Philadelphia Public Art

Tour: Fitler Square

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The Fitler Square tour is so named because 4 of the pieces are in Fitler Square. The plaque for the square, which is located at 23rd and Pine says "Edwin H. Fitler, 1825-1896. Mayor of Philadelphia 1887-1891. A respected Businessman and tireless civic leader, Fitler Square was named in his honor, October 13, 1896." The tour actually starts on the Southwest corner of 15th and Fitzwater and from there runs

Scottish Rite Emblems
1927 (date of building. Metal emblem may be later)
* Scottish Rite emblems, double-headed eagles, crowns
* inscription:
Deus Meumque Jus
Supreme Council
AASR Nor Jur.
Prince Hall Affiliation
* Front wall. Scottish Rite Cathedral. South side of Fitzwater West of 15th.
* 39.942050,-75.168410 [map] [nearby]

Greg Leavitt, Lydia Leavitt, 1982
* plant forms
* This is listed elsewhere simply as "Gate," though it doesn't appear to currently function as one.
* Either side of the entrance. Marian Anderson Recreation Center. West side of 17th, South of Fitzwater.
* 39.941825,-75.171050 [map] [nearby]
* See also:

Ron T. Pierce, 1971
* small standing angel, horn
* Visible through the fence
* Side yard, Historic Union Baptist Church of South Philadelphia. Southwest corner, 19th and Fitzwater.
* 39.942700,-75.174050 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious

Union Baptist Church Gargoyles
Charles Webber Bolton (Architect), 1916 (cornerstone has 1832 for historical reasons)
* Symbols of Jesus, Saint John, Saint Mark and Saint Matthew
* small kneeling and partial angels, torches, winged bulls, winged lions, crosses, crowns, birds, musical instruments, books
* Walls. Historic Union Baptist Church of South Philadelphia. South side of Fitzwater, West of 19th.
* 39.942775,-75.174475 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building article explaining the confusion and history of the church buildings's Charles Webber Bolton page's Jesus page's John the Evangelist page's Mark the Evangelist page's Matthew the Apostle page

Mary and Jesus
1897 (date of building)
* statue of Jesus and Mary
* people, one standing, one sitting, crown, scepter
* Up on the wall. Saint Mary's Episcopal Church. North side of Bainbridge, West of 18th.
* 39.943750,-75.173075 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Jesus page's Mary, mother of Jesus page

Philadelphia School of Occupational Therapy Reliefs
Bissel and Sinkler (Architects), Georgina Pope Yeatman (Architect), 1930
* small people sitting and kneeling, tools
* There are 4 identical reliefs, two on each side of the main entrance. The one closest to the corner is pictured.
* Wall. Northeast corner, 19th and Lombard.
* 39.945735,-75.173175 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Medical, Labor
* See also:'s Philadelphia School of Occupational Therapy page's Bissel and Sinkler page's Georgina Pope Yeatman page

Christopher T. Ray, 1983
* abstract forms
* Wall. North side of South between 19th and 20th near both corners.
* 39.944800,-75.174260 [map] [nearby]
* See also:

Magaziner & Eberhard (Architects), 1934
* big hands
* Former headquarters of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
* Over the entrance. North side of South, East of 22nd.
* 39.945250,-75.177775 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Labor
* See also:
+ Reference to the building from's page for the building's Magaziner & Eberhard page

Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith
1959 (year of building)
* Symbols and name of Jesus
* crosses and other symbols
* North and West sides. Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith. Southeast corner, 22nd and Bainbridge.
* 39.944100,-75.178710 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Jesus page

Catharine Thorn Fountain
1890 (late 1800s)
* In memory of Catharine Thorn
* fountain
* inscription: Erected with the legacy of Catharine Thorn by The WPSPCA
* Southeast corner, 23rd and South.
* 39.945280,-75.179620 [map] [nearby]

Fitler Square Ram
Gerd Hesness, 1982
* small ram
* East end of Fitler Square. 23rd and Pine.
* 39.947550,-75.179500 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
+Jeremy Fountain's picture of this piece at

Fitler Square Fountain
1976 (installed)
* Dedicated in honor of Marie F. Wilson
* birds, fountain
* Described in all online accounts found so far as a "Victorian era" fountain purchased by the Fitler Square Improvement Association.
* inscription: for her outstanding contributions to the beautification of Fitler Square
* Center of Fitler Square. 23rd and Pine.
* 39.947600,-75.179800 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists

Grizzly Bear
Eric Berg, 1983
* small bear
* West end of Fitler Square. 23rd and Pine.
* 39.947600,-75.180050 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s page for this piece

Family of Turtles
Eric Berg, 1989
* small tortoises
* Per these are tortoises, not turtles, despite the title.
* West end of Fitler Square. 23rd and Pine.
* 39.947550,-75.180050 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s page for this piece

Trinity Memorial Gargoyles
James Peacock Sims, 1875
* small heads, headgear
* Walls. Trinity at 22nd. Southwest corner, 22nd and Spruce.
* 39.948550,-75.177975 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s page for the building's James Peacock Sims page

Community Garden Gate
Greg Leavitt, 1988
* plants, birds, turtle, rocks, frog face
* Gate. Schuylkill River Park. West side of 25th at Spruce.
* 39.949450,-75.181300 [map] [nearby]
* See also:

Figuresphere II
Eric Berg, 2002
* In loving memory of Claudia Diane Goodman
* small abstract curled people
* The memorial plaque was added after the first pictures were taken in 2004
* Schuylkill River Park. North of Delancey between 25th and 26th.
* 39.948500,-75.182000 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s page for this piece's Claudia Diane Goodman page

Monster Capital Fountain
Peter Rockwell, 1980
* snake, group of people (heads)
* Also listed as "Gargoyles"
* Schuylkill River Park. North side of Pine at Taney.
* 39.948100,-75.183300 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:'s Peter Rockwell page article about Peter Rockwell's Philadelphia pieces

Partly Sunny
Carin Mincemoyer, 2014
* small cloud, sun
* Bike rack. Schuylkill Banks at Locust. East side of the circle.
* 39.950310,-75.181810 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece

Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk Signs
* small bird, plants, turtle, rocks, signs
* Both ends of the Schuylkill Banks Boardwalk. East side of the Schuylkill River between South and Locust.
* 39.948100,-75.184675 [map] [nearby]

Possible trip extension:Art Museum Grounds (North along the Schuylkill Banks path and around the front of the Art Museum to 25th and Kelly Drive)
Possible trip extension:Penn Campus (across the South Street Bridge)

See Also's Fitler Square page page for The Historic Union Baptist Church of South Philadelphia's Boardwalk page's Schuylkill River Park page