Philadelphia Public Art

Person: Mary

Bishop Neumann and Southeast Catholic War Memorials
* Statue of Mary
* standing person, flowers, Army, Navy, and Marine insignia, eagle
* The stone lists students with graduation dates from 1955 to 1968
* inscription:
plaque top:
In memory of those who gave their lives
plaque bottom:
1941 World War II 1945
stone top:
In memory of those men who made the supreme sacrifice
Southeast Catholic, Bishop Neumann
stone bottom:
I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race.
I have kept the faith.
Timothy 4:7-8
* East side of Saints John Neumann and Maria Goretti Catholic High School. West side of 10th at Moore.
* 39.927150,-75.162200 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:

* statue of Mary
* small standing person
* inscription:
Erected to the memory of our 1943A Classmates who gave their lives in World War II
Raymond E. Adams, Donald A. Bath, John J. Corcoran, Robert M. Cox, John A. Dreger, Richard Farrell, James J. French, Laurence H. Gellbach, Walter F. Higgins, John J. Loughery, Francis J. Mac Murtrie, Robert De L. McKee
Donated by friends and relatives
* Between the stairs. Barbelin Hall, Saint Joseph's University. City Line, West of 54th.
* 39.995350,-75.237950 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:

* statue of Mary
* small standing person, head covering, crucifix, rose
* Visible through a gate at the other end of an alley
* Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church. North side of Spruce, West of 6th.
* 39.945650,-75.152025 [map] [nearby]
* On the Washington Square tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists

* statue of Mary
* small standing person, head covered, rosary
* North side of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church. East side of 13th between Chestnut and Market.
* 39.951300,-75.161275 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:

* statue of Mary
* standing person, kneeling person, head covering, rosary
* Was in the parking lot on the Southwest corner of 17th and Vine. As of 5/19/2021 the brick pedestals and spotlight are still in place, but the pieces are sitting near the wall further West on Vine behind parked cars (see last picture).
* 39.958125,-75.167450 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:

* statue of Mary
* small standing person, headgear, snake
* Was on the South side of Montrose, West of 7th. Probably missing since some time in 2019.
* 39.937500,-75.155430 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Unidentified Artists

* Statue of Mary
* small standing person, head covered, Christian symbols, plants
* visible from the sidewalk
* Kate's Place. North side of Sansom, East of 20th.
* 39.951380,-75.173380 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Kates Place page

* statue of Mary
* small standing person, head covered, rocks
* Visible through the gate
* Cemetery, Old St. Mary's. East side of 5th, South of Locust.
* 39.945800,-75.149665 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s St. Mary's page

* statue of Mary
* small standing person, head covered, rock
* In front of the parish house, Our Lady of Hope Catholic Parish. West side of Broad, North of Duncannon.
* 40.032445,-75.146460 [map] [nearby]
* On the Logan/Ogontz tour
* Exhibits: New, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:

Mary and Jesus
* Statue of Jesus and Mary
* small people, standing, reclining, headgear
* Was in front of Our Mother of Sorrows on the West side of N. 48th, South of Lancaster. The church closed in 2017. The piece was removed some time between then and January 27, 2025 when it was checked on streetview.
* 39.971110,-75.217450 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing, Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also: article about the closing of the church's Jesus page

Our Lady of Fatima Pray for Us
* Statue of Mary
* standing person, headgear, rosary and cross, kneeling people, sheep
* East side of St. Andrew Lithuanian Catholic Church. West side of 19th, just North of Wallace.
* 39.966370,-75.168885 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fairmount tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Our Lady of Fatima page's St. Andrew Lituanian page

Our Lady of Grace
George M. Kelly
* Statue of Mary
* standing person, halo, head covering
* Accessible when the school is open. Clearly visible when the gate is closed.
* inscription: by George M. Kelly S.C. / Class of 1970
* South entrance. Roman Catholic High School. North side of Vine, East of Broad.
* 39.958110,-75.161770 [map] [nearby]
* On the Convention Center tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:

Mary and Jesus with Angels
John Notman (Architect), 1849
* statue of Jesus and Mary
* small people, one standing, one held, two flying angels
* Wall. Saint Mark's Church. North side of Locust between 16th and 17th.
* 39.948735,-75.168200 [map] [nearby]
* On the Rittenhouse Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s John Notman page's Jesus page

Mary and Jesus
1897 (date of building)
* statue of Jesus and Mary
* people, one standing, one sitting, crown, scepter
* Up on the wall. Saint Mary's Episcopal Church. North side of Bainbridge, West of 18th.
* 39.943750,-75.173075 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Jesus page

St. Martin's College for Indigent Boys Medallion
Louis Carter Baker, Jr. (Architect), 1906
* Representation of Jesus and Mary
* small people standing, partial people, winged cherubs, headgear, plants
* Over the college entrance. Fleisher Art Memorial. North side of Catherine between 7th and 8th.
* 39.939090,-75.155225 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+Historic Resource Nomination pdf at's Louis Carter Baker, Jr. page's Jesus page

St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church
Henry Dandurand Dagit (Architect), Adolfo de Nesti, 1907
* Representations of Jesus, Joseph and Mary
* people sitting, kneeling, standing, headgear, book, manger, furniture, staff, sheep, ox, heads, winged people
* The Springfield side of the building was obscured by scaffolding when these pictures were taken in August, 2010. The church web site has pictures of the front doors.
* inscription: The Word was made flesh
* Whole building. St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church. Northeast corner, 47th and Springfield.
* 39.947150,-75.215194 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s St. Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church page's Henry Dandurand Dagit page
+post about the life and work of Adolfo de Nesti at's Jesus page's Saint Joseph page

St. Maron Church Cross and Mosaics
1907 (dedication of the church building)
* symbol and mosaics of Jesus and Mary
* three bar cross, standing person, held child, headgear, ship, buildings, clouds, plants, candle
* The upper mosaic may say 1991 or 1997 at the bottom
* Front wall and entrance. Saint Maron Maronite Catholic Church. Northwest corner, 10th and Ellsworth.
* 39.935750,-75.160260 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, Mosaic
* See also:'s Jesus page

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul
Joseph Sibbel, 1915 (installed)
* Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saint Paul and Saint Peter
* standing people, sword, scroll, key
* Front wall. Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. East side of 18th Street, North of the Parkway.
* 39.957500,-75.169010 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Joseph Sibbel page's Jesus page's Paul the Apostle page's Saint Peter page page for the building's page for the building

Church of the Holy Child Entrance
George Ignatius Lovatt Sr. (Architect), 1928
* unlabeled (and therefore tenuously identified) statues of David, Jesus, Saint John, Joseph, Saint Luke, Saint Mark, Mary, Saint Matthew and Solomon
* standing people, Christian symbols and words, headgear, books and scrolls, staff
* The statues are unlabeled. Mary and Jesus are obvious. I'm guessing that the 4 statues to the left of the Holy Child over the entrance are based on the lineage in Matthew's Gospel and are David, Solomon, Joseph and Mary, and that the 4 to the right are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I have no idea who the additional women around Mary and Jesus are at the top.
* inscription: "Haecest - Domus - Dei - Et - Porta - Coel"
(This is the House of God and the Gate of Heaven)
* Church entrance. Our Lady of Hope Catholic Parish. West side of Broad, North of Duncannon.
* 40.032625,-75.146375 [map] [nearby]
* On the Logan/Ogontz tour
* Exhibits: New, Religious
* See also:'s page for the building's George Ignatius Lovatt Sr. page's George I. Lovatt Sr. page's David page's Jesus page's John the Evangelist page's Saint Joseph page's Luke the Evangelist page's Mark the Evangelist page's Matthew the Apostle page's Solomon page

2021 (installed)
* statue of Mary
* small standing person
* Plaza. East of St. Agatha - St. James Church. South side of Chestnut, East of 38th.
* 39.954850,-75.197815 [map] [nearby]
* On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists
* See also:

See Also's Mary, mother of Jesus page