Philadelphia Public Art

Landmark: Episcopal Cathedral

East side of 38th, North of Chestnut. On the Chestnut 29th to 40th tour.

Church of the Savior Entrance
Charles Marquedent Burns (Architect), 1889
* Relief featuring Jesus
* small kneeling, sitting, horizontal, standing people, headgear
* According to the Architecture page on the Cathedral site the facade survived the 1902 fire, so I am listing the date for this piece as 1889.
* Entrance. Episcopal Cathedral.
* 39.955717,-75.198085 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:'s entry for the building's Charles Marquedent Burns page's Jesus page

Interfaith Symbol
* symbol
* Just South of the Episcopal Cathedral.
* 39.955550,-75.198100 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious, Unidentified Artists

When I was Hungry and Thirsty
Timothy Schmalz, 2017 (installed)
* statue of Jesus
* small sitting person, head covered, chalice and plate, Christian symbolism
* Only one of the casts pictured on the artist's site includes the plate and chalice.
* inscription:
The Hungry and Thirsty Jesus
Matthew 25;35
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...
* In front of the Episcopal Cathedral.
* 39.955750,-75.198070 [map] [nearby]
* Exhibits: Religious
* See also:
+artist's page for this piece's Jesus page

See Also