Philadelphia Public Art

Artist: Clark B. Fitz-Gerald

Milkweed Pod
Clark B. Fitz-Gerald, 1965
* big plant fountain
* Courtyard. Behind the Rohm and Haas building, West side of 6th street between Chestnut and Market (go up the steps and through the underpass).
* 39.950300,-75.151400 [map] [nearby]
* On the Independence Mall tour
* See also:'s page for this piece

Clark B. Fitz-Gerald, 1970 (approximate)
* big plant
* picture of the artist with this piece provided by and copyright Stephen Fitz-Gerald
* Northwest Corner 78th and Lindbergh.
* 39.903800,-75.243600 [map] [nearby]
* On the Southwest Philly tour

See Also

+Clark Fitz-Gerald gallery from