Philadelphia Public Art

21st Ward War Memorial

21st Ward War Memorial
Herman Miller (Architect), 1918 (originally designed)
* closed arch, eagle
* inscription:
To the memory of the boys from the 21st Ward who lost their lives in the World War 1914-1918
Korean * World War II * Vietnam
Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends.
How sleep the brave who sink to rest by all their country's wishes blest. By fairy hands their knell is rung by unseen forms their dirge is sung.
All time will be the millennium of their glory.
* Along the Northwest edge of Gorgas Park. Ridge and Gates.
* 40.036750,-75.221000 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: War
* See also: page with the architect's drawings of this piece's Herman Miller page
+/'s Gorgas Park page