Philadelphia Public Art
Year: 1934
All Wars Memorial to Colored Soldiers and Sailors
J. Otto Schweizer,
1934 (installed 1994)
* group of people
hats and helmets,
eagles and large feather,
seal of Pennsylvania
* inscription:
front: Erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in honor of her
colored soldiers.
back: To commemorate the heroism and sacrifice of all colored soldiers
who served in the various wars engaged in by the United States of America
that a lasting record shall be made of their unselfish devotion to duty
as an inspiration to future generations this monument is dedicated
May 30, 1934.
right: American Revolution, Civil War, Indian Wars
left: Spanish American War, Phillipine Insurrection, World War
* West side of Logan Square.
Aviator Park. Southeast of 20th and the Parkway.
* 39.958320,-75.171800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Moved,
Black Lives
* See also: 1935 picture of this piece from a previous location in Fairmount Park
+One of Max Buten's pictures of this piece
+Another of Max Buten's pictures of this piece's page for this piece's J. Otto Schweizer page's Logan Circle page
General Galusha Pennypacker
Charles Grafly,
Albert Laessle,
* Statue of Galusha Pennypacker
* standing person
wearing a helmet,
* inscription:
Galusha Pennypacker
Brevet Major General
United States Army
* North side of Logan Square.
Parkway East of 19th.
* 39.958515,-75.169675 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* Exhibits: Favorites,
* See also: 1935 picture of this piece's page for this piece's Charles Grafly page's Albert Laessle page's Galusha Pennypacker page's Logan Circle page
Magaziner & Eberhard (Architects),
* big
* Former headquarters of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
* Over the entrance.
North side of South, East of 22nd.
* 39.945250,-75.177775 [map] [nearby]
* On the Fitler Square tour
* Exhibits: Labor
* See also:
+ Reference to the building from's page for the building's Magaziner & Eberhard page