Philadelphia Public Art
Columbus Monument
Columbus Monument
Venturi, Scott Brown (and Rauch),
* Monument to Christopher Columbus
* big
biographical text
* At the time this piece was built the firm was named Venturi, Scott Brown
* inscription:
Charismatic Leader, Navigator, Mathematician, Cartographer
Cinquecento Anniversary
Columbus, intrepid navigator, with a sense of the sea unparalleled
before or after him. A native son of Genoa, he became through
his dedication to a dream, an honored hero of history.
His keen intellect, abiding faith, and undaunted persistence
made him a giant among men of this millenium.
* Columbus at Dock Street.
* 39.944650,-75.141500 [map] [nearby]
* On the Penn's Landing tour
* See also:'s Robert Venturi page's Denise Scott Brown page's Christopher Columbus page