Philadelphia Public Art
The Robert Morris Entrance
The Robert Morris Entrance
Walter Ballinger/Ballinger Company (Architects),
Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Company,
1922 (approximate)
* Hotel named for Robert Morris
* small
* The Robert Morris Hotel was reportedly built on top of the 1915 Wesley Building c. 1922. The entrance to the Hotel, as shown, says "The Robt Morris". The small heads are as yet unidentified.
* Entrance.
North side of Arch Street, just West of 17th.
* 39.955125,-75.168200 [map] [nearby]
* On the JFK North tour
* See also:'s page for the building article about the history of the building, including the addition of the hotel's Ballinger Company page's Conkling-Armstrong Terra Cotta Company page's Robert Morris page