Philadelphia Public Art

Exhibit: Gargoyles

Traditional gargoyles, non-traditional gargoyles, and Peter Rockwell's free-standing Gargoyles.

* small crouching person, bat-like creature
* Entrance. North side of South between Front and 2nd.
* 39.941075,-75.144475 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists

Unidentified Heads
* small heads
* I am unable to find any record of the construction or early occupancy of the house, which might provide a date, architect, artist, or explanation of this work.
* Low on the wall. South side of Locust, West of 20th.
* 39.949400,-75.174625 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+1970 picture of the building with the heads clearly visible at

Saint Mark's Gargoyles
John Notman (Architect), 1849
* small heads with headgear
* Walls. Saint Mark's Church. North side of Locust between 16th and 17th.
* 39.948825,-75.168350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s John Notman page

Holy Trinity Gargoyles
John Notman (Architect), 1859
* dogs
* Side entrance. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. South side of Walnut between 19th and 20th.
* 39.950400,-75.173325 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for the building's John Notman page

First Presbyterian
Henry Augustus Sims (Architect), 1869 - 1872
* Presbyterian symbols, plants, fruit, bird, lizard, dragons, squirrel
* Whole building. First Presbyterian Church. Southeast corner, 21st and Walnut.
* 39.950650,-75.175550 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Other exhibits: New, Religious
* See also:'s page for the building
+Gargoyle Hunter's page for the building's Henry Augustus Sims page

Trinity Memorial Gargoyles
James Peacock Sims, 1875
* small heads, headgear
* Walls. Trinity at 22nd. Southwest corner, 22nd and Spruce.
* 39.948550,-75.177975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for the building's James Peacock Sims page

St. Andrew's Episcopal Gargoyles
Wilson Brothers and Company (Architects), 1883
* small dragons
* South and East walls. Church of St. Andrew and St. Monica. West side of 36th, South of Baring.
* 39.960600,-75.194050 [map] [nearby]
* On the Powelton tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for the building's Wilson Brothers and Company page

Tabernacle Presbyterian Church
Theophilus Parsons Chandler Jr. (Architect), Henry Christopher McCook, Michael F. Scully, 1884 - 1886
* Symbols of and references to Jesus, Saint John, Saint Luke and Saint Mark
* dragons, plants, partial cherubs and angels, winged lion, winged ox, eagle, sun, candle, fire
* Rev. McCook is reported to have chosen the inscriptions
* inscription:
North Entrance: I am the door.
tower: My Goodness and My fortress. My High Tower and My Deliver. He in whom I trust.
East Entrance: We have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him.
He is risen.
Lampades multae, una lux.
Christus Exaltus Salvator.
Lux lucet in tenebris
Nec tamen consumebatur.
* North and East sides. Tabernacle United Church. Southwest corner, 37th and Chestnut.
* 39.954500,-75.196800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for the building
+Gargoyle Hunter's page for the building's Theophilus P. Chandler Jr. page's Henry Christopher McCook page's Michael F. Scully page's Jesus page's John the Evangelist page's Luke the Evangelist page's Mark the Evangelist page

Quaker City National Bank Entrance
Willis Gaylord Hale (Architect), 1888
* heads, headgear
* This is the Western third of the original building.
* Entrance. North side of Chestnut between 7th and 8th.
* 39.949570,-75.153120 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Willis Gaylord Hale page

Mother Bethel Gargoyles
Hazlehurst and Huckel (Architects), 1890
* dragons
* High on the walls. Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Northeast corner 6th and Lombard.
* 39.943375,-75.151850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s entry for the building's Hazlehurst and Huckel page's Mother Bethel AME Church page

Fisher Fine Arts Library Gargoyles
Frank Furness (Architect), 1891
* dragons
* On the walls. West side of 34th, South of Walnut (Woodland Walk side).
* 39.951700,-75.192975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:
+Gargoyle Hunter's page for the building's entry for the building's Frank Furness page

John Torrey Windrim (Architect), 1893 (approximate year of building)
* small heads, plants
* Both sides of the front door. North side of Spruce, East of 18th.
* 39.947760,-75.170490 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:'s page for the building's John Torrey Windrim page

Penn Quad Gargoyles
Cope and Stewardson (Architects), 1894 - 1911
* small crouching and horizontal people, heads, headgear, squirrel, seahorse, donkeys, frogs, dragon, balls, shields, books, food, staff, musical instruments
* Walls. Penn Quad. South side of Spruce from 36th to 38th.
* 39.950875,-75.197400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s Cope and Stewardson page entry for the Quad

Witherspoon Building
Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Company, Joseph M. Huston (Architect), 1895 - 1897
* References to and representations of Albert Barnes, Charles Hodge, Jesus, Saint John, Saint Luke, Saint Mark, Saint Matthew and John Witherspoon
* small lion, birds, ox, plants, books, winged person, groups of people, standing people, reclining people, heads and eyes, fire, scales, headgear, anchor, cup, furniture, various religious symbols
* Some art was moved to the Presbyterian Historical Society: Witherspoon Building Figures
* Entire Building. West side of Juniper between Sansom and Walnut, and along the North side of Walnut West of Juniper.
* 39.949250,-75.163200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Gayborhood tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for the building's Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Company page's Joseph M. Huston page Albert Barnes page Charles Hodge page's Jesus page's John the Evangelist page's Luke the Evangelist page's Mark the Evangelist page's Matthew the Apostle page's John Witherspoon page

Epiphany Chapel
Isaac Pursell (Architect), 1898
* standing angel, heads
* As of 11/25/2024 there are several very different histories of this building on the web. I am choosing to believe the Epiphany Chapel section of the wikipedia page for St. Luke and the Epiphany, though I have not yet found any corroborating evidence that Pursell was the architect.
* inscription: Gloria In Excelcis Deo
* Whole building. Saint John Chrysostom. East side of 17th, South of Vine.
* 39.957850,-75.167300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Franklin Town tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s St. Luke and the Epiphany page
+Gargoyle Hunter page for the building's Isaac Pursell page's Isaac Pursell page's Saint John Chrysostom parish page

Chambers-Wylie Gargoyles
Rankin and Kellog (Architects), 1901
* small faces, dragons
* Whole building. Broad Street Love. East side of Broad between Spruce and Pine.
* 39.946150,-75.164750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s entry for the building's Rankin and Kellog page

Towne Building Face
Cope and Stewardson (Architects), 1906
* small face
* Entrance. West side of 33rd between Smith Walk and Walnut.
* 39.951550,-75.190450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Cope and Stewardson page

Zimmerman House
* cattle heads, ball with Z
* Under the eaves and on the roof. North side of Fairmount between 4th and 5th.
* 39.962975,-75.145450 [map] [nearby]
* On the Northern Liberties tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+The Gargoyle Hunter's page for the building

Gate and Gargoyles
Samuel Yellin, 1912
* small dragon head, abstract gate
* there are identical gargoyles on either side of the gate
* Gate (and gargoyles). South side of Latimer, West of 16th.
* 39.948150,-75.168350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also:
+philadelphiabuildings.orgs's Samuel Yellin page

Convent of Divine Love
Paul Monaghan (Architect), 1914 (date of building)
* Relief of winged Jesus
* sitting, standing, winged people, sword, dove, sun, dragon heads, symbols
* inscription:
Chapel Entrance: Venite Jesum Adoremus
:Convent Entrance: Come holy spirit. Beneath the shadow of thy wings we dwell.
* Whole building. Convent of Divine Love. Southwest corner, 22nd and Green.
* 39.965285,-75.174400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fairmount tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also: entry for the building's Paul Monaghan page's Jesus page

Penn Dental Gargoyles
Cope and Stewardson (Architects), 1915 (completion of building, designed 1910)
* small crouching people (some with headgear), monkey, birds, bull, book, symbols, eyeglasses
* Spruce and 40th St. walls. Penn Dental School. Northwest corner, 40th and Spruce.
* 39.951865,-75.203150 [map] [nearby]
* On the University City South Medical Complex tour
* See also:'s entry for the building's Cope and Stewardson page's University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine page

Union Baptist Church Gargoyles
Charles Webber Bolton (Architect), 1916 (cornerstone has 1832 for historical reasons)
* Symbols of Jesus, Saint John, Saint Mark and Saint Matthew
* small kneeling and partial angels, torches, winged bulls, winged lions, crosses, crowns, birds, musical instruments, books
* Walls. Historic Union Baptist Church of South Philadelphia. South side of Fitzwater, West of 19th.
* 39.942775,-75.174475 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* Other exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for the building article explaining the confusion and history of the church buildings's Charles Webber Bolton page's Jesus page's John the Evangelist page's Mark the Evangelist page's Matthew the Apostle page page for The Historic Union Baptist Church of South Philadelphia

Conwell Hall Gargoyles
William Harold Lee (Architect), 1924 (building date)
* small seated people wearing hats
* Both sides of the door. East side of Broad, North of Montgomery.
* 39.980350,-75.157285 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Campus tour
* See also:
+Gerry Wilkinson's history page on with Conwell Hall information's Temple University postcards page's William Harold Lee page

Firefighter Gargoyles
John Molitor (Architect), 1925
* small crouching people wearing hats and helmets, firefighting equipment
* Was on the Southwest corner, Juniper and Race. Removed from the building 2008 prior to demolition for Convention Center expansion. Coordinates were entered after the demolition and are approximate.
* Entrance.
* 39.956050,-75.161750 [map] [nearby]
* Other exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters, Missing
* See also:
+Max Buten's page for this piece
+Gargoyle Hunter page for this piece's page for the building's 1928 picture of the front of the building's John Molitor page

Fisher-Bennett Gargoyles
Stewardson and Page (Architects), 1925
* small sitting people, books, eyeglasses
* Entrance. South side of Walnut between 33rd and 34th.
* 39.952585,-75.191295 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Stewardson and Page page

Barbelin Hall Gargoyles
Francis Ferdinand Durang (Architect), 1927
* including heads of Felix-Joseph Barbelin, James A. Ryder and Burchard Villiger
* small partial people, hats, cat, bat, books, saxaphone
* the builder is John McShain, but there's no record of him being the gargoyle carver
* All over the building. Saint Joseph's University. City Line, West of 54th.
* 39.995250,-75.237950 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
+Gargoyle Hunter page for this piece's page for the building's Francis Ferdinand Durang, Sr. page's Felix-Joseph Barbalin page's James A. Ryder page's Burchard Villiger page

Engine 14 Gargoyles
John Molitor (Architect), 1927
* small heads
* Front wall. Engine Company 14. South corner, Foulkrod and Darrah.
* 40.017000,-75.081340 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lower Northeast tour
* Other exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s page for the building's John Molitor page's Engine 14 page

Carnell Hall Gargoyles
William Harold Lee (Architect), 1928
* small heads
* Both sides of the door. East side of Broad, North of Montgomery.
* 39.980425,-75.157075 [map] [nearby]
* On the Temple Campus tour
* See also:
+Gerry Wilkinson's Carnell Hall page on's Temple University postcards page's William Harold Lee page

First National Bank Building
O.W. Ketcham Terra Cotta Works, Ritter and Shay (Architects), 1928
* big and small birds, seated people, dog head, lion head, snakes, zodiac signs
* Zodiac signs and dog's head are behind the 15th street entrance awning.
* Whole Building. Southwest corner, 15th and Walnut.
* 39.949500,-75.166040 [map] [nearby]
* On the Avenue of the Arts tour
* Other exhibits: New
* See also:'s page for the building's O.W. Ketcham Terra Cotta Works page's Ritter and Shay page

Main Street Fire Station Lion Heads
John Molitor (Architect), 1928
* small anthropomorphic lion heads
* Front wall. Engine Company 12. North side of Main, East of Green.
* 40.026720,-75.226475 [map] [nearby]
* On the Manayunk tour
* Other exhibits: Police and Fire Fighters
* See also:'s entry for the building's John Molitor page's Engine 12 page

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
1928 - 1929
* gargoyles and statue of Saint Paul
* small standing person, Bible, sword, crosses, plants, dragons and chimeras, snake, bird, fish
* inscription: Spiritus Gladius
* Whole building.. St. Paul's Episcopal Church. South side of Chestnut Hill Ave., East of Germantown Ave..
* 40.079100,-75.208850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Other exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:
+gargoyle hunter's page for the building's entry for the building's Paul the Apostle page

Interfaith House Gargoyles
1930 (building date)
* small crouching people wearing hats, dragon
* Third picture Copyright 2018 Marianne Porter
* In niches high on the front wall. South side of Chelten Ave., West of Germantown Ave..
* 40.035350,-75.175100 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* Other exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s entry for the building

Irvine Auditorium Gargoyles
Horace Trumbauer (Architect), 1932
* small dragon heads
* Wall. South side of Irvine Auditorium. Northwest corner, 34th and Spruce.
* 39.950700,-75.193225 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:'s Horace Trumbauer page's Irvine Auditorium page

Monster Capital Fountain
Peter Rockwell, 1980
* snake, group of people (heads)
* Also listed as "Gargoyles"
* Schuylkill River Park. North side of Pine at Taney.
* 39.948100,-75.183300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* See also:'s Peter Rockwell page article about Peter Rockwell's Philadelphia pieces's Schuylkill River Park page

Paul J. Gutman Library Gargoyles
Syma, 1992
* small heads, buildings as hats
* Library walls. North side of School House Lane, East of Henry Ave..
* 40.022375,-75.191350 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson East Falls Campus tour
* See also:'s page for the library