Christopher William Purdom
Philadelphia poet, heretic, and graphic artist
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Copyright 2022 Christopher William Purdom

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Based on a picture of the Atlantic I took at the Jersey shore in the spirit of surreal paintings and collages I made in High School art class. The sky, water, and beach are 3 identically sized rectangles color sampled from the elements in the original picture. The birds, clouds, waves, and shadows were all copied from the original picture and layered on top of the rectangles with size and placement altered. The sun is an orange circle color sampled from a picture I found online of a sunset. The tiger in the sun is a small fragment of a picture I found online with the opacity reduced. The roses are all edited images from online product ads. My secondary 226 Press logo is in the bottom left. I have both a hoodie and a shirt with this image on the back. The original is 3000x3000.

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