Philadelphia Public Art

Year: 1940

Ivy Day Stones
1936 - 1948
* small ivy leaves, idea
* There are Ivy Day stones all over the Penn campus, but these are particularly sculptural.
* West wall. Irvine Auditorium. Northwest of 34th and Spruce.
* 39.950965,-75.193260 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s Ivy Day page
+Ivy Day Stones brochure at's Irvine Auditorium page

Family Unity
Giuseppe Donato, 1940
* big group of people sitting, dog, dove, books, plants, symbols of justice, law, and peace
* East pediment. Family Court (old building). North side of Vine West of 18th.
* 39.959050,-75.169125 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also: entry for Giuseppe Donato Municipal Courthouse entry

Justice and Law
Donald De Lue, 1940
* big seated people, eagles
* North and South walls. Nix Federal Building. Southwest corner of 9th and Market and the Northwest corner of 9th and Chestnut.
* 39.949950,-75.155900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* See also: article that discusses the history of this piece's Donald De Lue page's Donald De Lue page's Nix Federal Building page

Juvenile Protection
Louis Milione, 1940
* big group of people, some standing, some sitting, plants, symbols of justice, law and peace
* West pediment. Family Court (old building). North side of Vine East of 19th..
* 39.959150,-75.169950 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also: page that includes biographical information for Louis Milione Municipal Courthouse entry

State Shields
Louis Milione, 1940
* state shields, plants, people sitting and prone, standing, headgear, weapons, tools, scrolls, ships, anchor, flags, food, canine, birds, buildings and parts of buildings, water, mountains, globe, sun and stars
* Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia
* Wall. Nix Federal Building. West side of 9th between Chestnut and Market.
* 39.950550,-75.155400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* See also: page that includes biographical information for Louis Milione's Nix Federal Building page

The Alchemist
Donald De Lue, 1940
* seated person, furniture, headgear, alchemy equipment
* Above the entrance. Chemistry Laboratories Cret Wing. North side of Spruce, West of 33rd.
* 39.950510,-75.192050 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn Campus tour
* See also:
+picture of this piece at's Donald De Lue page's Donald De Lue page

The Slave
Helene Sardeau, 1940
* kneeling person
* inscription: Their bands have broken asunder.
* Central Terrace Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial. Kelly Drive, past Boat House Row.
* 39.973775,-75.191060 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kelly Drive tour
* Exhibits: Black Lives, Labor
* See also:'s page for this piece archives photograph of Helene Sardeau in her studio's Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial page