Philadelphia Public Art

Landmark: Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial

Named for Ellen Phillips Samuel. Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row. On the Kelly Drive tour.

Central Terrace Medallions
* small urn, sitting person, plants, snakes, weapons, mirror, clouds, flames, sun, lion, standing person, headgear, books, owl, hand, ship, flag
* inscription: Justitia, Prudentia, Amor Patriea, Abundantia, Potestas
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.973600,-75.190800 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Unidentified

Spanning the Continent
Robert Laurent, 1937
* two people standing, farm implement, bonnet
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.973275,-75.190700 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Robert Laurent page

The Miner
John B. Flannagan, 1938
* crouching person, miner's tools
* inscription: They searched the earth for treasure.
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.973375,-75.190850 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Labor
* See also:'s John Bernard Flannagan page

The Ploughman
J. Wallace Kelly, 1938
* kneeling person
* inscription: They broke the land for harvest.
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.973425,-75.190700 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Labor
* See also:'s J. Wallace Kelly Page

Welcoming to Freedom
Maurice Sterne, 1939
* Quotes from William Cullen Bryant and Abraham Lincoln
* two people, one standing, one sitting
* inscription:
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right. As God gives us to see the right, let us strive to finish the work we are in.
- Abraham Lincoln
Here the free spirit of mankind at length throws its first fetters off and who shall place a limit to the giant's unchained strength, or curb his swiftness in the forward race.
- William Cullen Bryant
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.973885,-75.191000 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Maurice Sterne page's William Cullen Bryant page's Abraham Lincoln page

The Immigrant
Heinz Warneke, 1940
* kneeling person, staff
* inscription: They came seeking freedom
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.973800,-75.190925 [map] [nearby]
* See also: Heinz Warneke papers

The Slave
Helene Sardeau, 1940
* kneeling person
* inscription: Their bands have broken asunder.
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.973775,-75.191060 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Black Lives, Labor
* See also: archives photograph of Helene Sardeau in her studio

Settling of the Seaboard
Wheeler Williams, 1942
* Quotes from William Penn and Alexander Whitaker
* group of people, standing, sitting, trees, turkey
* inscription:
I have great love and regard towards you and desire to win and gain your love and friendship by a kind, just and peacable life and the people I send are of the same mind and shall in all things behave themselves accordingly.
-William Penn to the Indians
If we consider the almost miraculous beginning and continuance of this plantation we must needs confess that God hath opened this passage unto us and led us by the hand unto this work.
-Aleaxander Whitaker
We yield unfeigned thanks and and praise
for the return of seed-time and harvest
for the increase of the ground
and the gathering in of the fruits thereof
and for all other blessings
of Thy merciful providence
bestowed upon this nation and people
-The Book of Common Prayer
A Land is Settled
* South Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.972440,-75.190360 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Wheeler Williams page's William Penn page's Alexander Whitaker page

The Puritan
Harry Rosin, 1942
* standing person, gun
* South Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.972375,-75.190360 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Harry Rosin page

The Quaker
Harry Rosin, 1942
* standing person, Bible, hat
* South Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.972525,-75.190360 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Harry Rosin page

The Birth of a Nation
Henry Kreis, 1943
* Quote from George Washington
* cannon, group of people standing, eagle, idea
* inscription:
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unaliable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
-Declaration of Independence
The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered as deeply as finally staked on the experiment intrusted to the hands of the American people.
-First Inaugural of George Washington
A Nation is Formed
* South Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.972750,-75.190490 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s page for this piece's Henry Kreis page's George Washington page

The Revolutionary Soldier
Erwin Frey, 1943
* standing person, hat, gun
* South Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.972675,-75.190450 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: War
* See also:'s Erwin Frey page

The Statesman
Erwin Frey, 1943
* standing person
* South Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.972800,-75.190490 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s Erwin Frey page

The Spirit of Enterprise
Jacques Lipchitz, 1950 - 1960
* Quote from Theodore Roosevelt
* big eagle, snake, person leaning forward
* inscription: Our nation glorious in youth and strength looks into the future with fearless and eager eyes as vigorous as a young man to run a race. -Theodore Roosevelt
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.973600,-75.190875 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Favorites
* See also:'s Jacque Lipchitz page's Theodore Roosevelt page

The Preacher
Waldemar Raemisch, 1952
* standing person
* inscription: He guided our ways
* North Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.974675,-75.191625 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s Waldemar Raemisch page

The Poet
Jose de Creeft, 1954
* standing person, scroll
* inscription: He shaped our dreams.
* North Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.974350,-75.191425 [map] [nearby]
* See also: Jose de Creeft page

The Scientist
Khoren Der Harootian, 1955
* standing person
* inscription: He weighed the stars.
* North Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.974610,-75.191475 [map] [nearby]
* See also:

The Laborer
Ahron Ben-Shmuel, 1958
* standing person wearing a helmet
* inscription: He wrought miracles
* North Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.974425,-75.191400 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Labor
* See also:'s Ahron Ben-Shmuel page

The Hand and Eye of God
J. Wallace Kelly, 1959
* eye and hand, tools
* The title is from the James A. Michener Art Museum's web site. Public Art in Philadelphia says "Titles Unknown."
* Stair Posts. North Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial.
* 39.974550,-75.191400 [map] [nearby]
* See also:'s J. Wallace Kelly Page

See Also's Samuel Memorial tour page