Philadelphia Public Art

Artist: Warren C. Holzman

Also the founder of Holzman Iron Studio

Campbell Square Arch
Warren C. Holzman, 2004
* partial people, tools, church, ship, train, sun, plants, fish, arch, fleur de lis, sign
* Campbell Square. Northeast side of Allegheny at Livingston.
* 39.986025,-75.103875 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Labor, Mass Transit
* See also:'s Campbell Square page

Lovett Memorial Reading Garden Benches
Warren C. Holzman, 2004
* abstract benches, words
* inscription: read, muse, grow
* In the garden of the Lovett Memorial Library. East side of Germantown, South of Sedgwick.
* 40.056650,-75.187525 [map] [nearby]
* On the Germantown Avenue tour
* See also:'s Lovett Memorial Library page

Warren C. Holzman, 2004
* big pretzel sign
* South side of Pretzel Park. Silverwood and Cotton.
* 40.025650,-75.221325 [map] [nearby]
* On the Manayunk tour
* See also:
+Maria Assia's picture of this piece at

Object for Expression
Warren C. Holzman, 2012
* In honor of a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr.
* podium
* inscription:
for impromptu performances and oration -
in honor of the neighborhood's musical history
and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s
1965 speech at 13th and Fitzwater Streets
* East side of Hawthorne Park. Northwest of the Northwest corner, 12th and Catharine.
* 39.940650,-75.162700 [map] [nearby]
* On the South Philly tour
* See also: about the opening of the park with pictures of this piece's Martin Luther King, Jr. page

Bicycle Rack
Warren C. Holzman, 2014
* small arch with intersecting curved lines
* Bike rack. Northeast corner City Hall. Southwest corner, Juniper and JFK.
* 39.952965,-75.162865 [map] [nearby]
* On the City Hall tour
* See also:'s City Hall page's City Hall page

See Also