Philadelphia Public Art

Person: Rebecca

Rebecca at the Well
John J. Boyle, 1908
* Biblical scene of Rebecca
* people standing, head coverings, walking stick, jug, camels
* inscription:
Drink and I will give thy camels drink also.- Genesis XXIV:XIV
I give this legacy for a triple purpose: to ornament the city that William Penn founded, to refresh the weary and thirsty, both man and beast, and to commemorate a fact of sacred story. - Extract from the will of Mary Rebecca Darby Smith
This monument was removed from Twelth and Spring Garden Streets and erected by the Philadelphia Fountain Society 1934
* East end of the Horticulture Center. Horticultural Drive. East of Belmont..
* 39.983625,-75.208700 [map] [nearby]
* On the West Park tour
* Exhibits: Religious, Moved
* See also:
+Max Buten's picture of this piece's page for this piece's John J. Boyle page's Horticulture Center page

See Also's Rebecca page