelphia from which place it was removed to this site in January, 1933. The spirit of transportation is represented in triumphant procession of progress led by a little child carrying a model of an airship, a prophetic vision of a mode of transportation to come.
* North Waiting Room. 30th Street Station. Northeast corner, 30th and Market.
* 39.956140,-75.182025 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of Technology tour
* Exhibits: Moved, Mass Transit
* See also: article about this piece
+Wanda Kaluza's video of this piece at
+Jazz Guy's picture of this piece at's Karl Bitter page's 30th Street Station page

Witherspoon Building
Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Company, Joseph M. Huston (Architect), 1895 - 1897
* References to and representations of Albert Barnes, Charles Hodge, Jesus, Saint John, Saint Luke, Saint Mark, Saint Matthew and John Witherspoon
* small lion, birds, ox, plants, books, winged person, groups of people, standing people, reclining people, heads and eyes, fire, scales, headgear, anchor, cup, furniture, various religious symbols
* Some art was moved to the Presbyterian Historical Society: Witherspoon Building Figures
* Entire Building. West side of Juniper between Sansom and Walnut, and along the North side of Walnut West of Juniper.
* 39.949250,-75.163200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Gayborhood tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building's Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Company page's Joseph M. Huston page Albert Barnes page Charles Hodge page's Jesus page's John the Evangelist page's Luke the Evangelist page's Mark the Evangelist page's Matthew the Apostle page's John Witherspoon page