Philadelphia Public Art

Artist: Joe Mooney

Joe Mooney
* abstract plant form
* Across from Delancey (Three Bears) Park. South side of Delancey between 3rd and 4th.
* 39.943850,-75.147650 [map] [nearby]
* On the Society Hill tour
* See also:

Lenni Lenape
Joe Mooney, 1988
* clouds, mountains
* Rust discoloration on the upper clouds when visited in April, 2013. The last picture is contributed by and Copyright Joe Mooney
* 78th Northwest of Holstein.
* 39.898425,-75.233325 [map] [nearby]
* On the Southwest Philly tour
* See also:
+ArtFan70's picture of this piece at

Joe Mooney, 1994
* abstract plant form
* Picture contributed by and copyright Joe Mooney. Was on the Woodmere grounds at the corner of Germantown Avenue and Bells Mill Road, but was not found on a visit in late May, 2017.
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also:

Joe Mooney, 2001
* abstract form
* In front of Moore College of Art and Design. South side of Race East of 20th.
* 39.957240,-75.171600 [map] [nearby]
* On the Parkway and Pennsylvania tour
* See also:

See Also