Philadelphia Public Art

Year: 1990

Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Christopher T. Ray, 1972 - 1990
* plants, bird, sun
* 5 metal sculptured gates. Along the Spruce and Delancey sides of Penn's Landing Square. Southeast corner, 2nd and Spruce.
* 39.944400,-75.144850 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* See also:

Vine Street Neighborhood Relief
Michael Borsuk, William Wilson, 1986 - 1991
* big buildings and bridge
* Bridge (676 overpass). Spanning 3rd, 4th, and 5th North of Wood.
* 39.957050,-75.145800 [map] [nearby]
* On the Old City tour
* See also:'s resource page for this piece's Michael Borsuk memorial page

Timothy Duffield, 1989 - 1990
* abstract lines
* Gate. North side of Lombard, West of 8th.
* 39.943600,-75.156025 [map] [nearby]
* On the Lombard-South tour
* See also: obituary for Timothy Duffield

Bench Form
Thomas Sternal, 1990
* bench, abstract background
* Originally in a park on the South side of Market just East of 32nd which has been replaced by a building. The first picture is from the original location. The current location was a small park underneath the Katherine Drexel mural (not visible in the second picture), but the building with the mural was torn down leaving the piece much more in the open.
* On the campus of Drexel University. Southeast of 34th and Race..
* 39.958450,-75.190400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Powelton tour
* Exhibits: Moved
* See also:'s Thomas Sternal obituary

Robinson Fredenthal, 1990 (installed)
* geometric forms
* Southwest corner, 8th and Spring Garden.
* 39.961310,-75.151960 [map] [nearby]
* On the Northern Liberties tour
* See also:

Paul Sisko, 1990
* abstract form
* Also listed as Disk. Pieces on the grounds are sometimes moved.
* Grounds of Woodmere Art Museum. Corner of Germantown Avenue and Bells Mill Road.
* 40.082670,-75.219525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* See also:'s page for this piece

How to Retain Site Memory While Developing the Landscape
Winifred Lutz, 1990
* big abstract idea, column from the Preston Retreat
* inscription: The Preston Retreat was here once but now it is a circle for arrivals and departures.
* Courtyard Traffic Circle. CityView Condominiums. West side of 20th between Hamilton and Spring Garden.
* 39.962800,-75.171900 [map] [nearby]
* On the Franklin Town tour
* See also:'s Preston Retreat page's page for this piece

Linpro Building Fountain
WZMH Architects, 1990
* fountain
* Was on the North side of Market, West of 19th, behind what was supposed to be a plaza between twin towers. The building has since been renamed, and the fountain was replaced by a live wall in 2018 when a companion building (not the twin that was originally planned) was finally built 28 years later.
* Wall.
* 39.953875,-75.172250 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also:'s page for the building

Neons for Buttonwood
Stephen Anotonakos, 1990
* big abstract lines
* Roof. South side of CityView Condominiums. North side of Hamilton between 20th and 21st. Visible from the Parkway from 18th to 22nd..
* 39.962550,-75.171750 [map] [nearby]
* On the Franklin Town tour
* See also:
+article about this piece on

William E. Lowenberg, 1990
* abstract form
* South side of Main between Gay and Conarroe.
* 40.026050,-75.225425 [map] [nearby]
* On the Manayunk tour

Andrew Leicester, 1990
* heads, standing people, horses, fish, mermaids
* Originally installed next to and along the sidewalk in front of Pier 3, on the East side of Columbus, North of Market. Between 1990 and 2022 it gradually disappeared. For several years the part in the first picture with the small human heads was all that remained. As of April 30, 2022, even that was gone.
* 39.950125,-75.140500 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece

Starman in the Ancient Garden
Brower Hatcher, 1990
* big face, architectural elements
* The first two pictures are of the piece in its original configuration. The second two pictures were taken after 2002 when the plaza was leveled and partially converted to a driveway, most of the Ancient Garden elements were removed, and the Starman was moved closer to the Walnut Street sidewalk and surrounded by concrete bumper posts.
* Plaza. Wills Eye Hospital. Southeast corner, 9th and Walnut.
* 39.948150,-75.155550 [map] [nearby]
* On the Jefferson Center City Campus tour
* Exhibits: Favorites, Moved
* See also:'s page for this piece

Stephen Girard
Alfred Seebode, 1990 (dedicated 1992)
* Statue of Stephen Girard
* small standing person
* Center of Stephen Girard Park. 21st and Shunk.
* 39.920540,-75.18315 [map] [nearby]
* See also:
+picture of this piece at's Stephen Girard page's Stephen Girard Park page

Subject/Object Memory
Lauren Ewing, 1990
* words, chairs
* Checked July 2013. Chairs are missing. Able to transcribe most of the historical inscription.
* inscription:
This was a land of natural beauty and bounty. Oak, Maple, Hawthorne, Cherry, Sweetgum, Crabapple and Ash sheltered deer, fox, rabbit and racoon. The lower land was cut through by hundreds of creeks, and streams rich in muskrat, beaver, fish and waterfowl. This was the home of the Lenni Lenape and Minquas who lived in harmony with the land. (see natural habitat at Tinecum Envm. Cntr.)
In 1638 Swedish settlers founded the colony of New Sweden. The colony prospered and grew because of the fur trade. The settlers built log homes, dams and mills and cleared the land for farms. The wilderness was transformed. When William Penn sailed up the Delaware decades later, he saw a peaceful colony with schools, snug houses, churches and law courts with jury trials.
In 1762 Swedish worshippers built St. James Kingsessing (68th and Wdlnd). The first recorded burial was Jacob Lincoln, 1725-1769. During the Revolutionary War the British attacked Washington's men at the Blue Bell Tavern. Every 20 minutes 1,000 cannon balls were fired at Ft. Mifflin. One passed through the Adam Guyer house while the family dined. (see Cannon Ball House near Ft. Mifflin)
The Penrose Ferry Hotel and Blue Bell Tavern (built 1776) were popular meeting places for local residents and travelers. Legends flourished about marsh creatures and unsavory local characters such as One-armed Tom Robinson. In 1802 Tom framed a man for a grisly murder he committed. After the innocent man hanged, Tom gleefully admitted his misdeeds.
[not legible]
June 9, 1859 the ladies of St. James Church hosted a strawberry festival at Bartram Gardens (residence of Andrew M. Eastwick) to fund a new schoolhouse. From 1880-92, the present Penrose Plaza site was Suffolk Park Racetrack. July 9, 1866 Bud Doble drove "Dexter" to a record win in 2 min. 23 1/2 sec. Wm. T. Eastwick and Emma Thomas married on June 2, 1870 at st. James Church.
A map dated 1872 shows large farm estates in this area. Local family names were Johnson, Young, Mitchell, Holstein and Serrill. The P.B.& W Railroad stopped at Bell Road Sta. and a steam car ran on Darby St. (Woodland). It cost 5c and took only 15 min. to reach Broad and Market Sts. By '86 lots were selling in the area. New streets opened and a hotel was built.
The 20th C. brought industry and population growth to Eastwick. Fels-Naptha Soap and Brill trolley cars were made here. Land was drained for Wilson Field (now Phila. Intn. Airport). In 1927 Lindbergh landed here. During W.W.I Hog Island Naval Yard employed local workers whose sandwiches became known as "Hoagies". Everyday, 1905-16, Anthony Rubillo lit and put out the local street lamps.
The Meadows, as residents called it, was a multi-racial community with churches of all denominations. Neighborhood kids starred on American Bandstand. In 1950 it was declared an Urban Renewal Area. In 1958 the Redevelopment Authority condemned 2,535 homes and 37 churches to make way fora "city within a city." Residents strongly resisted displacement and the imposed change.
[not legible]
* In the parking lot of Penrose Plaza. West side of Island, South of Lindbergh.
* 39.899475,-75.239700 [map] [nearby]
* On the Southwest Philly tour
* Exhibits: Missing
* See also:'s Penrose Plaza page

Sidney Goodman, 1990 - 1995
* standing person, group of babies, detached face
* Pieces on the grounds tend to move over time
* Grounds of Woodmere Art Museum. Corner of Germantown Avenue and Bells Mill Road.
* 40.082550,-75.219700 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Sidney Goodman page

Dennis Koronan, 1990
* geometric forms
* 7300 Lindbergh.
* 39.907400,-75.234004 [map] [nearby]
* On the Southwest Philly tour

Video Arbor
Nam June Paik, 1990
* real plants, abstract video and images
* Entrance. East side of Franklin Town Blvd. between Wood and Callowhill (one block North of 17th and Vine).
* 39.959925,-75.167640 [map] [nearby]
* On the Franklin Town tour
* See also:'s page for this piece's Nam June Paik page