Philadelphia Public Art

Penn Society Obelisk

Penn Society Obelisk
* Monument to William Penn
* obelisk, plants (on plaque), symbolic wampum belt (on plaque)
* inscription:
obelisk itself:
William Penn born 1644 died 1718
Pennsylvania founded 1681
Treaty Ground of William Penn and the Indian Natives 1682
While other colonies were in conflict and in great distress with the Indians, William Penn through his philosophy of social justice and peace, engaged their friendship and goodwill. Here is the site of the great treaty of amity between William Penn and the Indians which was held in November, 1682 for the purpose of establishing a permanent friendship. The treaty is thought to have been held under the great elm tree, which was blown down by heavy winds on Saturday night, March 3, 1810. The leaves on the seal represents the great elm, and the Wampum-belt represents the great treaty of amity.
* Penn Treaty Park. Delaware and Marlborough.
* 39.966700,-75.128150 [map] [nearby]
* On the Kensington tour
* Exhibits: Unidentified Artists
* See also:'s William Penn page's Penn Treaty Park page