Philadelphia Public Art
Landmark: Clark Park
Dickens and Little Nell
Francis Edwin Elwell,
* Only known statue of Charles Dickens
* two people,
one standing,
one sitting,
* Clark Park.
North side of Chester, West of 43rd.
* 39.948625,-75.209550 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Favorites
* See also:
+Article about this piece by Martha Rosso 1910 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Francis Edwin Elwell page's Charles Dickens page
Satterlee General Hospital Marker
* References to Isaac Israel Hayes
Richard Sherwood Satterlee
* rock
* The plaque references Richard Smith Satterlee. But the correct name appears to be Richard Sherwood Satterlee.
* inscription:
This stone from the battle-field of Gettysburg is placed by
citizens of the neighborhood in the year 1915 to mark the
nearby site of the West Philadelphia General Hostpital of
the United States Army-later designated the Satterlee
General Hospital in honor of Brigadier-General Richard Smith
Satterlee, U.S.A. A noted surgeon - and also to commemorate
the services of the patriotic men and women who as volunteer
physicians, nurses and co-workers under General Isaac
I. Hayes, Surgeon in Chief, here ministered from June 9, 1862
to August 3, 1865 to more than twenty thousand sick and wounded
soldiers of the Civil War.
* North side of Clark Park.
South side of Baltimore Avenue, West of 43rd.
* 39.949300,-75.210330 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists,
* See also:'s Satterlee General Hospital page's Isaac Israel Hayes page's Richard Sherwood Satterlee page
Clark Park Urban Forest Inventory Frame
* plants
* graphic by Chris Leswing
* Northeast corner of Clark Park.
Southwest of the Southwest corner, 43rd and Baltimore.
* 39.949300,-75.209550 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists