Philadelphia Public Art

Year: 1890

City Hall, East Pavilion
Alexander Milne Calder, 1873 - 1893
* beaver, crane and owl, butterfly, plants, elephant head, dragon heads, City Hall tower, city seal, ship, plow and scales, scrolls, standing people, reclining people, heads, headgear
* Part of the whole building's art. East entrance City Hall. Market at Juniper.
* 39.952300,-75.162800 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Alexander Milne Calder page's City Hall page's City Hall page

City Hall, North Pavilion
Alexander Milne Calder, 1873 - 1893
* people sitting, people standing, partial people, groups of people, horse head, seal of the city, ship, plow, cattle head, bear head, lion or tiger head, elephant head
* This pavilion was the first of the four to be cleaned and lit. Standing in this one small portion of the building you can sense the incredible amount of work that went into the building's sculpture.
* Part of the whole building's art. North entrance City Hall. South side of JFK at Broad.
* 39.953000,-75.163400 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Alexander Milne Calder page's City Hall page's City Hall page

City Hall, South Pavilion
Alexander Milne Calder, 1873 - 1893
* standing people, sitting people, heads, birds, dragons, book and scrolls, staff, cats, seal of Pennsylvania, horses, ship, plow, plants, bison head, squirrel, headgear
* Part of the whole building's art. City Hall. North side of S. Penn Square at Broad.
* 39.951825,-75.163650 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Alexander Milne Calder page's City Hall page's City Hall page

City Hall, West Pavilion
Alexander Milne Calder, 1873 - 1893
* standing people, sitting and kneeling people, people in groups, heads, headgear, book, plants, snake, lizard, city seal
* Part of the whole building's art. City Hall. East side of 15th at Market.
* 39.952495,-75.164450 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Alexander Milne Calder page's City Hall page's City Hall page

The Gates of Hell
Auguste Rodin, 1880 - 1917 (cast 1926-1928, installed 1929)
* groups of people, partial, standing, sitting, kneeling, crouching, and horizontal, furniture, rocks
* Entrance. Rodin Museum. North side of the Parkway between 21st and 22nd.
* 39.961850,-75.174050 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s page for this piece's page for this piece's Auguste Rodin page's Rodin Museum page

The Shade
Auguste Rodin, 1881 - 1904 (cast 1923)
* standing person
* East side of the gateway wall. Rodin Museum. North side of the Parkway between 21st and 22nd.
* 39.961525,-75.174300 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:'s entry for this piece's Auguste Rodin page's Rodin Museum page

The Burghers of Calais
Auguste Rodin, 1884 - 1895 (cast 1925)
* group of people standing
* moved outside 2011
* East side of the Rodin Museum. North side of the Parkway between 21st and 22nd.
* 39.961800,-75.173750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:'s The Burghers of Calais page
+a picture of this piece at's page for this piece's Auguste Rodin page's Rodin Museum page

Bedell Residence Entrance
Wilson Eyre (Architect), 1889 - 1890
* small sitting people, furniture
* Entrance. Southeast Corner, 22nd and Chestnut.
* 39.952310,-75.176975 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* See also: entry for the building's Wilson Eyre page

Catharine Thorn Fountain
1890 (late 1800s)
* In memory of Catharine Thorn
* fountain
* inscription: Erected with the legacy of Catharine Thorn by The WPSPCA
* Southeast corner, 23rd and South.
* 39.945280,-75.179620 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists

Dickens and Little Nell
Francis Edwin Elwell, 1890
* Only known statue of Charles Dickens
* two people, one standing, one sitting, chair
* Clark Park. North side of Chester, West of 43rd.
* 39.948625,-75.209550 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Favorites
* See also:
+Article about this piece by Martha Rosso 1910 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Francis Edwin Elwell page's Charles Dickens page Clark Park page

Heinrich Manger, 1890
* Statue of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
* standing person, rolled paper
* North side near the East end of the central promenade in the Horticulture Center. Horticulture Drive. East of Belmont.
* 39.983725,-75.212010 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's Heinrich Manger page (in French)'s Goethe page's Horticulture Center page

Joan of Arc
Emmanuel Fremiet, 1890 (installed 1948)
* Statue of Joan of Arc
* horse, seated person, flag, weapons
* According to the APA page this piece was originally installed in the park near the East side of the Girard Avenue Bridge. Most sources list Joan of Arc's dates as 1412-1431.
* inscription:
Jeanne D'Arc
* 25th and Kelly Drive.
* 39.966500,-75.179175 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, Religious, Moved
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece
+Another Max Buten picture of this piece's page for this piece's Emmanuel Fremiet page's Joan of Arc page

Moore Residence
Wilson Eyre (Architect), 1890
* small standing children, dolphins, fruit stands
* Front stairs and wall. Northeast corner of Locust and Juniper.
* 39.948100,-75.163290 [map] [nearby]
* On the Gayborhood tour
* See also:'s page for the building's Wilson Eyre page

Mother Bethel Gargoyles
Hazlehurst and Huckel (Architects), 1890
* dragons
* High on the walls. Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Northeast corner 6th and Lombard.
* 39.943375,-75.151850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Gargoyles
* See also:'s entry for the building's Hazlehurst and Huckel page's Mother Bethel AME Church page

William Penn
Alexander Milne Calder, 1890 (cast 1892, installed 1894)
* Statue of William Penn
* big standing person wearing a hat
* Billy Penn's hat was once higher than all the buildings in the city. The last two pictures are of references to this piece from the murals at 12th and Walnut and 24th and Chestnut.
* There is a much smaller copy in Welcome Park
* Also referenced by The Tableau
* Part of the whole building's art. On top of the tower of City Hall. Broad and Market.
* 39.952750,-75.163350 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also: undated picture of the head of this piece 1893 picture of this piece in the courtyard's page for this piece's Alexander Milne Calder page's William Penn page's City Hall page's City Hall page