Philadelphia Public Art

Landmark: Saint Joseph's University

* statue of Mary
* small standing person
* inscription:
Erected to the memory of our 1943A Classmates who gave their lives in World War II
Raymond E. Adams, Donald A. Bath, John J. Corcoran, Robert M. Cox, John A. Dreger, Richard Farrell, James J. French, Laurence H. Gellbach, Walter F. Higgins, John J. Loughery, Francis J. Mac Murtrie, Robert De L. McKee
Donated by friends and relatives
* Between the stairs. Barbelin Hall, Saint Joseph's University. City Line, West of 54th.
* 39.995350,-75.237950 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists, War
* See also:'s Mary, mother of Jesus page

Saint Joseph's University Hawks
* big hawks, Saint Joseph's University shield
* Parking lot entrance posts. Saint Joseph's University. Southwest corner, 54th and City Line.
* 39.996650,-75.235800 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists

Barbelin Hall Gargoyles
Francis Ferdinand Durang (Architect), 1927
* including heads of Felix-Joseph Barbelin, James A. Ryder and Burchard Villiger
* small partial people, hats, cat, bat, books, saxaphone
* the builder is John McShain, but there's no record of him being the gargoyle carver
* All over the building. Saint Joseph's University. City Line, West of 54th.
* 39.995250,-75.237950 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Gargoyles
* See also:
+Gargoyle Hunter page for this piece's page for the building's Francis Ferdinand Durang, Sr. page's Felix-Joseph Barbalin page's James A. Ryder page's Burchard Villiger page

St. Joseph the Worker
Maurice Lowe, 1967
* Statue of Joseph
* small standing person, carpenter's tools
* In front of Barbelin Hall. Saint Joseph's University. City Line, West of 54th.
* 39.995600,-75.238125 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious, Labor
* See also:'s Saint Joseph page

See Also